[CC 1992 §700.490; Ord. No. 514 §§1 — 3, 5-21-1990; Ord. No. 518 §4, 6-25-1990; Ord. No. 662, 6-8-1993; Ord. No. 745, 7-12-1994; Ord. No. 868, 6-25-1996; Ord. No. 1077 §1(700.490), 3-13-1999; Ord. No. 1118, 9-14-1999; Ord. No. 1155 §§1 — 2, 2-23-2000; Ord. No. 1181 §§1 — 2, 8-23-2000; Ord. No. 1321 §3, 8-28-2003; Ord. No. 1436 §2, 8-24-2005; Ord. No. 1598 §2, 8-27-2008; Ord. No. 1618 §1, 5-13-2009; Ord. No. 1631 §5, 8-26-2009; Ord. No. 1666 §3, 8-25-2010; Ord. No. 1675 §1, 11-24-2010; Ord. No. 1702 §5, 8-23-2011; Ord. No. 1723 §1, 4-25-2012; Ord. No. 1745 §1, 4-23-2013; Ord. No. 1771 §1, 3-25-2014; Ord. No. 1784 §1, 9-23-2014; Ord. No. 1795 §1, 2-24-2015[1]; Ord. No. 1800 §1, 7-28-2016; Ord. No. 1826 §2, 5-24-2016; Ord. No. 1846 § 1, 5-23-2017; Ord. No. 1850, 8-22-2017; Ord. No. 1868, 6-26-2018; Ord. No. 1887, 5-28-2019; Ord. No. 1921, 8-25-2020; Ord. No. 1950, 4-26-2022; Ord. No. 1961, 10-25-2022; Ord. No. 1982, 9-26-2023[2]]
For water purchased for use within the corporate City boundary WEST of Interstate 29, users shall be charged and shall pay for all water used on a monthly basis as follows:
For any part of the first one thousand (1,000) gallons: eleven dollars seventeen cents ($11.17).
For all water consumed after the first one thousand (1,000) gallons: eight dollars fifty-one cents ($8.51).
For water purchased for use within the corporate City boundary EAST of Interstate 29, users shall be charged and shall pay for all water used on a monthly basis as follows:
For any part of the first one thousand (1,000) gallons: twelve dollars seventeen cents ($12.17).
For all water consumed after the first one thousand (1,000) gallons: nine dollars fifty-one cents ($9.51).
Persons living OUTSIDE the corporate boundaries of Platte City, Missouri, but connected to the City water system shall be charged on a monthly basis as follows:
For any part of the first one thousand (1,000) gallons: fourteen dollars sixty-eight cents ($14.68).
For all water consumed after the first one thousand (1,000) gallons: ten dollars four cents ($10.04) per one thousand (1,000) gallons.
For BULK water, the charge shall be fourteen dollars fifty cents ($14.50) per one thousand (1,000) gallons.
For PUBLIC WATER DISTRICT #4 (13700 Running Horse Road) water, the charge shall be based on the current Kansas City water rate and is calculated as follows: KC Water Unrestricted rate plus first repump divided by seven hundred forty-eight (748) multiplied by one thousand (1,000) this will convert the rate to gallons from cubic feet.
For PUBLIC WATER DISTRICT #4 (1400 92 HWY - Standpipe) water, the charge shall be based on the current Kansas City water rate and is calculated as follows: fifteen percent (15%) increase of the 13700 Running Horse Road rate.
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection D, regarding billing, was repealed 2-24-2015 by Ord. No. 1795 §1. See now Section 700.431.
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 1982 also stated the new rate applies to volumes used on and after November 1, 2023, and will begin being billed with the following December utility billing cycle.
[Ord. No. 1795 §2, 2-24-2015; Ord. No. 1889, 5-28-2019; Ord. No. 1983, 11-26-2023]
Billing Dates. Bills for City utility service (water, wastewater, refuse) shall be mailed to the customer on or before the fifth day of each month and shall be due by the 20th day of each month. Bills shall be due on the next business day if the 20th is a weekend or holiday.
