[Adopted 2-17-1981 (Ch. 15, Art. III, of the 2010 Code)]
Pursuant to Chapter 569 of the Acts of 1980, there shall be a Park and Recreation Department (hereinafter called the "Department") and a Park and Recreation Commission (hereinafter called the "Commission") consisting of five members to be appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the Municipal Council. The Mayor shall initially appoint, subject to the approval of the Municipal Council, the five members for terms as follows: one for a term of one year, one for a term of two years, one for a term of three years, one for a term of four years, and one for a term of five years respectively from the first Monday in May next following such appointment and until their successors are qualified. Thereafter, as the term of office of any member expires, the Mayor shall annually, before the first Monday of May, appoint a successor for a term of five years. A vacancy in the Commission shall be filled in like manner for the remainder of the unexpired term. The members of the Commission shall serve without compensation.
The Commission shall be the policy-making body and shall establish policies relating to planning and development of all parks, playgrounds, commons and recreation programs for the City, The Commission shall approve the annual budget requests as prepared by the Director and review and approve all bills submitted by the Director. As provided by statute (MGL c. 45), the Commission shall exercise the powers and duties contained therein as to parks, playgrounds and public domains, and specifically as contained in MGL c. 45, § 14, with regard to recreational programs, except that the Commission shall not make appropriations of money.
[Amended 12-20-1983]
The Department shall be supervised by a Director of Parks and Recreation, hereinafter called the "Director," who shall not be subject to MGL c. 31 but shall be appointed by the Commission, subject to the approval of the Mayor and Municipal Council, for a term of three years or until a successor is appointed and qualified.
The Director shall have a bachelor's degree from a college or university of recognized standing with either a major in recreation, physical education and/or recreation leadership or a major in parks administration or closely related field and special emphasis in physical education, recreation or recreation leadership; also, a minimum of three years' experience in recreation leadership in supervisory or executive work combining recreation and park responsibilities and duties.
The Director shall be in charge of the daily operations of the Department and have the following duties, in addition to those required by the Commission, the laws of the commonwealth, and ordinances of the City:
Organize, develop and administer a full-time year-round recreation program to serve the needs of all age segments in the community.
Train, supervise and evaluate performance of all staff employees, recommending salary increases, promotions, demotions and dismissals.
Establish liaison with other municipal department heads for the purpose of coordinating all of the activities necessary for the proper functioning of the Department.
Recommend departmental budget requests and estimates for the subsequent year and establish the controls necessary for proper departmental operation under current budget disciplines which would allude to both field staff and office staff operating controls.
Protect the worth of the total program to all interested persons both within the community and outside, through a purposeful and well-planned public relations program.
Direct and arrange for proper maintenance and operations of park and recreation facilities and equipment; with the Commission, approve and coordinate the acquisition, planning, design and construction of parks and recreation facilities.
Superintend the suppression of gypsy and brown-tail moths, and in carrying out said function may enter upon private property within the City.
Assume the duties of tree warden, as defined in MGL c. 87, §§ 2 and 13, and shall, in carrying out said duties, enjoy all of the rights and duties set forth in MGL c. 87.
All of these duties, and any others which are deemed necessary to the successful functioning of the Department, shall be continually reviewed and evaluated by the full membership of the Commission.
The Director may be removed for just cause by the Commission with the approval of the Mayor and Municipal Council.
After consulting with the Director with regard to the qualifications necessary and the duties to be performed, the Commission shall appoint not more than two division heads who shall have such powers, duties and responsibilities as the Commission may assign or impose and shall be subject to the assignments and duties given by the Director.
They shall not be subject to MGL c. 31 and shall be appointed by the Commission, subject to the approval of the Mayor and Municipal Council, for a term of three years or until their successors are appointed and qualified. They may be removed for just cause by the Commission with the approval of the Mayor and Municipal Council.
The care, control and supervision of all school playgrounds shall be exercised by the School Committee.
Nothing in this article shall be deemed to give the Commission control of the cemeteries within the City. There shall be, by separate ordinance, a board of cemetery commissioners and department.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 10, Art. V, Board of Cemetery Commissioners, and Art. VIII, Parks, Cemeteries and Public Grounds Department, of this chapter.
[Added 1-25-1983]
There is hereby established in the Park and Recreation Department the position of mechanical equipment repairman. All appointments to and salary and wage gradations of said position shall be made in a manner consistent with the rules and regulations of the civil service administration of the commonwealth for the appointment and wage or salary of a Class III labor service position, and no person shall be appointed to said position who shall not conform to the requirements of the civil service administration and of other appropriate statutes and ordinances relative to such position.