[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Saranac Lake 11-1-1965 (Ch. 60 of the 1965 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Unless otherwise expressly stated, whenever used in this chapter, the following words shall have the meaning given to them by the section:
Permission granted by the Village of Saranac Lake, New York to any person to drive upon the streets of such Village any licensed taxicab.
Any person owning or having control of the use of one or more taxicabs used for hire upon the streets of the Village of Saranac Lake, New York or engaged in the business of operating a taxicab.
One or more persons of either sex, natural persons, corporations, partnerships, associations, joint stock companies, societies and all other entities of such kind capable of being sued.
Any street, alley, avenue, court, bridge, lane or public place in the Village of Saranac Lake, New York.
Any motor vehicle or other conveyance engaged in the business of carrying persons for hire, whether the same be operated from taxicab stand or subject to calls from a garage or otherwise operated for hire, except vehicles subject to the provisions of the Transportation Corporation Law or used by undertakers in carrying on their business.
Any person who drives a taxicab, whether such person be the owner of such taxicab or employed by a taxicab owner or operator.
Permission granted by the Village of Saranac Lake, New York to any person to operate or keep for hire any taxicab in such Village.
Any location or place designated by the Board of Trustees of said Village from which taxicabs shall be operated and stationed, except when said taxicabs are actually engaged in going to, or coming from, calls.
No person shall operate or permit to be operated a taxicab within the Village of Saranac Lake, New York which is not licensed under the provisions of this chapter. No person shall operate a taxicab within the Village of Saranac Lake, New York, except a taxicab driver licensed under the provisions of this chapter.
[Amended 2-22-1971; 4-4-1974; 5-14-1979 by L.L. No. 2-1979; 6-8-1981 by L.L. No. 1-1981]
By decision of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Saranac Lake, hereafter there shall be no minimum and no maximum rates for taxicab fares in the Village of Saranac Lake.
Notwithstanding Subsection A of this section, rates shall be established by the individuals, persons, firms, corporations, partnerships or associations, and rate cards shall be posted in accordance with § 260-4.
Each person, firm, corporation, copartnership or association licensed hereunder shall provide a rate card upon which will be designated the license of the car and the rates prescribed by this chapter. Said rate card shall be placed in a card frame within the taxicab in such a manner that it may be seen and read by the passengers, and its position therein must be approved by the Police Department of said Village.
Taxicab licenses shall be issued as of the first day of June of each year and shall be valid until the last day of May of the following year, unless sooner revoked as hereinafter provided. Applications for licenses shall be made upon forms supplied by the Village Clerk. A certificate of the Chief of Police that the vehicle sought to be licensed has been examined by a competent mechanic designated by him and found to be in good mechanical condition and clean and sanitary, and all charges or fees for said mechanical inspections shall be chargeable to the licenses. Licenses shall be signed by the Village Manager and countersigned by the Village Clerk. Such licenses shall be nontransferable. Each taxicab license shall be a part of the rate card and posted as stated in § 260-4. The licensee shall also be furnished by the Village Board with a plate with the license number of said vehicle thereon and be conspicuously displayed on each licensed vehicle at all times when operating under such license.
Each individual or corporation in consideration of the privilege and benefit of operating an automobile, omnibus or other motor vehicle for the transportation of persons for hire or a consideration on, along and over the streets and public thoroughfares of the Village of Saranac Lake, New York, shall be and hereby is required to pay and there is imposed a license fee of the sum of $10 per year or any part thereof. Said license fee permits and grants the privilege of each individual or corporation to operate one vehicle for said purposes. For each additional automobile, omnibus or other vehicle used or operated by said individual or corporation there shall be imposed the additional sum of $5 per year or any part thereof.
The Village Board shall, in its discretion, determine the number of taxicab licenses to be issued. When in any year the number of applications for such licenses shall exceed the number authorized by the Village Board, the Chief of Police shall determine which applicants shall be licensed, such determination being based on the previous record, if any, of the applicants with respect to conditions of the vehicle, observation of the provisions of laws and ordinances affecting their operation, and character of service, if any, rendered by each applicant.
The determination of the Chief of Police with respect to each application shall be subject to review by the Village Board upon application by the prospective licensee.
[Amended 1-2-1968]
Taxicab drivers' licenses shall be issued as of the first day of June of each year and shall be valid until the last day of May of the following year, unless sooner revoked as herein provided. The fee for such license shall be $2. Applications for such licenses shall be made upon forms prepared and supplied by the Village Clerk and shall be accompanied by the required fee, such application shall be signed as approved or disapproved by the Chief of Police. License shall be signed by the Village Manager and countersigned by the Village Clerk and shall be nontransferable. The Village shall supply to each licensee an insignia or button to be attached to the clothing of the taxicab driver and conspicuously displayed while actually engaged in operating a taxicab. An applicant for such license must be a citizen of the United States, the holder of a New York State chauffeur's license, not addicted to the use of drugs or intoxicating liquors, state whether he has ever been convicted of a felony, state if his license has ever been revoked, and if so, for what reason. The application form shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant. A taxicab driver shall not refuse a call from any orderly person unless he is previously engaged.
The Village Manager or Chief of Police shall take cognizance of any act, conduct or omission by those to whom these regulations are applicable, which is prejudicial, offensive or detrimental to the best interests of the public, although not specifically mentioned in this chapter, and may as a result suspend a license. In addition, the Chief of Police may suspend a license issued hereunder immediately upon the preferring of charge of violation of this chapter or of any law or ordinance affecting the operation of a motor vehicle. If the person or persons affected by such suspension desire a hearing thereon, application therefor shall be made within 10 days after such suspension to the Village Board which shall thereafter hold a hearing thereon. The Village Board after such hearing, may remove the suspension, continue the same for a period determined by it or revoke the license, and its determination shall be final.
All public taxicab stands heretofore established or designated by said Village of Saranac Lake, New York, are hereby approved as of November 1, 1965, and the Chief of Police of said Village is hereby authorized to locate and designate taxicab stands subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees of said Village. Applications for the establishment of a taxicab stand, shall be granted solely in the discretion of the Chief of Police, with the approval of the Village Board, and may be revoked by said Board at any time. Applications for a permit of a taxicab stand shall be made upon forms prepared and supplied by the Village Clerk, and shall designate the locations of the proposed taxicab stand, the facilities available at said location for the protection of the safety and health of the public and such other information as the Village Board may deem necessary for the protection of the public.
Violation of any provisions of this chapter shall constitute disorderly conduct and every person violating the same shall be a disorderly person and shall be subject to a fine not exceeding $25 for the first offense and $50 for each subsequent offense. Unless otherwise provided herein, or unless such violation shall be punishable by the laws of the State of New York or the Village of Saranac Lake, the violation of any of its provisions of this chapter as amended shall constitute disorderly conduct, and shall be punishable as such.