Overdue/Delinquent Date.
Utility bills remaining unpaid after the 27th day of each month (or next business day if the 27th is a weekend or holiday) shall be deemed overdue/delinquent except as follows:
Electronic payments arriving prior to the start of normal business hours on the 27th day of each month; and
Payments placed in City utility service payment drop box prior to the start of normal business hours on the 27th day of each month; and
Payments arriving in the United States Mail delivery on the 27th day of each month.
Bills paid in accordance with the specific conditions listed above shall be considered paid on time and shall not be deemed delinquent/overdue.
Penalty. A penalty of ten percent (10%) shall be applied to the unpaid balance of any utility service bills that are deemed delinquent/overdue in accordance with the preceding Subsection.
Waiver Of Delinquent/Overdue Penalty.
Upon request the City Collector may waive the delinquent/overdue penalty one (1) time in any sixty-month (five-year) period for any customer/account which had no delinquencies or late payments during that period. Customers with less than sixty (60) months [five (5) years'] service with the City are not eligible for a waiver.
The City Collector, with the written concurrence of the City Administrator, may waive a delinquent/overdue penalty due to extreme hardship, financial emergency or other extraordinary event. The City Collector shall report extraordinary delinquency waivers to the Board of Aldermen within forty-five (45) calendar days of the occurrence.
Disconnection Procedure Delinquent/Overdue Accounts.
Utility service shall be subject to discontinuance or disconnection without further notice if the bill remains unpaid after the 10th day of each month.
Disconnection dates shall be the 11th day of each month or the next business day if the 11th is a Friday, weekend or holiday.
The City Administrator may adjust disconnection dates as needed due to emergency or contingency so long as such adjustment shall not shorten the period available for the customer to pay prior to disconnection.
Accounts shall be deemed to be disconnected at the time the City prints the disconnect list on the 11th of each month, even if the customer makes payment between the time the list is printed and disconnection/discontinuance of service physically occurs.
Disconnection procedure for City utility accounts who are billed for drinking water service by a third party drinking water provider (other than the City):
Utility service shall be subject to disconnection in accordance with any service or disconnection agreement that exists between the City and third party drinking water provider(s).
Disconnection Threshold Delinquent/Overdue Accounts.
The City Collector shall not disconnect delinquent or overdue residential accounts as long as the dollar value of the delinquent/overdue amount is less than or equal to ninety percent (90%) of the dollar value of a standard residential customer [five thousand (5,000) gallons per month at current water/wastewater rates plus monthly residential solid waste charge].
The delinquent/overdue penalty of ten percent (10%) shall be applied to these accounts regardless of disconnection status.
The customer is exempt from disconnection if under a current time payment plan.
Reconnection Fee. The first time an account is disconnected for a delinquent/overdue balance during any twelve-month period, a reconnection fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shall be applied to the bill. The bill, with all penalties and fees, must be paid in full prior to reconnection/recommencement of service. The reconnection fee shall be increased to fifty dollars ($50.00) for the second and any subsequent disconnections of the same account for a delinquent/overdue balance which occurs within twelve (12) months of the last disconnection.
After-Hours Reconnection Fee. After-hours call-out fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall apply to any reconnection for which payment is made after 4:30 P.M. Customers requesting an after-hours service reconnection shall have services reconnected following the payment of the after-hours call-out fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) plus the delinquent/overdue balance. The after-hours call-out fee shall be increased to one hundred dollars ($100.00) for the second and subsequent after-hours service reconnection of the same account which occurs within twelve (12) months of the last service reconnection for a delinquent/overdue balance.
Waiver Of Reconnection Fee. The City Collector may waive reconnection fees in cases of extraordinary circumstances and with the written concurrence of the City Administrator. Such waiver shall not be granted to the same customer more than one (1) time in any sixty-month period.
Reconnection Procedure Delinquent/Overdue Accounts.
Reconnection shall occur only when payments of delinquent/past due balances plus applicable penalties and fees have been made to the City. Public Works staff are not authorized to accept payments or to authorize reconnection.
