Except as otherwise provided by applicable law, ordinance or rule of court, the following regulations shall be strictly enforced:
The owner shall keep weeds and grasses in his lawn or unpaved area at a height of six inches or less.
Shrubs, bushes, trees, ornamental grasses or other vegetation are not to violate the clear site triangle as defined by the Borough Zoning Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 265, Zoning.
No vegetation shall be permitted to overhang the sidewalk along the public street as to obstruct pedestrian traffic.
No vegetation of any kind shall be permitted to grow on, in or between any paved, bricked or cemented sidewalk.
Vegetation on unpaved sidewalks shall be cut to a height of two inches.
No obstructions are to be permitted that would impede or obstruct pedestrian traffic.
All other uses or conditions of premises, public or private, otherwise made illegal by ordinance, law or rule of court are hereby expressly made subject to the provisions of this chapter and are thereby made subject to the enforcement, proscriptions and penalties provided hereunder.