[Adopted 11-4-1942 by Ord. No. 130]
Editor's Note: The title was changed from Corporation Counsel to Borough Attorney 8-15-1967 by Ord. No. 475.
[Amended 8-15-1967 by Ord. No. 475]
An attorney at law of the State of New Jersey duly licensed to practice law in the State of New Jersey shall be appointed annually or for such term as provided by law to act as Borough Attorney.
The counsel to the Borough shall perform the duties imposed by statute upon the legal adviser of Boroughs by whatever title or description such officers may be designated and he shall be the legal adviser of the Borough Council and of the Mayor and of the head of each Borough department in all official matters. He shall prosecute and defend all legal or equitable actions or proceedings in any court of the State of New Jersey in which the Borough or any officer thereof as such is interested when so ordered by the Borough Council and shall appear therein as attorney and counsel for the Borough. He shall from time to time when required advise the Borough Council and their committees and officers respectively upon all Borough matters which may be submitted to him for his opinion, draw all such ordinances, resolutions, legislative bills and other official documents as may be required of him by the Borough Council or any committee thereof or by the Mayor.
He shall institute an action or proceeding in the name of the Borough or otherwise whenever instructed so to do by the Borough Council or by any authorized committee thereof or by the Mayor, and upon complaint of any responsible person, when in his judgment the public interest requires that the same be prosecuted, he may institute action or proceedings for violation of any Borough ordinance.
By consent of the Mayor or of the Chairman of the Committee on Laws and Ordinances he may compromise at any time any action for violation of any Borough ordinance and by consent of the Borough Council he may compromise any other action, suit, proceeding or controversy to which the Borough or any officer thereof is a party. He shall not appeal any action or proceeding in which judgment has been rendered against the Borough except by the direction of the Borough Council.
He shall keep records of all actions, suits and proceedings which he prosecutes or defends as counsel to the Borough and itemized accounts of all money received or disbursed by him as such official and shall promptly pay over to the Borough Treasurer any and all money coming into his hands for the use of the Borough. He shall also report in detail to the Borough Council whenever so directed by it all such receipts and disbursements together with the titles and particulars of each and every action suit or proceeding then pending and undetermined in which the Borough is interested, and shall act in regard thereto in such manner as the Borough Council may direct.
The salary of the Corporation Counsel is hereby fixed at the sum of $1,000 per annum, payable in equal monthly installments, and which said salary shall be in full compensation for all usual, ordinary and routine legal work imposed upon the Corporation Counsel by statute; but he shall nevertheless, in all cases of litigation involving the Borough or any of its officers or for any extraordinary legal services performed by him as Corporation Counsel to the Borough or any of its officers, receive such additional and reasonable compensation as may from time to time be authorized by resolution of the Mayor and Borough Council; he shall be entitled to receive and retain all taxable costs in any action, suit or proceeding which may be conducted or defended by him as such counsel and shall be reimbursed by the Borough for all disbursements made and expenses incurred in the performance of his duty as may from time to time be authorized by resolution of the Mayor and Borough Council.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 96, Salaries and Compensation.
Upon the expiration of his term of office which is fixed by statute, he shall deliver forthwith to his successor in office all legal instruments, contracts and other documents then in his hands as counsel to the Borough and all papers in actions in which the Borough is interested then pending and undetermined. He shall likewise at such time account for and pay over unto the Borough Treasurer all money, if any, then in his hands belonging to the Borough.
Ordinance No. 12, entitled "An Ordinance to prescribe the duties and fix the compensation of the Corporation Counsel," approved September 8, 1913, and Ordinance No. 13, entitled "An Ordinance to provide for the office of Corporation Counsel," approved September 8, 1913, are hereby repealed.