Unless otherwise directed by the City Administrator, the City shall restore utility service the same day as payment is made, so long as such payment occurs on a business day prior to 4:30 P.M. The City shall make a reasonable effort to restore utility service on the same day as payment is made after 4:30 P.M., although the City is not required to make such effort if it results in overtime payments to utility staff.
In the case of payments made after 4:30 P.M., the City shall restore utility service as soon as possible, but not later than the next business day. If the next day is a holiday, weekend or other non-business day, the City shall restore service on the day of payment for any payment received at City Hall during normal business hours. Timely reconnection requirements may be suspended by the City Administrator due to an emergency or some other urgent public service requirement.
Disconnection/Reconnection Procedure —Customer Request.
Customers may request disconnection or reconnection of water service during regular business hours for plumbing maintenance. A fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shall apply for each call-out of utility staff requested by the customer.
Customers may request disconnection or reconnection of water service after-hours for plumbing maintenance. A fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall apply for each call-out of utility staff requested by the customer after 3:30 P.M. for service disconnection or reconnection prior to the start of the next business day.
[Ord. No. 1795 §2, 2-24-2015]
Customers shall be afforded the following options with which to pay City utility bills or other City/Park Board fees:
United States currency.
Personal check (with identification and no history of bad debt).
Bank check (bank bill pay services).
EFT/ACH: Electronic fund transfers or automatic check authorizations.
Credit/debit card or other cash cards compatible with City systems.
Other methods that may be approved by the City Administrator.
Authorization To Accept Credit And Debit Cards For Fee Payment.
The City shall accept credit cards and debit cards for the payment of utility charges, memberships, recreation fees, rental fees, Municipal Court fines and costs, reimbursements and all other monies due to the City, except for those charges identified as real or personal property taxes or any other use prohibited by the State.
The type of cards and other service conditions shall be in accordance with the service agreement between the City and its authorized credit card service provider.
The City at its sole option may decline to accept a credit or debit card payment from any individual customer.
Credit And Debit Card Fees. Customers electing to pay City fees with a debit or credit card shall be charged an additional service fee to offset the City's cost of providing these payment options. These service fees shall be set at the following levels:
Transaction amounts up to and including five hundred dollars ($500.00): two dollars seventy five cents ($2.75).
Transactions greater than five hundred dollars ($500.00) shall be charged five percent (5%) of the transaction amount.
The City shall not accept transactions in excess of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) without approval of the City Administrator.
The City may decline to accept multiple credit or debit card transactions when accepting such transactions are not in the best interests of the City or when it appears as if the customer is breaking transactions up into multiple small transactions to avoid transaction limits.
[Ord. No. 1795 §3, 2-24-2015]
Time Payment Plan Authorization. The City Collector may make time payment plans available to customers whose accounts have become delinquent or which are about to become delinquent. To qualify for a time payment plan the customer must:
Contact the City Collector and apply for a time payment plan prior to service being disconnected.
Time Payment Plan Conditions And Administration.
The City Collector may enter into a time payment plan agreement with the customer. The time payment plan shall allow the customer a period of time to pay the delinquent portion of the customer's utility bill, although the customer's current portion of the utility bill cannot be in excess of thirty (30) days in arrears. The customer is still subject to penalties for payments made after the due date.
The customer's failure to comply with the provisions of the time payment plan shall result in an immediate termination of water service without any additional notice of termination and be subject to all penalties and reconnection fees.
Denial Of Time Payment Plan. All other provisions of this Chapter notwithstanding, the City Collector may declare a customer not eligible or not qualified to enter into a time payment plan if the customer/account holder:
Has failed to abide by a previous time payment plan; or
Is, in the estimate of City staff, preparing to leave the corporate limits of the City;
City staff have reason to question the customer's identity or good faith in requesting to participate in the time payment plan.
[Ord. No. 1795 §4, 2-24-2015]
Definition And Conditions.
As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A financial adjustment to a residential customer's water and wastewater (sewer) utility bill related to a water leak or unexplained increase in water use.
