[Adopted by the Town Council 1-26-1988 by Ord. No. 30]
The provisions of Connecticut General Statutes Section 7-163a, concerning municipal liability for snow and ice on public sidewalks, are hereby adopted.
In accordance with Section 7-163a:
The Town of Tolland shall not be liable to any person injured in person or property caused by the presence of ice or snow on a public sidewalk unless the Town of Tolland is the owner or person in possession and control of land abutting such sidewalk, other than land used as a highway or street, provided that the Town of Tolland shall be liable for its affirmative acts with respect to such sidewalk.
The owner or person in possession and control of land abutting a public sidewalk shall have the same duty of care with respect to the presence of ice or snow on such sidewalk toward the portion of the sidewalk abutting his property as the municipality had prior to the effective date of this Article and shall be liable to persons injured in person or property where a breach of said duty is the proximate cause of said injury.
No action to recover damages for injury to the person or to property caused by the presence of ice or snow on a public sidewalk against a person who owns or is in possession and control of land abutting a public sidewalk shall be brought but within two years from the date when the injury is first sustained.
[Added 3-26-1996 by Ord. No. 53]
The owner of any land or building bordering upon any street within the Town of Tolland where there is a sidewalk or fire hydrant shall cause to be removed therefrom any and all snow, sleet or ice within 24 hours after the same shall have stopped falling, been deposited or formed. This section shall not apply to nonpressurized dry hydrants. Owners of property who are both physically and financially unable to comply with this section may have their sidewalk or hydrant cleared by the Town of Tolland.
If any such owner neglects to clear the sidewalk or fire hydrant in front of the owner's building or land within the time herein limited, the Town of Tolland may cause the same to be cleared and also shall charge the owner $35 per offense.
Any such owner who piles or blows snow into the public way shall be charged $50 per offense.
Notice of any such violation and charge shall be mailed to the responsible owner within 10 days after the violation. If any such charge is not paid by the owner within 30 days thereafter, the same shall be a lien upon the premises adjoining and fronting the sidewalk, provided that the Town of Tolland causes a certificate of lien to be recorded in the Town Clerk's office within 45 days of the date of mailing of the notice of violation.