[Amended 7-16-1984]
There is hereby established a Department of Development and Enforcement, which shall be headed by the Director of Planning. The Department of Development and Enforcement shall be responsible for the enforcement of all legislation, whether federal, state or City, pertaining to buildings and property maintenance, and it shall have and may exercise all power and authority which it shall judge necessary and proper in the interests of public safety for the inspection, regulation and control of buildings, dwelling houses and other structures or parts thereof; for the demolition, repair, maintenance, strengthening or numbering of any building; for the prohibition of the use of such building or part thereof; for the granting of permits to erect, alter, change, repair or remove any building within the limits of said City; for the deviation from the original plans and specifications of the methods to be employed in the construction of any building or structure for which a permit shall have been issued by said Department; and for the control of the erection, maintenance and location of billboards within said City. There shall be the following divisions within the Department:
Division of Planning, to be headed by the Director of Planning. The Director of Planning shall act and function as Zoning Officer, and the Division of Planning shall be responsible for providing all planning services required by the City and, under the direction of the City Manager, assisting the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals in performing their functions.
Division of Building and Housing, to be headed by the Building Official, who shall be responsible for the enforcement of the Housing Code and for the issuance of all building permits and the enforcement of the State Basic Building Code and all other duties assigned to him by state statute and the State Basic Building Code.
In addition to the powers and duties set forth in § 3-24 of this article, the Department of Development and Enforcement shall have such powers and duties as it may be assigned by statute, the Charter, this chapter, other legislation or the City Manager.
[Amended 7-16-1984]
In accordance with the Charter and this chapter, the City Manager shall appoint and may remove the Director of Planning and the heads of all divisions within the Department.