[CC 1987 §550.010; Ord. No. 439 §I, 1-13-1959]
Any person, firm or corporation shall, before moving any building, structure or dwelling over, on or upon any public street, thoroughfare or alley within the City of Northwoods, Missouri, first obtain a permit therefor upon written application to the Board of Aldermen. No such permit shall be issued until the permit fee as, in this Chapter provided, be paid, and upon condition that the Board of Aldermen be satisfied that the moving of such building, structure or dwelling be done by a fully recognized house mover, and upon the further condition that the applicant post an indemnity bond in the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), in favor of the City of Northwoods City Clerk, which said bond shall indemnify the City of Northwoods against any damage to public or private property.
[CC 1987 §550.020; Ord. No. 439 §II, 1-13-1959]
The fees for such permit as provided in Section 540.010 hereof, shall be as follows:
For the moving of any building, dwelling or other structure from without the City of Northwoods to a location within the City of Northwoods, five hundred dollars ($500.00).
For the moving of any building, dwelling or other structure from within the City of Northwoods to another location within the City of Northwoods, one hundred dollars ($100.00).
For the moving of any building, dwelling or other structure from within the City of Northwoods to without the City of Northwoods, five hundred dollars ($500.00).
[CC 1987 §550.030; Ord. No. 384 §3, 10-9-1956]
No permit shall be issued for the moving of any building or structure to a new site or location in the City, as provided in Sections 540.010 and 540.020, unless and until the following provisions be fulfilled as a condition precedent to the issuance of such permit, namely that any person or persons desiring to move any building or structure into the City of Northwoods shall submit to the City Clerk, in writing, an application to move such building or structure, which application shall state as follows:
The applicant's name and address.
The present address of the building proposed to be moved.
The lot and/or lots and block numbers of the site on which the building is to be moved and located.
A plot plan of such lot reflecting the location of the building on site proposed, which plans shall bear the signature of a registered surveyor.
An eight (8) inch by ten (10) inch photograph of the building proposed to be moved.
Two (2) sets of plans and specifications of all new construction proposed, including the front elevation of the completed house upon the new site.
A twenty-five dollar ($25.00) inspection and investigation fee payable to the City of Northwoods.
[CC 1987 §550.040; Ord. No. 384 §4, 10-9-1956]
Upon receipt of the application and accompanying documents, and payment of fees as set forth in the preceding Section hereof, the City Clerk shall refer the same to the Board of Aldermen who shall thereupon examine the same and if found to be in proper form and order, shall thereupon refer the same to the City Building Commissioner or other office, official or qualified person or persons who shall effect a complete investigation and inspection with respect thereto, submitting a full report thereof to the Board of Aldermen, together with his/her recommendations, which Board of Aldermen, upon being satisfied that same is proper and in order, shall authorize the moving of such building to the site proposed, upon compliance by the applicant with the provisions of Section 540.010; provided however, that the Board of Aldermen is satisfied such building otherwise complies with existing City Building Code, zoning and other ordinances pertaining thereto, and provided further, that such building conforms with similar existing structures in the immediate vicinity of the site it is to be located upon, and provided further, that should there exist any surface water drainage problem on the site of such building location, that a plan for the correction or elimination thereof by the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District be obtained and complied with.