The purpose of this chapter is to promote the
general welfare of the people of the Borough of Dumont by:
A. Providing for the regulation, planting, care, control,
improvement, removal, preservation, and general protection of Borough
trees in such a way as to protect and preserve the Borough environment
with regard to public lands and public safety interests;
B. Incorporating a Community Forestry Management Plan;
C. Providing for standards and procedures in connection
with Borough trees; and
D. Prescribing penalties for violations of this chapter.
The Dumont Community Forest is recognized to
be a living and constantly changing part of the Borough. As such,
it is recognized that it is not possible to completely control, predict
or prevent all events related to planting, growth, maintenance, decline,
and death of trees. However, the general objective of this chapter
is to establish a system for better managing this valuable resource
through the program established under the New Jersey Shade Tree and
Community Forestry Assistance Act, P.L. 1996, Chapter 135, and subsequent
revisions thereto. The Community Stewardship Incentive Program Practices
C. Public education and awareness.
F. Tree hazard identification plan.
L. Insect and disease management.
The following shall be exempt from the requirements
of this chapter:
A. Bergen County roads located in the Borough, without
approval of the Bergen County Shade Tree Commission (if any) or, the
Bergen County Department of Parks and Recreation;
B. Any living woody, deciduous or coniferous species
which does not qualify as a tree under the definitions of this chapter;
C. Utility and cable companies undertaking emergency
tree work to restore service or spot work to prevent interruption
of electrical, telephone, telegraph, cable TV, Internet, or other
wire or cellular services provided that such utility or cable company
has complied with notice provisions.