In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 1965 Code have been included in the 2023 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. I.
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title From 1965 Code
Location in 2023 Code
Ch. 1, General Provisions
Art. I, In General
NLP; see Ch. 1, Art. I
Ch. 3, Alcoholic Beverage Containers
Ch. 62
Ch. 4, Assessment of Real Property
Ch. 5
Ch. 8, Bingo
Ch. 75
Ch. 10, Building Code
Superseded by L.L. No. 7-2008; see now Ch. 98
Ch. 11, Buildings, Unsafe
Ch. 86
Ch. 12, Carnivals and Circuses
Ch. 14, Curfew
Superseded by L.L. No. 5-2002; see now Ch. 103
Ch. 14A, Department of Public Works
Ch. 45
Ch. 15, Dogs
Art. I, General Provisions
Superseded by L.L. No. 1-2008; see now Ch. 68, Art. I
Art. II, Leash Law
Superseded by L.L. No. 1-2008; see now Ch. 68, Art. I
Art. III, Sanitary Disposal of Dog Feces
Ch. 17, Dumps and Dumping
Ch. 21, Electrical Standards
Ch. 117
Ch. 23, Entertainment, Sunday
Ch. 24, Ethics, Code of
Ch. 12
Ch. 25, Explosives
Ch. 26, Firearms
Ch. 134
Ch. 27, Fireworks
Ch. 142
Ch. 28, Fire Prevention
Ch. 138
Ch. 29, Flood Damage Prevention
Repealed by L.L. No. 4-2016; see now Ch. 106
Ch. 30, Freedom of Information
Ch. 31, Games of Chance
Ch. 153
Ch. 32, Hawkers and Peddlers
Ch. 33, Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse
Ch. 34, Inflammable Volatiles
Ch. 167
Ch. 35, Junk Vehicles
Ch. 281
Ch. 38, Liability of Village in Certain Actions
Ch. 181
Ch. 41, Motor Boats; Water Ski Zones
Ch. 81
Ch. 44, Notice of Public Hearing
Ch. 44
Ch. 46, Officers and Employees
Art. I, Appointments Law
Ch. 33, Art. I
Art. II, Village Justices
Ch. 48, Peace and Good Order
Ch. 188
Ch. 49, Plumbing
Ch. 51, Publication of Abstracts
Art. I, Ordinances Generally
Art. II, Zoning Laws
Ch. 51A, Publicity Fund
Ch. 52, Sewers, Private and Public; Sewer Drains
Ch. 221
Ch. 55, Signs
Repealed by L.L. No. 4-2016; see now Ch. 106
Ch. 55A, Snowmobiles
Ch. 232
Ch. 56, Solicitors and Canvassers
Ch. 57, Streets and Sidewalks
Art. I, Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places Generally
Ch. 243, Art. I
Art. II, Street and Sidewalk Opening Permits
Ch. 243, Art. II
Ch. 58, Surgical and Hospitalization Insurance
Ch. 58A, Swimming Pools
Ch. 58B, Swimming
Ch. 248
Ch. 59, Taxation
Art. I, Utility Tax
Ch. 255, Art. I
Art. II, Veterans Exemption from Real Property Taxation
Ch. 255, Art. II
Art. III, Real Property Tax Exemption
Ch. 255, Art. III
Art. IV, Business Investment Exemption
Ch. 255, Art. IV
Art. V, Industrial and Commercial Incentive Board
Ch. 255, Art. V
Ch. 60, Taxicabs
Ch. 260
Ch. 61, Transient Business
Ch. 61A, Traffic Violations Bureau
Ch. 62, Trees
Superseded by L.L. No. 2-2020; see now Ch. 269
Ch. 64, Vehicles and Traffic
Art. I, General Provisions
Ch. 276, Art. I
Art. II, Traffic Control Signal
Ch. 276, Art. II
Art. III, Handicapped Parking
Ch. 276, Art. III
Ch. 66, Water
Ch. 288, Art. I
Ch. 68, Zoning
See now Ch. 106
Water Supply Rules and Regulations