To seek and to obtain for each position to be filled, the highest type and best qualified person available.
To provide for all employees the best possible leadership, supervision, guidance, instruction and working conditions.
To base promotion and job security on ability, performance, experience, character, integrity, attitude, interest and personality.
To make the best possible use of employee skills and abilities, in order to have each job performed by the person best qualified to do so.
To first consider qualified borough personnel for promotion, whenever there is an opportunity for advancement.
To treat every employee with the justice, respect, courtesy and consideration properly due him.
To expect every employee to do the best work of which he is capable, to be loyal and conscientious at all times, to conduct himself in a proper manner and to treat all with whom he comes in contact with the same consideration and courtesy that he expects from them.
To encourage all employees to offer suggestions for doing a better job in less time, with less effort and at a lower cost.
To urge the self-betterment of every employee; to encourage him to study and seek all possible means of increasing his value, both to his community and to himself.
To pay fair and adequate salaries for each position and, in return, to expect a consistently good job.
To impress on all employees that they are serving, and responsible to, the taxpayers of their community.
To inculcate and to maintain in every employee of the Borough of Rutherford a feeling of pride and job satisfaction because he serves, lives in and is an important part of one of the finest residential communities in the State of New Jersey.
[Added 12-15-1959 by Ord. No. 1798]
The way you answer the telephone affects the public relations of the borough. While on the telephone, you are an important source of good will to the local government. To the caller, you are the government. Answer promptly, identify yourself and the department, be courteous, speak directly into the mouthpiece in a quiet well-modulated voice.
The borough telephones are for use in conducting borough business. The use of these telephones for personal calls is discouraged. No personal toll calls are to be made from borough telephones.