The City Collector may consider approving a leak adjustment under the following conditions:
The customer notifies the City of a water leak/unexplained increase in water charges and requests a leak adjustment.
Water consumption for the month in question is a minimum of one hundred percent (100%) greater than the average volume for the preceding twelve (12) months (excluding the highest and lowest months and all zero consumption months); or
Leak adjustments may occur only once in any thirty-six-month period and shall cover a single event only (although the single event adjustment may cover a maximum of two (2) monthly utility bills).
The adjustment request must include a plumber's repair receipt, City inspection or other proof that the problem has been resolved.
No adjustments shall occur when any of the following exist:
Excessive use is due to the customer's usage decisions such as seasonal use such as sod watering, gardening, filling swimming pools/spas, etc.
Excessive use is due to third party from whom customer is able to recover costs (theft, vandalism, construction damage, etc.)
Excessive water volume beyond the first two (2) months of a multimonth leak.
Leak adjustment has occurred for this property within the past thirty-six (36) months.
Adjustment Calculations.
The adjusted bill shall charge normal water rates on all water volume used up to two (2) times the average monthly water use for this property (for each month involved in the leak).
Average water used shall be calculated using the past twelve (12) months excluding high/low and zero balance months divided by number of available months.
Customers with less than twelve (12) months history will be calculated on an average use of five thousand (5,000) gallons per month.
Adjusted bill shall charge the City's wholesale water purchase rate on all water volumes greater than two (2) times the average monthly water use for this property (for each month involved in the leak).
The wastewater bill shall not be adjusted. In many water leaks the water enters the municipal wastewater collection and treatment system and is treated prior to release.
[Ord. No. 1795 §5, 2-24-2015]
Level Pay Option Available.
The level payment option is available for residential customers only to allow customers to make consistent equal payments of their water, wastewater and refuse service for eleven (11) months of each twelve-month period.
The 12th payment shall be adjusted as needed depending upon the customer's account balance. Residential customers in multifamily units are eligible only if they have an individual meter for their account.
Customers on a level payment plan are not eligible for a time payment plan option.
Level Pay Calculation.
Existing long-term customers. The level pay amount for customers with an existing City utility account with at least twelve (12) months of current service shall be calculated by applying the current utility rates to the result of the sum of the customer's metered water use over the past twelve (12) months plus ten percent (10%) divided by twelve (12) months. The City Collector may develop an alternative calculation to account for unusually high or low water use (leaks or zero use) during the past twelve-month period. Such alternative calculation must be approved by the City Administrator.
Existing short-term customers. The level pay amount for customers with an existing City utility account with less than twelve (12) months' service at the current address shall be calculated by applying the current utility rates to the result of the sum of the customers's metered water use during the period of service at the current address plus twenty-five percent (25%) divided by the number of service months. The City Collector may develop an alternative calculation to account for unusually high or low water use (leaks or zero use) during the past twelve-month period. Such alternative calculation must be approved by the City Administrator.
Existing customers' balances. Existing customers must have a credit or zero account balance to be eligible for the level pay option.
New customers. Customers starting a new residential account with the City are eligible for level pay. The level pay amount shall be calculated by applying the current utility rates to six thousand two hundred fifty (6,250) gallons per month usage [standard residential use of five thousand (5,000) gallons per month plus twenty-five percent (25%)].
Annual adjustment. The City Collector shall adjust monthly level pay amounts in July of each year with the adjusted amount showing on the bills due in August. The Collector shall adjust monthly billing amounts by applying existing credits to customers with a credit balance and reducing the monthly amount as needed to maintain a near balanced account for the next year. The Collector shall increase the August bill amount for customers with a debit account an amount necessary to result in a balanced account. The new level pay amount should then be calculated to maintain a near balanced account for the next year.
Periodic adjustment.
Individual account adjustment. The City Collector may adjust level pay amounts at any time during the year when an individual account has a debit or credit balance that is greater than the City's utility deposit amount.
