[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Council of the Township of Manchester by Ord. No. 74-40 (Sec. 13-5 of the 1996 Revised General Ordinances); amended in its entirety 7-12-2010 by Ord. No. 10-014. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Land use and development — See Ch. 245.
Littering — See Ch. 253.
Mobile homes and trailers — See Ch. 267.
Parks and recreation areas — See Ch. 288.
Within the limits of the Township, no person, firm or corporation shall conduct or carry on the business of the operation of a campground, or work in, occupy, or directly or indirectly in any manner whatsoever utilize any place or premises in which is conducted or carried on a campground, unless and until there shall be granted by the governing body of the Township, in accordance with the terms of this chapter, and shall be in force and effect, a license to conduct the campground for the place and premises in or at which the same shall be conducted and carried on.
If the Township Council determines that deficiencies exist so that issuance of a conditional license is appropriate, a conditional license may be issued. The conditions for such a license shall be those recommended by the Township Construction Official or other appropriate Township officials. The conditions must be met before a regular license may be issued. The conditions shall be set forth as attachments to the conditional license. Such a license shall be valid for no more than one year.
[Added 11-8-2010 by Ord. No. 10-031]
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A plot of ground upon which two or more campsites are located, established or maintained for occupancy by camping units of the general public as temporary quarters for children or adults, or both, for recreation or vacation purposes.
A recreational vehicle that is mounted on wheels and is capable of being temporarily located on a campsite. Camping trailers shall be permitted on campgrounds.
Includes any camp trailer, travel trailer or other unit built or mounted on a vehicle or chassis, designed without permanent foundation, which is used for temporary dwelling or sleeping purposes and which, under the provisions of Title 39 of the Revised Statutes of New Jersey, may be legally driven or towed by a passenger automobile on a highway.
A recreational park trailer means a trailer-type unit that is primarily designed to provide temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, or seasonal use, that meets the criteria referenced in N.J.A.C. 5:23-4D.2.
An application for a license or a renewal for an annual license shall be made to the Township Clerk in triplicate on a form provided for such application by the Township Clerk. The application must be accompanied by payment to the Township of Manchester in the amount of $500, which fee is unreturnable.
The fee is applicable to the conditional license.
[Added 11-8-2010 by Ord. No. 10-031]
Applicant has complied with all other applicable ordinances of the Township and statutes of the State of New Jersey.
Applicant, if a corporation, has submitted to the Township Council the following:
Names and addresses of all stockholders in such corporation.
Names and addresses for preceding five years of all officers and directors of such corporation.
Corporate status report and franchise tax report; or applicant, if not a corporation but trading under a trade name, has submitted a list of all principals, together with their addresses for the preceding five years.
The Police Department of the Township shall use the information required under § 118-4B of the preceding section to aid in its acquiring additional information. Report of such information acquired by the Police Department shall be submitted to the Township council and shall be used as basis for determining whether consideration of such application would be in the best interests of the Township.
The license for the campground shall expire on the 31st day of December next following the date of issuance and shall be valid for a period of one year. No campground shall be operated unless a valid license is obtained.
The renewal of a campground license shall and may be obtained from the Township Clerk for each succeeding year in which the operation of the existing campground is sought to be continued upon the payment to the Clerk of the operating license fees as provided hereinafter; provided, however, that no such renewal shall be issued, if, with respect to the campgrounds:
There is any notice of an alleged violation issued pursuant to this chapter outstanding and unresolved.
The licensee has not paid to the Township any sum due to the Township under this chapter.
The licensee has failed or refused to correct a condition that would constitute a violation of this chapter.
The licensee has failed to pay or cause to be paid any taxes upon the lands covered by such license.
The licensee is in violation of any federal, state, county or municipal law or ordinance or health regulation as a result of any activity or operation under this chapter.
Failure to remedy a public health or safety violation may result in revocation of the campground license by the Township.
A license or permit shall not be transferable without the permission of the Township Council. Any party so desiring to transfer a license or permit shall notify the Township Council whereupon a hearing may be held to determine the qualifications of the transferee.
In the event such transfer is a corporation of the State of New Jersey or a foreign corporation licensed to do business in the State of New Jersey or is operating under a trade name, such transferee must comply with requirements of § 118-4B.
