Pursuant to § 1640-a, Subdivision 10, of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York and pursuant to the written request of the owner or person in general charge of the operation and control of each of the places hereinafter designated, it shall be a violation for any person to stop, stand or park a vehicle in any area or parking space designated as a place for handicapped parking, unless the vehicle bears a permit issued under Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1203-a or a registration issued under Vehicle and Traffic Law § 404-a, in the parking areas or driveways of the following:
Medina Memorial Hospital.
Jubilee shopping center.
The parking place on the east side of Main Street, being the 10th parking place northerly from the Conrail Railroad.
The parking place on the west side of Main Street being the first parking place south of the alley between the Marine Midland Bank, N.A. office and the Presbyterian Church.
The parking place on the west side of Main Street, being the ninth parking place south of Pearl Street.
The parking place on the west side of Main Street, being the 19th parking place south of Pearl Street.
[Amended 10-24-2016 by L.L. No. 3-2016]
Any person who stops, stands or parks in spaces marked for use by the handicapped in accordance with this article and Vehicle and Traffic Law§ 1203-c without a permit issued under Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1203-a or without a registration issued under Vehicle and Traffic Law § 404-a shall be subject to a fine of $80 for the first offense and $125 for the second offense occurring within a period of two years within the same municipality.