[CC 1987 §545.010; Ord. No. 35 §§2 — 6, 7-8-1940; Ord. No. 55 §§1 — 2, 9-8-1941]
Minimum Requirements For Constructing Streets. Any person, firm or corporation hereafter constructing any street or thoroughfare in the City of Northwoods, Missouri, shall construct said street or thoroughfare so that the same will consist of a minimum of six (6) inches of water-bound macadam base course with a one (1) inch bituminous surface course having concrete curbs and gutters six (6) inches thick and twenty-four (24) inches wide, including curbs, on each side thereof, for a total width back-to-back of curbs of twenty-six (26) feet. All of said work shall be done in accordance with specifications filed with the City Clerk as approved by the City Engineer.
Permit Required — Bond.
Before any person, firm or corporation shall construct a street or thoroughfare in conformity unto the provisions of this Section, such person, firm or corporation shall secure a permit, as hereafter provided in this Section, from the City Clerk of the City of Northwoods, and shall further file a bond payable to the City of Northwoods; said bond shall be for the purpose of guaranteeing the construction of the street or streets in accordance with the permit granted, and payment of any and all costs and fees in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Northwoods and for the further purpose of indemnifying the City of Northwoods from all claims for damages as a result of said construction; said bond to be null and void if said street or thoroughfare is properly made and said permit complied with fully, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. The permit above referred to shall be issued by the City Clerk upon the direction and authorization of the Board of Aldermen, and such permit shall designate the name of such person, firm or corporation and shall fully describe the street or thoroughfare so to be constructed and shall further fully describe the manner and method of such construction.
The bond herein referred to shall be filed with the City Clerk and shall be in an amount equal to the total estimated costs of such construction and shall provide an additional ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) public liability insurance policy. Before such bond is filed with the City Clerk, the approval of the Mayor of the City of Northwoods must first be endorsed thereon.
This Section in no manner shall be construed so as to prevent any person, firm or corporation from constructing any street or thoroughfare with a higher grade of improvement than is herein specified, provided permit for such construction is obtained as herein required and proper bond for said work is filed with the City Clerk. The judgment of the Board of Aldermen shall be final as to whether any such improvement proposed is of a higher grade than is herein specified.
Inspection and fee. Any street improvements constructed in the City of Northwoods shall be inspected by a proper person designated by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen. Such inspector shall receive a fee of five dollars ($5.00) per day for such time as inspection of the work is required by the Board of Aldermen, said fee to be paid by the person to whom permit is issued.
Approval by Board of Aldermen. Permit to be issued hereunder shall contain a limit of work to be done in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Board of Aldermen.
[CC 1987 §545.020; Ord. No. 355 §§1 — 3, 7-12-1955; Ord. No. 86-24 §1, 6-24-1986]
Permit Required — Fee. No person, persons or corporations shall build or construct any sewers, culvert, flume, gutter, ditch or other drainage structure for the control of stormwater, nor shall in any way obstruct, divert or otherwise interfere with or add to the flow of surface water or stormwater without a building permit issued by the Clerk of the City of Northwoods, the fee for which shall be the sum of one dollar ($1.00).
Application For Permit. Application for such building permit shall be accompanied by a plan of the sewer or other such drainage structure, having on it the written approval of the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District, and no such application shall be accepted or permit issued without a plan so approved.
Violations And Penalty. Any person, persons or corporation who shall build any such drainage structure or otherwise interfere with the flow of storm or surface water without a valid permit, or build such structure in deviation from the plan as approved by the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District, or otherwise violate this Section, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine of up to one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), or three (3) months in Jail or any combination of said fine and imprisonment.
[CC 1987 §545.030; Ord. No. 323 §§1 — 4, 8-31-1954]
The connecting or maintaining a connected downspout with a sanitary sewer is hereby prohibited.
The connecting or maintaining a connected downspout to a sanitary sewer prohibited by this Section shall constitute a violation of this Section and shall make the offender subject to arrest and fine as provided in this Section.