The annual licensing fee for the campground is hereby fixed at $500 for up to and including 100 campsites, plus $5 for each campsite in excess of 100.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation owning or operating a camping vehicle located in the campground to remove or cause to have removed the wheels or any similar transporting device from the vehicle or to otherwise permanently fix any camping vehicle to the ground in a manner that would prevent removal of such vehicle within a seventy-two-hour timeframe.
Chapter XI, Campgrounds,[1] for the purposes of this chapter, is amended as follows:
Section 3.1 is hereby amended to read:
3.1 Access roads. Each campground shall be provided with convenient access for the ingress and egress of traffic from the public highway. The access road or roads shall be of sufficient width to permit the simultaneous movement of traffic in and out of the campground.
Section 3.2 is hereby amended to read:
3.2 Service roads.
(a) Service roads shall be so located and of such width to provide convenient and safe movement for all sorts of camping vehicles and emergency vehicles in and around the camping grounds to existing roads.
(b) There shall be provided sufficient number of access points to existing roads to permit safe and convenient movement of traffic.
Section 3.3 is hereby amended to read:
3.3 Service road and parking area construction.
(a) Service roads shall be constructed of an established hard surface, such as gravel, crushed stone or other comparable material, and shall be well drained.
(b) Service roads shall be maintained in a proper state of repair and shall be maintained by the owner of the campground.
(c) Parking areas shall be composed or consist of suitable materials to provide stability.
Section 3.5 is hereby amended to read:
3.5 Campsite density and area.
(a) Density of a campsite in the campground shall not exceed 14 campsites per acre or a maximum of 400 units per 50 acres.
(b) Each campsite (including parking space) shall provide a minimum of 2,000 square feet of space.
Section 3.7 is hereby amended to read:
3.7 Campsite occupancy.
(a) There shall be a maximum of 210 campsites at the campground.
Section 3.9 is hereby amended to read:
3.9 Occupancy Limit.
(a) All camping units must retain mobile conditions so that the camping units may be removable from the campground within a seventy-two-hour timeframe.
(b) Occupancy of any campsite or campsites in the campground may be permitted from January 1 to December 31; provided, however, that in no event shall the same person or persons occupy or be permitted to occupy the same or other campsites within the campground for more than 15 consecutive days within a thirty-day period between November 1 and April 1.
(c) Occupancy of any campsite or campsites in a particular campground by the same person or persons shall not be permitted other than as in paragraph (b) above and no person or persons shall be permitted to occupy any campsite on a year-round, permanent basis. However, camping units or equipment may be stored at a designated storage area on the campground or may be stored or allowed to remain on the campsite in accordance with any written agreement with the licensee of the campground, which written agreement shall be maintained by the licensee and shall be available for inspection by the Township officials; and provided further that the camping units shall not be the property of or belong to the licensee and used for the purpose of renting the same; nor shall the camping units be permanently attached, affixed, nor have any permanent or semipermanent structures, fixtures, or other such attachments, excepting stabilizing equipment being a part of the camping unit.
Chapter XI, Campgrounds, shall be and is hereby amended to add thereto a new section designated as 3.11 which shall read:
Section 3.11 Registration of campers. The owner of each campground shall maintain a log of each camper who uses the campground's facilities. The log shall contain:
The camper's name and address (from valid government issued identification).
The number of people in the party.
Make, model and year of vehicle and license number (both motor vehicle and camping unit).
Time and date of arrival and departure.
Section 4.1a is hereby amended to read as follows:
4.1 General.
An adequate supply of potable water capable of supplying a total capacity for at least 100 gallons per campsite per day shall be provided at one or more locations in every campground.
Editor's Note: Editor's Note: See Ch. XI of the New Jersey State Sanitary Code.
The Construction Official is designated as the enforcement official for any violation of this chapter other than health and sanitary violations. The Ocean County Health Department is designated as the enforcement official for health and sanitary violations.
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine not to exceed $500; and each violation of any of the provisions of this section, and each day the same is violated, shall be deemed and taken to be a separate and distinct offense. The Township may, at its discretion, seek injunctive relief from a court of competent jurisdiction of the State of New Jersey.