[Adopted 12-30-1996; amended 5-6-1997 (§ 2-60 of the 2010 Code)]
There shall be an Animal Shelter Advisory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the "Commission") consisting of at least five but no more than nine Commissioners to be appointed by the Municipal Council as hereinafter provided.
The purpose of the Commission is to assist the Animal Control Officer and Shelter Manager in promoting and advocating for the general welfare of all animals in the City of Taunton.
The positions on the Commission shall be filled in the following manner:
At least two Commissioners shall be doctors of veterinary medicine. These Commissioners need not be residents of the City of Taunton but must maintain/have maintained a practice of veterinary medicine within the greater Taunton area.
The remaining Commissioners shall be from the Taunton community at large.
In considering nominations to the Commission, the nominators should bear in mind that, in addition to a sincere interest in the welfare of the animals under the care of the City of Taunton and a willingness to make a commitment to assisting in providing for the needs of the Taunton Animal Shelter, membership on the Commission should, as nearly as possible, include expertise in the following areas: business, finance, and marketing; fund-raising; volunteer recruitment/coordination and community outreach; and education (animal-related subjects).
The Municipal Council shall appoint the Commissioners with terms as follows:
The appointment for the positions to be filled by doctors of veterinary medicine shall be for three years.
The appointment of two of the remaining members shall be for two years.
The remaining members shall be appointed for a term of one year.
At the expiration of the initial appointments, all Commissioners shall be appointed to a three-year term, ending on May 1, initial terms to expire on May 1 of the calendar year nearest the end of the full term of said initial appointment.
Vacancies shall be filled by the Municipal Council for the remainder of the unexpired term.
All members will serve without compensation.
The Commission shall meet monthly and/or at such other times as may be advisable to carry out its function. Meetings shall be open to the public (subject to the provisions of the Open Meeting Law[1]) and shall be posted with the City Clerk as provided by law. Minutes of all meetings shall be kept.
Editor's Note: See MGL c. 30A, § 18 et seq.
The Commission shall elect from its own membership a Chairperson and a Secretary who shall serve for one year.
The Animal Control Officer or his/her designee shall attend all Commission meetings. Other members of the Animal Shelter staff may, at the request of the Animal Control Officer, meet with the Commission to provide additional input. The Commission shall be responsible for a regular review of all shelter records, policies, and procedures and shall offer recommendations regarding these issues. The Commission should also provide its assistance and recommendations to the Animal Control Officer regarding the following issues:
Establishment of a medical protocol for the care and treatment of all animals at the shelter.
Possible improvements in the physical facilities to enhance the care of animals and the overall condition of the facility.
Coordination of the volunteer activities at the shelter.
Periodically review and make recommendations regarding the implementation of City ordinances and Massachusetts General Laws as they apply to the Animal Shelter.
Establishment of sound management and fiscal practices for the day-to-day operation of the shelter.
Assist in the development of animal adoption policies, including related fees and qualifications for individuals desirous of adopting animals at the shelter.
Make recommendations regarding disbursement from the Animal Shelter Fund.
Assist in the preparation of the annual budget to be presented to the Mayor and Municipal Council.
Upon the request of the Taunton Board of Health, to provide assistance regarding animal issues within the purview of that Board.
Provide advice to the Municipal Council on animal-related issues that may from time to time be referred to it by the Council.
Any other issue related to the operation of the Taunton Animal Shelter upon referral by the Animal Control Officer.