No chicken, hen, rooster, bantam hen, bantam rooster, mixed bantam hen, mixed bantam rooster, pigeon, duck, drake, goose, gander, guinea hen, guinea rooster and no other fowl or poultry, whether or not the same is kept and maintained for domestic, or other purposes and use, shall be kept or maintained inside of or within 12 feet of any house, dwelling or other inhabited structure within the limits of the Borough except as hereinafter provided.
[Amended 5-9-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-19]
No less than four and no more than 12 of any of the fowl or poultry described in Subsection A of this section shall be kept, maintained or permitted on the land of any owner or by any tenant, lessee or occupant thereof, without a written permit issued by the Board of Health under such reasonable terms and conditions as the Board may prescribe. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no roosters of any kind shall be permitted to be kept within the Borough.
[Amended 5-9-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-19]
Any fowl or poultry described or referred to in Subsections A and B of this section shall be kept and maintained in a pen, coop, yard or enclosure in such manner as will prevent their escape or running at large.
Permit required.
No person shall, within the Borough, maintain a live poultry market; engage in the sale of live poultry or conduct a private poultry slaughterhouse, without a permit. An application for such a permit shall be made to the Board of Health and will not be issued unless the site, plans and specifications of the proposed poultry market and slaughterhouse shall be first approved by the Board in accordance with the provisions hereinafter set forth.
A permit to maintain a live poultry market, engage in the sale of live poultry or to slaughter poultry in a private slaughterhouse will be issued by the Board of Health on payment of a fee of $5, and the permit shall expire at the end of one year from January 1, and shall be renewed annually.
No permit shall be granted unless the place of the poultry market and slaughterhouse shall be on the ground floor and only to be used for the keeping and marketing of live poultry and for the slaughter thereof.
Site location.
The site for a live poultry market must be located at least 100 feet from any structure used exclusively as a church, school, library, hospital or other public institution.
The site must be located at least 50 feet from any building in which food is manufactured.
Sale of poultry and/or eggs.
[Amended 5-9-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-19]
No live poultry or eggs shall be sold to any person unless such person is authorized to handle and deal in live poultry by permit granted for that purpose by the Board of Health.
No live poultry or eggs shall be sold within the Borough by itinerant vendors, nor upon any land for which a permit for the keeping of poultry and/or fowl has been issued by the Borough under § 731-3 hereinabove.
Private slaughterhouses. Private slaughterhouses for the slaughter of poultry shall be slaughterhouses conducted by a person engaged in the slaughter of poultry for their own private retail trade.
This article is not intended to apply to, nor shall it be construed to prohibit the keeping or maintenance of fowl or poultry in any store whose owner, occupant, lessee or tenant is commercially engaged in the sale and marketing of fowl and poultry to the public.