[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Port Allegany 5-6-1912 by Ord. No. 112. Section 79-4 amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I. Other amendments noted where applicable.]
It shall be the duty of the Street Commissioner and police officers of the Borough of Port Allegany, during the month of June 1912 and each year thereafter, to inspect all the telephone, telegraph and electric light poles in said borough and the wires thereon, at least twice each year and as many more times as the Council shall deem it necessary. Said inspectors shall report the condition of said poles and wires to said Council after inspection as aforesaid. The salary of said inspectors shall be fixed by said Council, and their work shall be done under the direction of said Council.
All telegraph, telephone and electric light poles now erected or hereafter to be erected in the Borough of Port Allegany, which are or shall be owned by any corporation, company or individual, shall be designated by the names and initials of such owners, and each pole shall have a distinctive number, which name or initials and number shall be legibly marked upon the poles so designated by the owner thereof.
It shall be the duty of each such owner or owners, on or before the first day of July next and yearly thereafter, to make application to the Mayor for a license to maintain the poles theretofore erected, for the ensuing year, specifying the poles to be maintained by their proper designations as provided for in this section.
The Mayor shall, thereupon, issue a license to such applicants for the poles designated in such application for the term of one year only, to be computed from the first day of July, for each and every year and no longer.
The license tax for for issuing such license shall be the sum of $0.30 for each and every pole authorized to be maintained thereby, to be paid to the Borough Treasurer, for the use of the borough, on or before July 31 of each year.
All wires owned by any telephone, telegraph or electric light company, corporation or individual, which are erected or hereafter shall be erected upon any pole or poles within the limits of said borough, shall be subject to a license tax.
Each corporation, company or individual maintaining such wires shall be required to pay annually a license fee of $1 for each and every mile of wires (line mileage) so erected and maintained upon such poles or pole, payable to the Borough Treasurer, for the use of said borough on or before July 31 of each year, and on the first day of July next and annually thereafter, shall make application to the Mayor for a license to maintain said wires, specifying the computed mileage of the same.
Said Mayor shall issue such license for the period of one year, from the first day of July of each and every year, to such companies, corporations and individuals applying for such license under this section.
Any person, company or corporation failing or refusing to take out the license or to pay the license tax required by this chapter shall pay a fine of not more than $300 for each and every pole or mile of wires, either or both, liable for a license tax, which is maintained contrary to the provisions of this chapter, in addition to the immediate forfeiture of his or their license, if the same has heretofore been issued.
Said penalty shall be sued for and recovered in a manner that debts for penalties of like amount are by law recoverable.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.