[Ord. No. 98-43 §§1 — 2, 11-3-1998; Ord. No. 02-10 §§1 — 2, 7-23-2002]
To ensure orderly operations and provide the best possible work environment, the City of Albany expects employees to follow rules of conduct that will protect the interests and safety of all employees and the organization.
It is not possible to list all the forms of behavior that are considered unacceptable in the workplace. The following are examples of infractions of rules of conduct that may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment:
Theft or inappropriate removal or possession of property.
Falsification of timekeeping records.
Working under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.
Possession, distribution, sale, transfer or use of alcohol or illegal drugs in the workplace, while on duty or while operating employer-owned vehicles or equipment.
Fighting or threatening violence in the workplace.
Boisterous or disruptive activity in the workplace.
Negligence or improper conduct leading to damage of employer-owned or customer-owned property.
Insubordination or other disrespectful conduct.
Violation of safety or health rules.
Smoking in prohibited areas.
Sexual or other unlawful or unwelcome harassment.
Possession of dangerous or unauthorized materials, such as explosives or firearms, in the workplace.
Excessive absenteeism or any absence without notice.
Unauthorized absence from work station during the workday.
Unauthorized use of telephones, mail system or other employer-owned equipment.
Violation of personnel policies.
Unsatisfactory performance or conduct.
Employment with the City of Albany is at the mutual consent of the City of Albany and the employee and either party may terminate that relationship at any time, with or without cause and with or without advance notice.
[Ord. No. 98-43 §§1 — 2, 11-3-1998; Ord. No. 02-10 §§1 — 2, 7-23-2002]
It is the City of Albany's desire to provide a drug-free, healthful and safe workplace. To promote this goal, employees are required to report to work in appropriate mental and physical condition to perform their jobs in a satisfactory manner.
While on the City of Albany premises and while conducting business-related activities off City of Albany premises, no employee may use, possess, distribute, sell or be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. The legal use of prescribed drugs is permitted on the job only if it does not impair an employee's ability to perform the essential functions of the job effectively and in a safe manner that does not endanger other individuals in the workplace.
Violations of this policy may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination of employment and/or required participation in a substance abuse rehabilitation or treatment program. Such violations may also have legal consequences.
Employees with questions or concerns about substance dependency or abuse are encouraged to discuss these matters with their supervisor to receive assistance or referrals to appropriate resources in the community.
Employees with drug or alcohol problems that have not resulted in, and are not the immediate subject of, disciplinary action may participate in a rehabilitation or treatment program through the City of Albany's health insurance benefit coverage.
Under the Drug-Free Workplace Act, an employee who performs work for a government contract or grant must notify City of Albany of a criminal conviction for drug-related activity occurring in the workplace. The report must be made within five (5) days of the conviction.
[Ord. No. 98-43 §§1 — 2, 11-3-1998; Ord. No. 02-10 §§1 — 2, 7-23-2002]
The City of Albany has a zero tolerance policy regarding sexual harassment and is committed to providing a work environment that is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered harassing, coercive or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions, words, jokes or comments based on an individual's sex, race, color, national origin, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation or any other legally protected characteristic will not be tolerated. The City of Albany provides ongoing sexual harassment training to ensure you the opportunity to work in an environment free of sexual and other unlawful harassment.
"Sexual harassment" is defined as unwanted sexual advances or visual, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. This definition includes many forms of offensive behavior and includes gender-based harassment of a person of the same sex as the harasser. The following is a partial list of sexual harassment examples:
Unwanted sexual advances.
Offering employment benefits in exchange for sexual favors.
Making or threatening reprisals after a negative response to sexual advances.
Visual conduct that includes leering, making sexual gestures or displaying of sexually suggestive objects or pictures, cartoons or posters.
Verbal conduct that includes making or using derogatory comments, epithets, slurs or jokes.
Verbal sexual advances or propositions.
Verbal abuse of a sexual nature, graphic verbal commentaries about an individual's body, sexually degrading words used to describe an individual or suggestive or obscene letters, notes or invitations.