Rate change adjustment. The City Collector shall adjust level pay amounts for all customers to reflect an increase or decrease in utility rates (water/wastewater/solid waste rates).
Automatic Renewal. Customers' payment plans will automatically renew in July following annual account adjustments.
Level Payments Due. Monthly level pay amounts shall be due and shall be deemed delinquent in accordance with the standard schedule for utility payments.
Delinquent Fees Levied. Customers using the level pay system shall be subject to delinquent fees, and such fees shall be paid in accordance with the standard schedule for utility payments.
Level Pay Termination.
Customer termination. The customer may terminate participation at any time by notifying the City Collector.
City termination. The City may terminate the customer's level pay participation at any time the customer is disconnected for failure to pay, or for having two (2) delinquencies in a twelve-month period or other violations of the City's utility regulations.
If the level pay plan is terminated or the account becomes delinquent for non-payment, the level pay agreement shall be terminated, and the balance owed, including all applicable penalties, must be paid in full by normal monthly due dates. Failure to comply with payment requirements shall result in disconnection of City utility services.
[Ord. No. 1914, 5-26-2020]
Every property owner shall be responsible for any utility charges or fees left unpaid by any tenant of the premises served by the water or sewer utility. However, when an occupant is delinquent more than ninety (90) days, the owner shall not be liable for sums due for more than ninety (90) days of service.
Further, where the landlord or property owner fails to pay the utility charges, the City may refuse to provide any water service to the property with the delinquent charge even in the name of a subsequent tenant or new owner of the property.
Delinquent Accounts. When a tenant is delinquent in payment for thirty (30) days, the City shall make a good faith effort to notify the owner of the premises receiving such service of the delinquency and the amount thereof. Any notice of termination of service shall be sent to both the occupant and owner of the premises receiving such service. When an occupant is delinquent more than ninety (90) days, the owner shall not be liable for sums due for more than ninety (90) days of service.
Single Service Only. The provisions of this Section shall apply only to residences which have their own private water and sewer lines. In instances where several residences share a common water meter or sewer line, the owner of the real property upon which the residences site shall be liable for water and sewer expense.
Application Required. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to unapplied for utility services. Property owners shall be responsible for and shall be directly billed for water and sewer service unless the tenant has applied for such service from the City and the City has approved such application.
Penalty; Severability; Effective Date. This Section shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval, except that landlords will not be liable for unpaid delinquent utility bills incurred before the effective date of this ordinance (5-26-2020), unless the utility customer remains a tenant of the landlord for ninety (90) days past the effective date of this ordinance (5-26-2020).
[CC 1992 §700.090; Ord. No. 521 §1, 8-14-1990; Ord. No. 532 §1, 11-26-1990; Ord. No. 1077 §1(700.500), 3-13-1999; Ord. No. 1253 §1(700.500), 8-27-2002; Ord. No. 1795 §6, 2-24-2015]
Residential Customers.
[Ord. No. 1888, 5-28-2019[1]]
All residential water customers shall provide to the City of Platte City a deposit in the sum of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) before water services may be established for that customer.
Residential customers may elect to have auto pay set up on their account and in return shall provide to the City of Platte City a deposit in the sum of one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125.00) before water services may be established.
Residential wastewater customers, whose drinking water is billed by a third party drinking water provider (other than the City), shall pay to the City of Platte City a deposit in the sum of ninety dollars ($90.00) before wastewater and solid waste services may be established for that customer.
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 1888 also changed the title of this Section to include "Wastewater Service."
Commercial Customers.
All commercial water customers shall provide a deposit to be calculated as set forth herein, but such deposit shall not be less than one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00).
Any commercial water customer applying for a new account as a result of a change in ownership of a business where the new account will service an established business location shall be required to make a deposit in an amount equal to the average monthly water and sewer charges for that business location for the last twelve (12) months.
Any commercial water customer applying for a new account for a new business in the City shall be required to make a deposit in an amount equal to the average monthly water and sewer charges for a similar type and size of business in the City for the last twelve (12) months, which shall be calculated by the City Collector.
