[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Port Allegany 10-1-1984 by Ord. No. 355. Amendments noted where applicable.]
A Commission to be known as the "Shade Tree Commission" is hereby established.
The Commission shall be composed of three residents of the borough, who shall be appointed by Council and who shall serve without compensation and one of whom shall be a Councilperson. One member of the Commission shall serve for a term of three years, one for a term of four years and one for a term of five years. Successor members shall be appointed to serve for five years with vacancies to be filled by Council for the unexpired term.
The Commission shall have and exercise all powers provided for and shall be subject to all the duties and obligations set forth in the Borough Code.
Property owners in the borough shall be subject to the obligations imposed upon them by the Borough Code.