The Board of Trustees has inspected Parcels 13, 25 and 28 of Sheet 1 and Lot 3, Block 601, of Sheet 1 ("parcels") of the Village Tax Map and has reviewed topographic surveys showing proposed developments of said parcels under a clustered subdivision plan and a conventional subdivision plan. The Board of Trustees has determined that the parcels form a unique shape with a long, narrow, private access, that the parcels contain and abut open land areas, including the Old Croton Aqueduct and county open space property (Lenore Preserve), and that the parcels abut a residential institution (Graham-Windham School) and an apartment house. The Board of Trustees further finds that the views, terrain and elevations are such that a clustered housing development is likely to be less visible from surrounding areas than a conventional one-family home development.
The Board of Trustees finds that the creation of a clustered housing district confined to the parcels will result in a substantially diminished impact upon the community or change in the general appearance of the village and neighboring properties and is less likely to be seen by persons passing by or on Broadway, and will substantially promote the conservation and enhancement of natural beauty and resources on land not topographically suitable for the construction of a conventional one-family home subdivision.