The City Administrator shall have the discretion to waive the deposit requirements for an individual or company with a history of prompt and complete water and sewer service payments for a period of not less than one (1) year.
Notwithstanding a required deposit being made, any person or entity indebted to the City for any reason as of the date of application for services shall be required to pay any amount due and owing to the City prior to the provision of water service to said customer.
All deposits shall be held by the City in an escrow account. Upon termination of the service, the deposit shall be returned to the customer; provided, however, that the City may apply any or all of the deposit toward the payment of any unpaid obligation that the customer may owe the City or to the payment for any damage caused to any City property by the customer.
The deposit made by a residential service customer may be returned to the customer if such customer shall have paid all water and sewer bills by the designated due date for a two-year period.
Any former residential customer returning to the City of Platte City who paid all water and sewer bills by the designated due date for the two-year period immediately prior to the customer leaving the City may have the deposit waived.
[CC 1992 §700.510; Ord. No. 517 §§1 — 2, 5-21-1990; Ord. No. 1077 §1(700.510), 3-13-1999]
For water purchased for use within the boundaries of the Public Water District No. 4, the district shall pay for all water used on a monthly basis as follows:
Public Water District No. 4 shall pay Platte City one hundred fifteen percent (115%) of the cost of water paid by the City of Platte City for all water purchased.
[CC 1992 §700.520; Ord. No. 526 §§1 — 2, 8-27-1990; Ord. No. 908, 1-14-1997; Ord. No. 953, 9-9-1997; Ord. No. 1044, 10-27-1998; Ord. No. 1052 §1, 12-11-1998; Ord. No. 1077 §1(700.520), 3-13-1999; Ord. No. 1328, 9-9-2003; Ord. No. 1444 §§1 — 2, 10-13-2005; Ord. No. 1486 §§1 — 2, 7-12-2006; Ord. No. 1524, 3-13-2007; Ord. No. 1548 §3, 9-5-2007; Ord. No. 1605 §2, 10-15-2008; Ord. No. 1631 §6, 8-26-2009; Ord. No. 1666 §4, 8-25-2010; Ord. No. 1692 §2, 6-15-2011; Ord. No. 1707 §1, 9-28-2011; Ord. No. 1724 §1, 4-25-2012]
The City will install water meters for residential uses on the following basis:
One (1) five-eighths (⅝) to three-fourths (¾) inch water meter shall be installed for each single-family dwelling.
Either one (1) five-eighths (⅝) to three-fourths (¾) inch water meter per building or one (1) five-eighths (⅝) to three-fourths (¾) inch water meter per unit shall be installed in each two-family or three-family dwelling.
One (1) water meter shall be installed for each apartment building containing four (4) or more dwelling units. The meter sizes available include five-eighths (⅝) to three-fourths (¾) inch water meters, one (1) inch water meters, one and one-half (1½) inch water meters and two (2) inch water meters.
One (1) five-eighths (⅝) to three-fourths (¾) inch water meter shall be installed for each dwelling unit of condominiums.
The following schedule of fees shall be applicable for the supply and installation of water meters in the City of Platte City:
[Ord. No. 1738 §1, 10-23-2012; Ord. No. 1782 §1, 8-26-2014; Ord. No. 1845 § 1, 5-23-2017]
Size of Water Meter Set
3/4 (multiple)
3/4 (single)
1 1/2
For purposes of this Section, the following definitions shall apply:
A building with three (3) or more separate dwelling units which may be divided by common walls and which typically has a continuous roof from dwelling unit to dwelling unit wherein all dwelling units are under common ownership including, but not limited to, tri-plexes, four-plexes and town homes not developed pursuant to the Platte City Zoning Code.
A dwelling unit subject to the provision of Chapter 448, RSMo.
A freestanding building designed for the occupancy and use of one (1) family unit or a town home developed pursuant to the Platte City Zoning Code.
A building consisting of two (2) dwelling units which are under common ownership and designed for occupancy and use by two (2) family units with a common wall between two (2) separate dwelling units.