Physical conduct that includes touching, assaulting or impeding or blocking movements.
Unwelcome sexual advances (either verbal or physical), requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when:
Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment;
Submission or rejection of the conduct is used as a basis for making employment decisions; or
The conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.
If you experience or witness sexual or other unlawful harassment in the workplace, report it immediately to your supervisor. If the supervisor is unavailable or you believe it would be inappropriate to contact that person, you should immediately contact the City Administrator or any other member of management. You can raise concerns and make reports without fear of reprisal or retaliation.
All allegations of sexual harassment will be quickly and discreetly investigated. To the extent possible, your confidentiality and that of any witnesses and the alleged harasser will be protected against unnecessary disclosure. When the investigation is completed, you will be informed of the outcome of the investigation.
Any supervisor or manager who becomes aware of possible sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the City Administrator or any member of management so it can be investigated in a timely and confidential manner. Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be subject to immediate termination.
[Ord. No. 98-43 §§1 — 2, 11-3-1998; Ord. No. 02-10 §§1 — 2, 7-23-2002]
To maintain a safe and productive work environment, the City of Albany expects employees to be reliable and to be punctual in reporting for scheduled work. Absenteeism and tardiness place a burden on other employees and on the City of Albany. In the rare instances when employees cannot avoid being late to work or are unable to work as scheduled, they should notify their supervisor as soon as possible in advance of the anticipated tardiness or absence.
Poor attendance and excessive tardiness are disruptive. Either may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
[Ord. No. 98-43 §§1 — 2, 11-3-1998; Ord. No. 02-10 §§1 — 2, 7-23-2002]
Dress, grooming and personal cleanliness standards contribute to the morale of all employees and affect the business image the City of Albany presents to customers and visitors.
During business hours or when representing the City of Albany, you are expected to present a clean, neat and tasteful appearance. You should dress and groom yourself according to the requirements of your position and accepted social standards. This is particularly true if your job involves dealing with customers or visitors in person.
Your supervisor or department head is responsible for establishing a reasonable dress code appropriate to the job you perform. If your supervisor feels your personal appearance is inappropriate, you may be asked to leave the workplace until you are properly dressed or groomed. Under such circumstance, you will not be compensated for the time away from work. Consult your supervisor if you have questions as to what constitutes appropriate appearance. Where necessary, reasonable accommodation may be made to a person with a disability.
Without unduly restricting individual tastes, the following personal appearance guidelines should be followed:
Shoes must provide safe, secure footing and offer protection against hazards.
Mustaches and beards must be clean, well trimmed and neat.
Hairstyles are expected to be in good taste.
Unnaturally colored hair and extreme hairstyles, such as spiked hair and shaved heads, do not present an appropriate professional appearance.
Long hairstyles should be worn with hair pulled back off the face and neck to avoid interfering with job performance.
Offensive body odor and poor personal hygiene is not professionally acceptable.
Jewelry should not be functionally restrictive, dangerous to job performance or excessive.
Facial jewelry, such as eyebrow rings, nose rings, lip rings and tongue studs, is not professionally appropriate and must not be worn during business hours.
Multiple ear piercing (more than one (1) ring in each ear) are not professionally appropriate and must not be worn during business hours.
Torso body piercings with visible jewelry or jewelry that can be seen through or under clothing must not be worn during business hours.
Visible excessive tattoos and similar body art must be covered during business hours.
[Ord. No. 98-43 §§1 — 2, 11-3-1998; Ord. No. 02-10 §§1 — 2, 7-23-2002]
Employees are responsible for all City of Albany property, materials or written information issued to them or in their possession or control. Employees must return all City of Albany property immediately upon request or upon termination of employment. Where permitted by applicable laws, the City of Albany may withhold from the employee's check or final paycheck the cost of any items that are not returned when required. The City of Albany may also take all action deemed appropriate to recover or protect its property.
[Ord. No. 98-43 §§1 — 2, 11-3-1998; Ord. No. 02-10 §§1 — 2, 7-23-2002]
Resignation is a voluntary act initiated by the employee to terminate employment with the City of Albany. Although advance notice is not required, the City of Albany requests at least two (2) weeks' written resignation notice from all employees.
