[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Soldiers Grove 5-7-1960 as Ch. 5 of the 1960 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Officers and employees — See Ch. 40.
Orderly conduct — See Ch. 151.
Membership. The Fire Department of the Village of Soldiers Grove shall consist of the Fire Chief, a First and Second Assistant Chief, a Captain and Lieutenant for each company, a Secretary-Treasurer, one master mechanic and as many drivers and firemen who live and normally work within the Village of Soldiers Grove as may be appointed by the Chief and approved by the Village Board, provided that at no time shall the Department consist of less than 22 active members.
Department to adopt bylaws. The Soldiers Grove Fire Department shall adopt bylaws for the control, management and government and for the regulation of business and proceedings of the Department, which bylaws shall be adopted by a 2/3 vote of the Department members and approved by the Village Board. Amendments shall be adopted in the same manner.
Appointment and qualifications. See Chapter 40, Officers and Employees, § 40-4, of this Code.
Duties and powers. The Chief shall have general supervision of the Fire Department personnel, apparatus and equipment, subject to the ordinances of the Village and the bylaws of the Department. He shall be present at all fires and command all fire-fighting operations. He may demote or expel any officer or member of the Department for neglect or refusal to perform Departmental duties, subject to the right of any member demoted or expelled to appeal to the Village Board. He shall enforce or cause to be enforced all fire prevention ordinances, laws and regulations of the Village and state.
To act as Fire Inspector. The Fire Chief as Fire Inspector of the Village of Soldiers Grove shall have the power to appoint one or more Deputy Fire Inspectors and shall perform all duties required of Fire Inspectors by the laws of the state, particularly § 101.14(2)(a) to (g) of the Wisconsin statutes.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Applications. Applications for membership in the Department shall be filed with the Department Secretary. Each applicant shall also file a certificate of physical fitness from each physician as the Chief may designate. The name of any applicant appointed by the Chief as provided in the bylaws shall be presented to the Village Board for confirmation.
Age limit. Active membership in the Department for members other than the Chief shall cease at the age of 60. Upon reaching the age of 60, active members shall become honorary members and shall be relieved from fire-fighting duties.
No apparatus shall be used for any purpose except for fire fighting within the Village limits, or in training therefor, except pursuant to an agreement approved by the Village Board after the Chief has given his recommendations on such use. With the approval of the Chief such apparatus may be used for emergency purposes other than fire fighting within the Village. A written report of such uses shall be made quarterly to the Village Board.
Authority at fires. The Chief and his assistants or officers in command are hereby vested with full and complete police authority at fires and may cause the arrest of any person failing to give the right-of-way to the Fire Department responding to a fire call.
Removal of property. The Chief shall have the power to cause the removal of any property whenever it shall become necessary for the preservation of such property from fire or to prevent the spread of fire or protect adjoining property, and during the progress of any fire he shall have the power to order the destruction of any property necessary to prevent the further spread of the fire. He shall also have the power to cause the removal of all wires or other facilities and the turning off of all electricity or other services where the same impede the work of the Department during the progress of a fire.
Firemen may enter adjacent property. It shall be lawful for any fireman acting under the direction of the Fire Chief or any officer in command to enter upon the premises adjacent to or in the vicinity of any building or other property then on fire for the purpose of extinguishing such fire and no person shall hinder, resist or obstruct any fireman in the discharge of his duty as hereinbefore provided.
Duty of bystanders to assist. Every person who shall be present at a fire shall be subject to the orders of the Fire Chief or officer in command and may be required to render assistance in fighting the fire or in removing or guarding property. Such officer shall have the power to cause the arrest of any person refusing to obey said orders.
See Chapter 151, Orderly Conduct, § 151-2D, of this Code.
The penalty for violation of any provision of this chapter shall be a penalty as provided in Chapter 1, General Provisions, § 1-19, of this Code.