[Ord. No. 1725 §1, 4-25-2012]
Upon written request ofthe property owner, the City shall remove the property owner's residential water meter and cause it to be tested for accuracy by an approved testing facility. Such service shall be subject to the following conditions and fees:
Single-family residential meters.
Property owner shall provide City with a fifty dollar ($50.00) deposit prior to City commencing removal and testing.
In the event the test results show that the meter is accurate (plus or minus four percent (±4%)), the City shall retain the deposit to pay for the cost of testing.
In the event the test results in a meter that is in favor of the City by greater than four percent (4%), the City shall be responsible for the cost of testing, shall return the deposit and shall adjust the water and sewer bill by percentage amount of the inaccuracy for the six (6) monthly bills prior to the date the meter was removed for testing.
Meters other than single-family residential meters.
Property owner shall provide City with a deposit equal to the estimated cost to test the meter prior to City commencing removal and testing.
In the event the test results show that the meter is accurate (plus or minus four percent (±4%)), the City shall retain the deposit to pay for the cost of testing.
In the event the test results in a meter that is in favor of the City by greater than four percent (4%), the City shall be responsible for the cost of testing, shall return the deposit and shall adjust the water and sewer bill by percentage amount of the inaccuracy for the six (6) monthly bills prior to the date the meter was removed for testing.
Request For Water Meter Replacement. Property owners may request and City shall comply with request to remove and replace water meters in accordance with the following conditions:
Single-family residential meters.
Property owner may request in writing that the City remove and replace water meter at no charge to the customer one (1) time in any twenty-four (24) month period.
Property owners requesting that the City remove and replace water meter more than once in any twenty-four (24) month period shall pay the City the purchase cost of the new meter plus a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) installation fee prior to the City commencing work.
Any testing requested by property owner shall be in accordance with Section 700.465 of the City Code, water meter testing, bill adjustment and fee for service.
Meter other than single-family residential meter.
Property owner may request in writing that the City remove and replace water meter at no charge to the customer one (1) time in any one hundred twenty (120) month period.
Property owners requesting that the City remove and replace water meter more than one (1) time in any one hundred twenty (120) month period shall pay the City the purchase cost of the new meter prior to the City commencing work. The property owner shall also reimburse the City time and materials cost required to remove and replace such meter.
Any testing requested by property owner shall be in accordance with Section 700.465(A) of the City code, water meter testing, bill adjustment and fee for service.
[Ord. No. 1455 §1(700.525), 1-11-2006]
The following general requirements apply to commercial applications. Additional specific actions may be required by the City if deemed appropriate.
All meters shall be a radio read type approved by the City.
All service lines shall be metered including potable, fire lines and irrigation lines.
All service lines shall be protected by a City approved backflow device,
All pits and vaults shall be approved by the City. A detailed drawing of vaults shall be submitted for review and approval by the City.
All road bore and main taps shall be monitored by the City.
Only one (1) potable meter shall be installed per commercial building.
[CC 1992 §700.530; Ord. No. 446 §3, 5-20-1988; Ord. No. 1077 §1(700.530), 3-13-1999]
During any period or periods of water shortage within the City of Platte City, Missouri, the Mayor, or in his/her absence such other individual designated by the Board of Aldermen of said City, shall be authorized to declare a water shortage emergency for such length of time as said water shortage exists and shall have the power to regulate the usage of water within the City of Platte City, Missouri, and shall have the power to do any one (1) or more of the following:
Institute a water rationing system;
Prohibit or reduce the types and quantity of usage of water including, but not limited to, the following:
Washing cars, trucks, trailers, equipment, vehicles and other mobile personal property items;
Watering lawn, shrubs, trees, gardens and other vegetation;
Filling and adding water to swimming pools;
Other residential, commercial, industrial, health and governmental related uses of water;
Any wasteful use of water;
The purchase of water for use outside of the boundaries of the City of Platte City, Missouri; and
Establish a priority system for the usage of water within the City of Platte City, Missouri.
