[Ord. No. 88-17 §1, 10-25-1988]
It shall be the duty of every owner of real estate within the City to keep all sidewalks adjacent to his/her property in good repair at all times and free from irregularities and offsets in the surface thereof which may render the same unsafe for use.
[Ord. No. 88-17 §2, 10-25-1988]
All occupants or owners of real estate within the City shall keep the sidewalks in front of and adjoining said property swept and clear of all paper, dirt, mud or substance or matter, including the removal of any snow, sleet or ice immediately after the formation of said snow, sleet or ice.
[Ord. No. 88-17 §3, 10-25-1988]
All sidewalks that are constructed, reconstructed or repaired within the City shall conform to the specifications for sidewalks as approved by the City Engineer. Said specifications shall be available to the general public at the Northwoods City Hall.
[Ord. No. 88-17 §5, 10-25-1988]
All work of constructing, reconstructing or repairing of sidewalks shall be done only after a plan for said work is submitted to the City, the proposed work is in accordance with the City specifications, and the City issues a permit for said work.
[Ord. No. 88-17 §6, 10-25-1988]
Whenever the Building Commissioner or his/her designated representative determines that there are reasonable grounds to believe that there has been a violation of any provision of this Chapter, he/she will give notice of such alleged violation to the person or persons responsible therefor which shall:
Be in writing.
Contain a statement of the reason why it is being issued.
The owner of any building shall be granted reasonable time by the Building Commissioner or his/her designated representative from the issuance of the notice provided for in the Section to remedy the condition or conditions therein specified; provided however, that the Building Commissioner or his/her designated representative may, at his/her discretion, extend the time for compliance with any such notice, and provided further that no owner shall be held responsible for any condition that is not specifically described in such notice.
Be served upon the owner or his/her agent or the occupant, as the case may require. Such notice shall be deemed to be properly served upon such owner or agent or on any such occupant, if a copy thereof is:
Served upon him/her personally,
Sent by certified mail to his/her last known address, or
Posted in a conspicuous place in or about the dwelling affected by the notice.
Contain an outline of remedial action which if taken will effect compliance with the provisions of the Chapter.
[Ord. No. 88-17 §7, 10-25-1988]
The City may, by ordinance or resolution, condemn defective sidewalks, order their removal and provide for the construction of new sidewalks in the place of walks so condemned and removed.
[Ord. No. 88-17 §8, 10-25-1988]
No formality shall be required for the construction, reconstruction or repair of sidewalks and making assessments therefor if the City elects to condemn, remove, replace or repair a sidewalk; the City Administrator or his/her designee may cause such work to be done. The Building Commissioner shall keep an account of the cost thereof, and report the same to the City Administrator for assessment. When the Building Commissioner has made a report to the City Administrator of the cost of construction, reconstruction or repair of any sidewalk in the City pursuant to this Article, the City Administrator, in his/her discretion, may levy said cost as a special assessment against each lot and piece of ground abutting said sidewalk and the City Clerk shall issue separate tax bills therefor against each such lot or piece of ground for its share of the cost.
Where a sidewalk has been condemned and is to be replaced or repaired, the City, in its discretion, shall make a contract for the construction of such sidewalk, including grading therefor, with or without curbing, along the street or part thereof involved. Such contract shall be let to the lowest and best bidder as determined by the City, upon plans and specifications filed therefor by the Building Commissioner with the City Administrator, not less than one (1) week's advertisement for bids thereon being made in a daily or weekly newspaper published in the City or County. Before the advertising for such bids, an estimate of the cost of the work shall be made by the Building Commissioner or his/her designee and submitted to the City Administrator. Whenever no bid is received, the City Administrator may order the Building Commissioner to cause the work to be done. In such case, the Building Commissioner shall keep an accurate account of the amount expended for labor and materials, including grading and filling, and present such account to the City Administrator for assessment.
[Ord. No. 88-17 §9, 10-25-1988]
No person shall do the work of constructing, reconstructing or repairing of any sidewalk, curb, gutter or driveway entrance in the City without first furnishing a bond to the City in the amount prescribed by the Building Commissioner, conditioned that said person shall maintain warning signs and protection while the work is in progress, hold the City and property owners harmless from all claims, demands and actions against it or them arising out of said work, replace any faulty work and remove all debris and clean up after said work is completed.
[Ord. No. 88-17 §10, 10-25-1988]
No person shall make any opening, excavation or repair to a sidewalk without providing during the progress of said work and until said work has been completed, barricades around the same as a warning to the public with lights or red lanterns around said excavation, placed in such a manner as to be clearly visible.