[Amended 12-18-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-21A]
A Police Department, as heretofore established, is hereby continued pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118. The official hereby designated as the "appropriate authority" shall be the Administrator; in the absence of the Administrator, it shall be the Mayor; and in absence of the Administrator and Mayor, the Council President is granted all powers conferred by statute and/or other law upon such appropriate authority, including but not limited to the promulgation, amendment and modification of rules and regulations for the government of the force and for the discipline of its members.
The Police Department shall:
Preserve the public peace, prevent crime, detect and arrest offenders against the penal laws and ordinances effective within the Borough, suppress riots, mobs and insurrections, disperse unlawful or dangerous assemblages and preserve order at all elections and public meetings and assemblages.
Administer and enforce laws and ordinances to regulate, direct, control and restrict the movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and the use of streets by vehicles and persons and make rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the Charter, ordinance and general law, for such purpose.
Remove all nuisances in the public streets, parks and other public places; inspect and observe all places of public amusement or assemblage and all places of business requiring any state or municipal license or permit.
Provide police service at fire scenes until relieved by the Fire Chief.
Enforce the laws and ordinances in effect within the Borough and prevent the violation of them by any person; apprehend and arrest all persons legally charged with the violation of any law or ordinance.
Provide for the attendance of its police officers or civilian employees in court as necessary for the prosecution and trial of persons charged with crimes and other violations of the law, and cooperate fully with the law enforcement and prosecuting authorities of federal, state and county governments.
Provide a training program to maintain and improve the police efficiency of the members of the Department.
Procedures for the Police Department shall be governed by a Rules and Regulations Manual which shall be adopted by resolution of the Mayor and Council and may, from time to time, be amended by resolution consistent with any collective bargaining agreement then in effect. The adopted rules and regulations shall be maintained by the Police Chief, and a copy filed with the Municipal Clerk, and shall be made available for public inspection upon request.
Distribution of the manual. One copy of the Department Rules, Regulations/Policies and Procedures shall be available to each police officer and to certain civilian employees of the Police Department. Also, for reference purposes, a copy shall be available to the office of the Borough Administrator/Clerk, the Police Committee and the Mayor.
Responsibility for maintenance. All members and employees who are assigned a manual shall be responsible for its maintenance and care. All manuals shall be kept current, and supplementary pages concerning additions, revisions or amendments shall be promptly and properly inserted.
Familiarization. Each police officer and each civilian employee is duty bound to thoroughly familiarize himself with the provisions of the Department Rules, Regulations/Policies and Procedures. Failure to comply shall be considered neglect of duty.
Ignorance of contents of Department Rules, Regulations/Policies and Procedures. In the event neglect of duty is charged against a member for failure to observe the rules and regulations, Department procedures or orders, ignorance of any provision of the manual or any Department procedure or order will not be accepted as an excuse.