Words and phrases, when used in this Part 1, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Vehicle Code of Pennsylvania, as now in force, or as hereafter amended, enacted, or reenacted, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning.
In this Part 1, the singular shall include the plural, the plural shall include the singular, and the masculine shall include the feminine.
Although the streets of the Borough are laid out in a northeast-southwest and a northwest-southeast direction, for the purpose of this Part 1, directions and locations in respect to streets shall be expressed in terms of the cardinal points of the compass only. In determining such directions and locations, it shall be assumed that Potomac Street and parallel streets run in a north-south direction and that Main Street and parallel streets run in an east-west direction.
All traffic and parking regulations of a permanent nature shall be enacted as ordinances or as parts of ordinances or as amendments to ordinances of the Borough of Waynesboro.
[Amended 7-3-1974 by Ord. No. 767]
The Mayor shall have the following powers to regulate traffic and parking temporarily and in time of emergency:
In the case of fire, flood, storm or other emergency, to establish temporary traffic and/or parking regulations.
In the case of emergency or to facilitate public works, or in the conduct of parades, processions or public events, to restrict or prohibit traffic and/or parking in limited areas for periods of not more than 72 hours.
For the purpose of loading and unloading, to restrict or prohibit traffic and/or parking in limited areas for periods of not more than eight hours in order to facilitate traffic flow.
In the case of repairs or maintenance to structures having no suitable off-street parking, to facilitate said repair or maintenance by people engaged in business of repairs such as electricians, plumbers, telephone persons, TV cable persons, and other construction and maintenance personnel to restrict or prohibit traffic and/or parking in limited areas for such period of time as is reasonable.
On primary, general, or special election dates, the Mayor shall provide a minimum of six parking places at any officially designated voting poll in the Borough of Waynesboro for use of persons voting only while such voter is engaged in the process of voting and shall for that purpose restrict or prohibit traffic and/or parking in said area for the period of time while said poll is open for voting.
Such temporary and emergency regulations shall be enforced by the Mayor and the Police Department in the same manner as permanent regulations. Any person who shall operate or park a vehicle of any type or tractor in violation of any such regulation or who shall move, remove, destroy, injure, or deface any sign erected or posted to give notice of any such regulation shall upon conviction thereof be liable to the penalty set forth in the law or elsewhere in this Part 1 for violation of such nature and in case of a violation for which no specific penalty is set forth in the law or elsewhere in this Part 1 to a fine of not more than $50 and costs of prosecution.
The Borough Council may, from time to time, designate places upon and along the streets and alleys of the Borough where, for a period of not more than 90 days, specific traffic and/or parking regulations, prohibitions and restrictions shall be in force and effect and shall designate such locations by proper signs and markings. Such regulations, prohibitions and restrictions shall be effective just as if they had been specified in this Part 1. No person shall operate or park a vehicle or tractor in violation of any such regulation, prohibition or restriction, and no person shall move, remove, destroy or deface any sign or marking erected or made by authority of this section. Any person who shall violate any provision of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be liable to the penalty set forth in the law or elsewhere in this Part 1 for a violation of such nature, and, in case of a violation for which no specific penalty is set forth in the law or elsewhere in this Part 1, to a fine of not more than $10 and costs of prosecution, and, in default of payment of such fine and costs, to imprisonment for not more than five days. Provided: the purpose of this section is to allow for the test and experimental determination of the feasibility and desirability of permanent changes in the ordinances of the Borough relative to traffic and parking.
The police officers of the Borough are hereby given authority to direct traffic on the highways of the Borough, and at intersections thereof.