[Adopted 2-1-1939 by Ord. No. 104]
[Amended 8-15-1967 by Ord. No. 477]
A New Jersey licensed professional engineer and land surveyor shall be appointed as Borough Engineer for such term as is provided by the statutes of the State of New Jersey.
It shall be the duty of the Borough Engineer to give grades for any curbs or sidewalks about to be laid and to ascertain that such curbs and sidewalks have been properly laid. It shall also be his duty to ascertain and furnish all grades for macadamizing streets, give lines and grades for opening by the Borough of new streets, make plans and specifications for such work and improvements, make assessment maps when required in connection therewith, make surveys, maps, plans, specifications and estimates for any public work or improvement required in connection therewith, which may be done in said Borough, and to make all reports, furnish all engineering services, information, supervision and attendance which shall from time to time be required of him by the Council, exclusive of engineering for any general system of sewers or drains.
Any maps, plans, specifications, estimates or papers which he shall make at the direction of the Council shall be considered the property of the Borough and upon his retirement from office, such Borough Engineer shall deliver to his successor in office, or if none has been appointed or qualified then the Borough Clerk, all property of the Borough in his possession, custody or control.
The Borough Engineer shall be ex officio Street Commissioner and also ex officio Engineer in Charge of Sewers, and as such he shall have and perform all powers and duties created or imposed by any statute, ordinance, resolution, contract or otherwise upon any street commissioner or engineer in charge of sewers, or upon any former or other Borough engineer or street commissioner of the Borough of Middlesex.
[Amended 8-15-1967 by Ord. No. 477]
It shall be the duty of the Borough Engineer to supervise All labor required for street, sidewalk, park and other Borough work at such times as this labor is required and is engaged by the Mayor and Council. It shall be the duty of the Borough Engineer to follow up and advise the Mayor and Council of all projects which may be available to the Borough of Middlesex from county, state or federal funds. It shall be the duty of the Borough Engineer to guarantee that all materials used for the Borough work will meet the required specifications and that all projects are properly and satisfactorily completed. It shall be the duty of the Borough Engineer to cooperate with the Building Inspector of the Borough of Middlesex to enforce compliance with Chapter 420, Zoning, of the Borough of Middlesex, and cooperate with the Planning Commission of the Borough of Middlesex in preparing plans for future development and growth of said Borough. It shall be the duty of the Borough Engineer to maintain all valuable records, maps, etc., in an orderly, efficient manner and to maintain accurate property monuments which are vital in the establishment of title and deeds of property owners. It shall be the duty of the Borough Engineer to plan for the proper development of the sewer and street system as well as other facilities consistent with the addition of public services throughout the Borough of Middlesex. The Borough Engineer shall have the duty of providing the governing body with accurate estimates and information as to costs of all projects authorized by it for improvements.