[Amended 5-19-1988 by Ord. No. 7-88]
Except for the AH Zone, the restrictions and controls intended to regulate development in each zone are set forth in Article X, which is supplemented by other sections of this chapter.
The restrictions and controls intended to regulate development in the AH Zone are set forth in Article XI, which is supplemented by other sections of this chapter.
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter:
No building, structure or land shall be used, nor shall any building or structure be erected, converted, enlarged, reconstructed or structurally altered, for any use which does not comply with all the zone regulations established by this chapter for the zone in which the building, structure or land is located.
The yard regulations and the lot area per use provisions required by this chapter shall be considered minimum regulations for each and every building or structure existing at the time of the effective date of this chapter and for any building or structure hereafter erected or structurally altered. No land required for yards or for lot area per use for an existing building or structure, or required for any building or structure hereafter erected or structurally altered, shall be considered as a yard or for a lot area for any other building or structure.
Every building or structure hereafter erected or structurally altered shall be located on a lot as herein defined, and in no case shall there be more than one main building or structure and its accessory buildings on one lot unless otherwise hereinafter provided.
Every building or structure hereafter erected or structurally altered shall provide garage space or a parking area in compliance with all of the zone regulations established by this chapter for the zone in which the building or structure is located.
Building heights shall be maximum average heights, which average shall be calculated on the basis of the measurements from ground level at each of the four extreme outside corners of the building to the peak height of the roof at its highest point.
[Added 6-18-1998 by Ord. No. 9-98]
Lot divided by zone. Where a zone boundary line as established in this section or as shown on the Zoning Map divides a lot of record at the time of enactment of this chapter, the use authorized thereon and the other zone requirements applying to the least restricted portion of such lot under this chapter shall be considered as extending to the entire lot, provided that the more restricted portion of such lot is entirely within 30 feet of said dividing zone boundary line; otherwise, the use so extended shall be deemed to be nonconforming.
All buildings and structures shall hereafter be constructed, altered and used only in conformity with the requirements and regulations of the zone in which such buildings or structures are located and in which such uses thereof are conducted, except that nonconforming buildings or structures and uses thereof, as defined in this chapter, may be continued subject to the special regulations herein provided in respect to them.
No permit shall be granted for a building or use if the design or construction of such structure or use involves exceptional risks of traffic congestion or public safety or if the design or construction of said building is markedly incongruous with the character of the neighborhood as to be seriously detrimental to the value of adjacent or nearby property. If the Building Inspector finds either of the above to be the case, he shall refuse a permit.
When developing tracts have been subdivided into five or more building lots, any two buildings whose lots are within 300 feet of each other must be different in the following respects:
Single-roof buildings. Designs must differ in either of two ways:
Roof design must differ among several, such as gable, transverse gable, hip, peak, shed or combinations of these.
The height of the highest point of the roof above the elevation of the first floor and the width of the building measured under this roof must differ by at least two feet in both dimensions.
In addition to Subsection E(1)(a) and (b), the location of a built-in garage shall differ or its door shall vary in location not less than two feet in the vertical plane with respect to the main wall.
Multiroof buildings. Designs must differ in either of two ways:
The placement of all building extensions, porches and attached garages must differ with respect to the highest portion.
The height and width of the building extension, porch and attached garage must differ by at least two feet in both dimensions.
Such buildings shall differ in design or appearance in the following respects:
The locations of the windows, doors, chimney, porch and garage in that elevation of the building which faces the street frontage of the lot.
The exterior finish with respect to materials of that elevation of the building which faces the street frontage of the lot.
Nothing herein contained shall apply to restrict the height of a church spire, belfry or clock tower.
In the event that any exception to or variance from this chapter is granted by the Board of Adjustment or the Planning Board or may result from an order of the court permitting in a particular zone an otherwise nonpermitted use, all requirements, regulations or controls which would apply to the granted use in a permitted zone shall also apply to said use in the nonpermitted zone, including Board of Health approval, the submission of the site plans to the Planning Board for its approval and the submission of said plans to any other municipal, county or state board or agency as may otherwise be required.
If an existing substandard lot of record was created or subdivided after the establishment of the Borough of Kinnelon Planning Board, and if a home to be constructed on said lot is able to comply with all setback requirements, and, further, if the owner does not own any adjacent or contiguous property, a building permit may be issued without the requirement of obtaining a variance. A proposed accessory building conforming to the bulk requirements set forth in § 207-27 or a proposed open porch may be constructed without the need for a variance from minimum lot area or lot frontage from the Zoning Board of Adjustment on any parcel of land that is nonconforming as to lot area or lot frontage, if same was created or subdivided prior to 1972, and the owner does not own any adjacent or contiguous property, provided same is able to comply with all applicable setback requirements.
[Amended 5-19-2005 by Ord. No. 5-05]