[Amended 9-23-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-10]
[Amended 3-24-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-06]
B-1 District goals.
Reinforce the main purpose of downtown Mount Holly as the shopping and gathering focus of the community.
Preserve the vitality, scale, character, variety, and consistency of the existing urban fabric.
Accommodate a mix of uses that maintains the liveliness of the street and supports downtown commercial activity.
Add to the community's tax ratables.
Provide diverse residential choices while recognizing the importance of retail use at the ground floor.
Description: a multistory building with multiple dwellings or offices in upper stories (second floor and above) and retail use only on the ground floor.
“Retail Use” is defined as a business whose sale is made on the premises to the ultimate consumer of the commodities or services or the furnishing thereof for the entire community. Examples include, but are not limited to, restaurants, bar, coffee shops, clothing retail, furniture retail, art galleries, hair and nail salons/barber shops, tattoo parlors, businesses operating as a cannabis retailer licensed under N.J.S.A. 24:6I-31 et seq., and similar type businesses.
[Amended 7-19-2022 by Ord. No. 2021-10; 4-3-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-3]
Any building containing a retail store or service establishment upon the first floor may be constructed so that on the second and third floor there may be not more than one dwelling unit above on each story for each said retail store or service establishment, provided that there shall be a lot area of 2,500 square feet per family unit.
Accessory uses customarily incident to the above uses shall be permitted.
Tattoo parlors are a permitted use in the B-1 Zone. However, tattoo parlor storefronts and related identification signage shall not be not permitted on Mill Street and/or High Street. Tattoo parlors located on Mill Street and/or High Street shall however be permitted to post signage at the rear exterior of the building identifying the business given such signage is not visible from Mill Street and/or High Street.
[Added 4-3-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-3]
[Amended 3-24-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-06]
Any use other than those uses permitted by § 149-110 above is prohibited in Mount Holly Township's downtown B-1 Zone; more particularly, but not limited thereto, none of the following uses shall be permitted: pawn shops; gold and coin exchange businesses; bail bonds business; massage parlors; addiction or mental health treatment centers; used car lots, unless an accessory use; dry-cleaning establishments using flammable cleaning liquids; junkyards; outdoor amusements; warehouses, unless as an accessory building; storage buildings; auction establishments; any industrial use; and public dance halls, unless the dance is sponsored by a charitable organization. For the purposes of this Part 3, laundries, bakeries, printing shops, dry-cleaning establishments and other businesses in which a product is produced shall be deemed to be industries, where they employ more than 10 persons or use machinery of more than 10 horsepower, but it is not intended that a retail store or a service, such as a hotel, department store or a bank, shall be limited in the number of its employees.
[Amended 4-3-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-3]
Notwithstanding the above prohibited uses, any existing pawn shops and/or gold and coin exchanges located in the B-1 Zone prior to the effective date of this section shall not be deemed to violate this section and shall be permitted to remain at its current location within the B-1 Zone.
Residential use is prohibited on the ground floor of any building located within the B-1 Zone, but may exist on the second floor or above.
Use of the ground floor as office space of any building located within the B-1 District is prohibited, but may exist on the second floor or above.
The following requirements must be complied with in the Central Business District:
Height. No building shall exceed a maximum of three stories or 45 feet in height, whichever is the lesser.
Side yards. All business buildings may be built without side yards except that where a side yard in the business zone adjoins the side yard in a residential zone, there shall be a minimum side yard in the business zone of 10 feet adjacent to the residential zone side yard. Parking may be permitted in the side yard.
Rear yard. Rear yards are not required except where a business abuts a residential use, in which case a twenty-five-foot rear yard is required. Parking may be permitted in the rear yard.