[Adopted 3-24-81 as Ord. No. 67]
Petition. The developer or property owner may petition for a street or road to be taken into the county system of roads for maintenance as a part of subdivision plat approval.
Definitions. As used in this Article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any division of a lot, tract or parcel of land or part thereof into two (2) or more parcels.
Compliance with standards and regulations. The developer or property owner will be required to have complied with requirements of these standards and regulations pertaining to grading, grades, drainage, width of streets, dead-end streets, culverts and bridges, stormwater easements, curbs and gutters, curb radius, intersections, sidewalks and base. This shall be at the developer's or property owner's expense as required for plat approval by the Planning Commission.
Establishment of boundaries. The developer or property owner will be responsible for establishing all necessary boundaries with cement posts and paying the cost thereof, including the removal or adjustment of utility poles.
Review of plans; inspections. Plans will be reviewed by the County Engineer, and the County Engineer will also inspect and approve all required improvements.
Specifications for final surface. Final surface shall be provided for by the developer, consisting of a minimum of two (2) coats of tar and chip, twenty (20) feet wide, and meeting the specifications of the County Engineer.
Prior to acceptance into the county roads system, all streets or roads shall meet the following specifications:
Width of streets. The minimum dedicated width of streets or roads between property lines shall be fifty (50) feet. Additional width may be required for collector-type streets which may be anticipated to carry heavier volumes of traffic.
Grading. Before acceptance by the Board of County Commissioners, all streets and/or roads must be graded to provide designed drainage and to attain the proper cross section as shown in Drawing No. 1 attached to these regulations.[1] Easments shall be provided outside the right-of-way for the construction and maintenance of slopes and for the construction and maintenance of drainage when same falls outside the right-of-way limits as shown in Drawing No. 1.
Editor's Note: Drawing No. 1 is included at the end of this chapter.
Dead-end streets. No dead-end streets will be accepted unless they are provided with a circular turnaround having a minimum radius of forty (40) feet right-of-way.
Grades. The minimum allowable grade on any street shall be one-half of one percent (1/2 of 1%), and maximum allowable grades shall be five percent (5%), although when topographic or other conditions make heavier grades necessary, the Board of County Commissioners may give its approval upon the recommendation of the County Roads Engineer when, in the opinion of the Roads Engineer, it causes no hazard to the road or traffic.
Drainage. Proper and adequate provisions for drainage shall be made for the disposal of stormwater, on and adjacent to the right-of-way, of a design, grade and capacity as determined by the rational method or other method as approved by the County Roads Engineer. Such drainage shall be carried to a permanent drainage outlet secured by proper legal agreements. Grades of side ditches and culverts shall be shown on the plat.
Bridges and culverts. All watercourses crossed by streets, roads, alleys or entranceways shall be provided with permanent bridges, culverts or pipes extending the full width of the street, road, alley or entranceway of adequate size as determined by the rational method or other method as approved by the County Engineer. Material shall be asphalt-coated corrugated galvanized steel or other material as approved by the County Engineer. All material and construction methods shall meet Maryland State Highway Administration specifications and standards. Headwalls, of a type and standard as approved by the County Roads Engineer, shall be provided where determined necessary by the County Engineer.
Stormwater easements. In the event that the subdivision or development is traversed by a natural or designed watercourse (channel, stream, creek or ditch), easements must be furnished, by dedication, conforming substantially to and adjacent to the lines of such watercourse so as to enable the most economic maintenance by the Board. The exact width and location of such easements shall be determined by the County Engineer.
Curbs and gutters; curb radius; intersections.
If a curb, gutter or curb and gutter are to be constructed, the limits of such construction shall be as shown on Drawing No. 2 attached to these regulations and shall conform to specifications and approval of the County Roads Engineer.[2]
Editor's Note: Drawing No. 2 is included at the end of this chapter.
If the curb, gutter or curb and gutter are to be included, the minimum radius at corners for such shall be fifteen (15) feet.
Where no curb, gutter or curb and gutter are to be placed, the minimum radius at corners shall be twenty-five(25) feet. Intersections should be as nearly at ninety-degree angles as designs will permit.
Sidewalks. Sidewalks, if placed, shall be located at least eighteen (18) inches from the right-of-way line of the road or street and shall be constructed as shown on Drawing No. 2 attached to these regulations[3] and shall conform to the Maryland State Highway Administration Standard drawing for such construction and shall meet the approval of the County Roads Engineer.
Editor's Note: Drawing No. 2 is included at the end of this chapter.
Base course. Before acceptance by the Board of County Commissioners, all streets and/or roads must be provided with a base course, meeting the specifications and to the depth, width and cross section shown in Drawing No. 1 attached to these regulations.[4] Blending of materials will be permitted. Final density shall be ninety-five percent (95%) of laboratory determined density as determined by AASHTO T180, Method D, as provided by the developer. Other types of base may be substituted upon approval of the County Roads Engineer. However, substitutions must provide a minimum density, in place of one hundred twenty (120) pounds per cubic foot. All materials and construction methods shall meet current Maryland State Highway Administration specifications. Samples shall be taken at a frequency of not less than one (1) per one thousand (1,000) feet and shall be at the cost of the developer.
Editor's Note: Drawing No. 1 is included at the end of this chapter.
Before acceptance by the Board, an street improvements shall be made in accordance with the aforegoing specifications and the standard drawings attached hereto.[1] All materials shall meet Maryland State Highway Administration specifications, except as otherwise noted. In addition, all construction methods shall be according to current Maryland State Highway Administration Standards and Specifications, except as may be shown in the standard drawings attached hereto. All improvements shall be subject to the supervision and approval of the County Roads Engineer.
Editor's Note: The drawing referred to in this section are included at the end of this chapter.