In the event a water shortage emergency is declared by the Mayor or such other designated representative of the City of Platte City, Missouri, as provided hereinabove, a notice of the declaration of such water shortage emergency and the regulation(s) of water usage during said water shortage emergency shall be posted in a public place within City Hall and at such other place or places as the Mayor or such other designated representative may deem reasonable and appropriate to inform the public of said water shortage emergency and the water usage regulations.
Any violation of the regulations placed in effect during the period of any water shortage emergency shall be unlawful and shall subject the person, corporation, firm, partnership, association, organization and any other individual, acting in his/her individual capacity or in some other representative capacity, to a fine not less than two hundred dollars ($200.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment for each separate violation. Each act in violation of the water shortage regulations in effect during any period of a water shortage emergency shall constitute a separate violation for purposes of penalty or punishment under this Section. If a person, corporation, firm, partnership, association, organization or any other individual, acting in his/her individual capacity or in a representative capacity, shall violate the regulations of the usage of water during any water shortage emergency more than one (1) time during any one (1) day or shall commit successive violations, whether during the same day or different days, then each such violation shall be treated as a separate violation for purposes of punishment and penalty pursuant to this Section. In addition to the foregoing penalties for violations of the water usage regulations during any period of water shortage emergency, the violator shall be subject to discontinuance of water service without further notice and the reconnection fees as provided in Section 700.430(D) of this Chapter shall be paid prior to water service being restored. In addition to the foregoing, the City of Platte City, Missouri, shall be entitled to seek injunctive relief against any such violator to prevent further violation of the water usage regulations in effect during any period of a water shortage emergency.
[Ord. No. 637 §§1 — 4, 12-28-1992; Ord. No. 1077 §1(700.535), 3-13-1999; Ord. No. 1515 §1(700.535), 11-29-2006]
All persons with a direct potable water service connection to the Platte City water system shall pay an annual Missouri drinking water primacy fee per water service connection. Customers served by multiple water service connection shall pay such fee for each service connection, except that no single facility served by multiple connections shall pay more than a total of seven hundred dollars ($700.00) per year.
The Missouri drinking water primacy fee shall be:
Three dollars ($3.00) per year per residential customer.
Seven dollars forty-four cents ($7.44) per year per water service connection for all other customers with water service connections of greater than one (1) inch but less than or equal to two (2) inches.
Forty-one dollars sixteen cents ($41.16) per year per water service connection for all other customers with water service connections greater than two (2) inches but less than or equal to four (4) inches.
Eighty-two dollars forty-four cents ($82.44) per year per water service connection for all other customers with water service connections greater than four (4) inches.
The Missouri drinking water primacy fees as established by this Section shall expire on September 1, 2012.
[Ord. No. 1210 §§1 — 5, 8-1-2001]
All persons with a direct or indirect sewer service connection to the Platte City sewer system shall pay an annual Missouri Clean Water Law fee per water service connection. Customers served by multiple water service connection shall pay such fee for each service connection, except that no single facility served by multiple connection shall pay more than a total of seven hundred dollars ($700.00) per year.
The Missouri Clean Water Law fee shall be:
Seventy cents ($0.70) per year per residential customer.
Three dollars ($3.00) per year per water service connection for all other customers with water service connections of less than or equal to one (1) inch, excluding taps for fire suppression and irrigation systems.
Ten dollars ($10.00) per year per water service connection for all other customers with water service connections of more than one (1) inch but less than or equal to four (4) inches, excluding taps for fire suppression and irrigation systems.
Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per year per water service connection for all other customers with water service connection of more than four (4) inches, excluding taps for fire suppression and irrigation systems.
The City shall collect all Missouri Clean Water Law fees and remit those fees to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. All Missouri Clean Water Law fees shall be billed and collected annually in the month of August and shall be remitted to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources on or before September first (1st) of each year.
Five percent (5%) of the fee revenue collected by the City of Platte City shall be retained by the City of Platte City as reimbursement expenses.
The Missouri Clean Water Law fees as established by this Section shall expire on December 31, 2007.