In accordance with the Charter, the Manager shall be the chief administrative officer of the City. The City Manager shall be directly responsible to the Council for the administration of all departments, agencies and offices under his jurisdiction and shall be in charge of persons or boards appointed by him and shall supervise and direct the same. He shall see that all laws and ordinances governing the City are faithfully executed, shall make periodic reports to the Council and shall attend its meetings. In addition to such powers and duties as he may be assigned by statute, the Charter, this chapter or other legislation of the City, the City Manager shall be responsible for the following:
Where not inconsistent with the Charter, he shall appoint all department and division heads. For the purpose of this subsection, all division heads shall be deemed to be department heads, and their appointment and removal shall be subject to and in accordance with Chapter V, §§ C5-2 and C5-3 of the Charter.
He shall have custody and possession of the bond given to the City by any City official or employee for the faithful performance of his duty as such.
He may intervene in any dispute between any organization of City employees and the City and shall have the general responsibility for any collective bargaining agreements entered into by the City; provided, however, that his signing of any collective bargaining agreement shall be subject to approval of the City Council.
He may dispose of any obsolete equipment for such sums as he deems advisable, subject to the approval of the City Council.
With the approval of City Council, he may employ any outside attorney to represent the City in any action where it is deemed that representation by the Corporation Counsel would not be in the City's best interests and may terminate such outside attorney's services at any time the Manager deems proper.
He may appoint and hire or authorize department heads to appoint and hire any personnel to work in any area of City government, subject to the limitations of the City budget.
He shall develop for submission, after approval by the City Council, all applications for federal and state aid and shall serve as administrator for all such grants.
He shall be the conservator of the peace within the City, and he may, personally or through any authorized agent, investigate into and take any proper action concerning any matter involving enforcement of the laws of the City and state within the limits of the City for the protection of its citizens. He shall have the authority, with force when necessary, to suppress all disturbances, riots and unlawful assemblies. He may at all times, if need be, require the aid of any sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable or policeman or any or all of them, together with such other aid as may be necessary. In the event of a civil commotion and when there is imminent peril to the public health, safety or welfare, he may, in his discretion, in addition to the powers hereinbefore granted, declare by proclamation filed with the Town Clerk of the City that a state of emergency exists, in which event he shall have full power and is hereby authorized to order closed all or any public places within the City at such suitable hour as he shall from time to time fix upon and designate, and he may restrict the flow of traffic on any street within the limits of the City, and he may order a curfew within the City or in any area thereof, and he may take such other steps as are reasonably necessary, including the invoking of the provisions of §§ 27-17 and 27-18 of the Connecticut General Statutes, in the light of the emergency to protect the health, safety and welfare of the people of the City, to prevent or minimize loss or destruction of property and to minimize the effects of hostile action.
[Added 5-17-1982]