[Adopted 9-13-2010 by Ord. No. 2141[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also provided that the title of Ch. 208 be changed from "Garbage and Trash" to "Garbage, Trash and Storage."
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
An enclosed box-like structure, without wheels, designed for the outdoor storage of personal property for temporary use, delivered and removed by vehicle. Said container shall only be allowed in association with an active building permit.
No person shall place, or allow to be placed, a temporary storage container upon any private property in the Borough of Ridgefield, without first obtaining a permit. The permit shall be obtained from, and issued by, the Building Department, and shall be subject to the approval of that Department. The Building Department shall develop a form of application for said permit. The fee for a permit to place a temporary storage container on private property shall be $50. Permit extension fee shall be $25 for each thirty-day period. Under no circumstance shall a temporary storage container be placed on any street or Borough-owned land within the Borough of Ridgefield.
Temporary storage containers shall only be allowed subject to the following:
Location. Temporary storage containers shall be placed only in the driveway, allotted parking spaces, or other paved areas of property which are not located in the right-of-way and do not obstruct the sidewalk. The following provisions shall also apply:
No temporary storage container shall be located within three feet of a property line.
Temporary storage containers shall be off set at least 10 feet from the principal building.
A temporary storage container or containers shall not occupy an area greater than 10% of the area of the front, side or rear yard which it is located.
Whenever feasible, the applicant shall utilize existing buffers when determining the location for a temporary storage container in order to screen the container from adjoining properties.
Temporary storage containers shall not obstruct circulation for vehicles, particularly emergency vehicles.
Temporary storage containers shall not be placed in an area that would reduce parking to a level inconsistent with the Borough Ordinance and the Residential Site Improvements Standards (RSIS).
Upon a showing of practical necessity, the Construction Code Official or his/her designee may grant relief from requirements of Subsection A(2) and (3).
No container shall remain for a period greater than 90 days.
A thirty-day permit extension may be applied for if needed. The Construction Code Official or his/her designee may issue no more than two permit extensions.
Size. A temporary storage container shall not be larger than eight feet wide or 20 feet long or 150 feet in total area and no higher than eight feet from grade.
The use of any temporary storage container shall be confined to the property owner or legal tenant whose property the container is placed upon. The containers are intended to store common household items.
The following items are expressly prohibited from being stored or kept within a temporary storage container:
Hazardous substances, including chemical, flammable or explosive materials;
In addition, temporary storage containers shall not be used for temporary habitation of humans or animals; and
Commercial inventory.
Signage for any temporary storage container shall comply with the following:
A temporary storage container shall have no signage other than the name, logo, address and telephone number of the person or firm engaged in the business of renting or otherwise placing the temporary storage container; and
The sign must be permanently adhered to or painted on the temporary storage container.
Lighting. There shall be no lighting fixtures attached to a temporary storage container nor shall any lighting fixture be solely utilized to light a container. In addition, no electrical service shall be attached or brought to the temporary storage container.
Any temporary storage container shall be in good condition, free from evidence of deterioration, weathering, discoloration, rust, ripping, tearing or other holds or breaks.
When not in use, the temporary storage container shall be kept locked.
In addition to compliance with all other requirements of the Borough of Ridgefield Building Regulations, the use of temporary storage containers must comply with the standards established by this article.
Where the requirements of any part of this article conflict with any other article of the Borough Regulations, this article shall prevail.