[Adopted 8-19-2009 by Ord. No. 21/09]
At the discretion of the Director of the Department of Public Affairs, an educational and public outreach program shall be instituted for the purpose of the promotion of registration of currently unregistered dogs and compliance with this chapter. During such period as may be established by the Commissioner of the Department of Public Affairs, no fine for any violation of this chapter shall exceed $25 at the discretion of the Municipal Judge, and no jail term or community service may be imposed for a violation of this chapter during said period, except that if a person has been previously cited and found liable for a violation of any preexisting section of this chapter, and violates the same section of the preexisting chapter during any educational period, in such case, such person shall be subject to the penalties otherwise applicable as if no educational period had been established by the Commissioner of Public Affairs. Any violation of this chapter during such educational period shall not count as a first or subsequent violation, in grading any violation that occurs after the termination of such educational period.