If an employee does not provide advance notice as requested, the employee will be considered ineligible for rehire.
[Ord. No. 98-43 §§1 — 2, 11-3-1998; Ord. No. 02-10 §§1 — 2, 7-23-2002]
In an effort to ensure a productive and harmonious work environment, persons not employed by the City of Albany may not solicit or distribute literature in the workplace at any time for any purpose.
The City of Albany recognizes that employees may have interests in events and organizations outside the workplace. However, employees may not solicit or distribute literature concerning these activities during working time. (Working time does not include lunch periods, work breaks or any other periods in which employees are not on duty.)
Examples of impermissible forms of solicitation include:
The collection of money, goods or gifts for political groups.
The sale of goods, services or subscriptions outside the scope of official organization business.
The circulation of petitions.
The distribution of literature not approved by the employer.
The solicitation of memberships, fees or dues.
In addition, the posting of written solicitations on company bulletin boards is restricted. These bulletin boards display important information and employees should consult them frequently for:
Affirmative Action statement.
Job openings.
Organization announcements.
Workers' Compensation insurance information.
If employees have a message of interest to the workplace, they may submit it to the City Administrator for approval. All approved messages will be posted by the City Administrator.
[Ord. No. 98-43 §§1 — 2, 11-3-1998; Ord. No. 02-10 §§1 — 2, 7-23-2002]
The City of Albany is committed to providing a safe, efficient and productive work environment for all employees. Using or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol on the job may pose serious safety and health risks. To help ensure a safe and healthful working environment, employees may be asked to provide body substance samples (such as urine and/or blood) to determine the illicit or illegal use of drugs and alcohol. Refusal to submit to drug testing may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
Copies of the drug testing policy will be provided to all employees. Questions concerning this policy or its administration should be directed to the City Administrator.
[Ord. No. 98-43 §§1 — 2, 11-3-1998; Ord. No. 99-34 §2, 10-19-1999; Ord. No. 02-10 §§1 — 2, 7-23-2002]
The purpose of this policy is to state the City of Albany's position on administering equitable and consistent discipline for unsatisfactory conduct in the workplace. The best disciplinary measure is the one that does not have to be enforced and comes from good leadership and fair supervision at all employment levels.
The City of Albany's own best interest lies in ensuring fair treatment of all employees and in making certain that disciplinary actions are prompt, uniform and impartial. The major purpose of any disciplinary action is to correct the problem, prevent recurrence and prepare the employee for satisfactory service in the future.
Although employment with the City of Albany is based on mutual consent and both the employee and the City of Albany have the right to terminate employment at will, with or without cause or advance notice, the City of Albany may use progressive discipline at its discretion.
Disciplinary action may call for any of four (4) steps:
Verbal warning,
Written warning,
Suspension with or without pay, or
Termination of employment
depending on the severity of the problem and the number of occurrences. There may be circumstances when one (1) or more steps are bypassed.
"Progressive discipline" means that, with respect to most disciplinary problems, these steps will normally be followed:
A first (1st) offense may call for a verbal warning;
A next offense may be followed by a written warning;
Another offense may lead to a suspension; and
Still another offense may then lead to termination of employment.
In any case, each employee which is under disciplinary review will receive the following considerations:
Notification of employee being charged.
Explanation of charges against employee.
Opportunity for employee to explain his/her side of the situation.
The City of Albany recognizes that there are certain types of employee problems that are serious enough to justify either a suspension or, in extreme situations, termination of employment, without going through the usual progressive discipline steps.
While it is impossible to list every type of behavior that may be deemed a serious offense, the employee conduct and work rules policy includes examples of problems that may result in immediate suspension or termination of employment. However, the problems listed are not all necessarily serious offenses but may be examples of unsatisfactory conduct that will trigger progressive discipline.
By using progressive discipline, we hope that most employee problems can be corrected at an early stage benefiting both the employee and the City of Albany.