Each day in which a connected downspout to a sanitary sewer is maintained shall constitute a separate violation of this sewer Section.
Penalty for the violation of this Section shall be imposed as follows: A fine not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) and court costs.
[CC 1987 §545.040; Ord. No. 241 §§1 — 7, 8-14-1951]
Connection To Sanitary Sewer. From and after August 14, 1951, all premises having City water and situated where sanitary sewers are provided, shall, within sixty (60) days from and after being notified in writing so to do by the City Clerk, connect such premises to the sanitary sewer so as to take care of all the sanitary waste from such premises. The notice abovementioned may be given by depositing the same in the U.S. mail, properly addressed to the owner, lessee, agent or tenant in possession or control of the premises or if these be unknown, by posting such notice in a conspicuous place on the premises.
Septic Tanks Prohibited When Sewers Are Available. The use or maintenance of septic tanks within the City where sanitary sewers are available is hereby prohibited. Provided however, nothing herein contained shall be construed as permitting the construction or erection of septic tanks after August 14, 1951, on any premises having sanitary sewers available thereto.
Toilet Facilities. Premises situated within the City in which sanitary sewers are provided but without City water shall erect and maintain facilities for toilet and waste water, according to the requirements provided in the following paragraph:
In all premises within the City where sanitary sewers are not available, and where no City water service is used, there shall be erected and maintained thereon toilet facilities. These toilet facilities shall be constructed in the manner and of the materials provided for in the rules and regulations of the State Board of Health pertaining thereto, all of which rules and regulations are hereby approved by the Board, and ordered made a part hereof all fully as if set forth herein. Sixty (60) days from and after August 14, 1951, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect, construct or maintain, or to permit to be erected, constructed or maintained, upon his/her or its premises where no City water service is used, within the City of Northwoods, any toilet facilities not conforming to the requirements of this Section, and it shall be the duty of the Health Commissioner or officer to condemn all toilet facilities not conforming thereto, or order the same removed.
Procedure When Sewers Are Not Available. In all districts within the City where sanitary sewers are not available, premises using City water service shall have erected and maintained therein, in good working order, a septic tank and filter bed conforming to the provisions of the rules and regulations of the State Board of Health pertaining to such septic tanks and filters.
City Water Service Unavailable, When. After August 14, 1951, City water service shall not be provided to any premises, in districts where sanitary sewers are available, unless such premises are connected with the sanitary sewers in such district. Nor shall such water service be supplied to any premises located in a district where sanitary sewers are not provided, unless a septic tank is provided conforming to the requirements of this Section.
Violation And Penalty. The owner, agent of any building or premises where a violation of any of the provisions of this Section has been or is being committed or shall exist, and the lessee or tenant hereof, and any and all other persons who commit, take part or assist in such violation shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than five dollars ($5.00), nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00), and each day that such violation shall continue shall constitute a separate offense and be punishable as such.
[Ord. No. 95-1 §§1 — 4, 1-24-1995]
Whenever the City of Northwoods is made aware of a potential sewer lateral problem, whether by the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District or any other person, firm or entity, the requirements of this Section shall take effect.
The Northwoods Board of Aldermen shall adopt a policy with regard to how sewer lateral problems shall be resolved.
The Board of Aldermen has adopted a policy previous to the passage of this Section, and said policy shall be attached to this Section and shall remain in effect unless and until a new policy is adopted by the Northwoods Board of Aldermen.
Effective immediately, the City of Northwoods shall agree to be liable and pay for any and all costs of digging up and repairing the costs of the City street damaged by a sewer lateral, whether or not the sewer lateral is owned by the City. This Section only applies to streets damaged by private residents' sewer laterals. It does not apply to damage caused by any other person, firm, entity, corporation or governmental body.
The costs of repair as outlined in Subsection (C) above shall not include any repairs to driveways or sidewalks on the private property of any residence. The costs of those repairs shall be the sole responsibility of the resident and/or homeowner. Likewise, the costs of the repair of the sewer lateral itself shall be the responsibility of the resident and/or homeowner.