There is hereby established in and for the Village of Hastings-on-Hudson a board to be known as the "Electrical Licensing Board," hereinafter referred to as the "Board."
This Board shall consist of five persons, who shall be appointed by the Village Board of Trustees as follows:
An officer or employee of the Village Building Department.
An electrical contractor or journeyman holding a master electrician's license.
A New York Board of Fire Underwriters Inspector.
An electrician regularly employed by an industrial firm.
A graduate electrical engineer and/or utility representative.
The Board shall elect from its membership a Chairman, who shall retain voting rights identical with those of the remainder of the Board.
The Board shall appoint from its membership a Secretary, who shall retain voting rights identical with those of the remaining members of the Board, and may, at its discretion, remove the incumbent Secretary and appoint another Secretary from one of its five members.
Three members, one of whom may be the Chairman, shall constitute a quorum of the Board for the transaction of business. No recommendations for the issuance, modification, suspension or revocation of a license shall be adopted except by the affirmative vote of at least three members.
Appointments to the Board shall become effective on the first regular meeting of April.
Of the members first appointed, one shall be appointed for a term of one year; two for a term of two years; and two for a term of three years; except that they may continue to serve after the expiration of their respective terms of office until their successors have been appointed and have qualified.
The successors to all members appointed by virtue of § 128-6A above shall be appointed for a term of three years, except that they may continue to serve after the expiration of their terms of office until their successors have been appointed and have qualified.
A vacancy occurring in the membership of the Board from any cause shall be filled as soon as possible by the Board of Trustees of the village for the unexpired term of the member whose office has become vacant.
Service of any member of the Board may be terminated voluntarily by the member or for good and sufficient reason by the Village Board of Trustees at any time.
Service as a member of the Board shall be completely voluntary, without salary or compensation, except that any personal expenses incurred by a member in direct pursuit of Board activities may be reimbursed by the village upon recommendation of the Board of Trustees.
The Board shall meet at least once each month or as many other times as, in the opinion of the Chairman or a majority of the Board, are necessary or desirable for the effective discharge of the business of the Board.
The Board shall examine all applicants for license as to qualifications required by this chapter, shall pass judgment on all licensing matters brought to its attention and shall make appropriate recommendations to the village authorities as to the issuance, modification, suspension or revocation of licenses.
The Board shall keep a record of all its meetings and proceedings and its recommendations to the Village Board of Trustees.