[Ord. No. 650 Ch. 9 §13, 11-15-1960]
Every person or persons desiring to use any utility furnished by the City of Albany shall make application for such service or services in writing to the City Clerk and shall enter into a written contract for the same with the City, through the City Clerk, and the City Clerk shall have the power and is hereby authorized to make such contracts for and on behalf of the City of Albany, provided, that he shall not enter into any contract for such services with any person or persons who is indebted to the City for any utility service at the time such application is made, nor with any person or persons at locations where the City's utility service is not furnished.
[Ord. No. 650 Ch. 9 §1, 11-15-1960]
The City of Albany, being the sole and exclusive owner of the entire system of water works, electric system, gas system and sewerage system and distribution systems thereof, reserves unto itself the right to and does hereby prescribe the conditions upon which the privilege to tap any of its water lines or mains, or connect with any of the light and power lines, or connect with its sewers, or to secure services therefrom, the City may withhold such privilege, if need be; and in case any act shall be wrongfully committed, or thing done by the person or persons, or firms or corporations holding a grant of such privilege, in violation of any the City's ordinances, relating to its system of water works, electric system, gas system and sewerage system, then such privileges may at the option of the City be suspended, abridged or absolutely revoked.
[Ord. No. 650 Ch. 9 §2, 11-15-1960]
The water works and the sewerage system of the City and all future improvements and extensions thereto, whether to the water works or to the sewerage system or to both, shall be and the same are combined and said water works and sewerage system and all future improvements and extensions thereto are to be operated and maintained as a Combined Water Works and Sewerage System.
[Ord. No. 650 Ch. 9 §10, 11-15-1960]
The City of Albany reserves unto itself the right at any time, upon reasonable notice to shut off any utility service for the purpose of making necessary repairs or extensions or on account of other unavoidable grounds.
[Ord. No. 650 Ch. 9 §11, 11-15-1960]
The City of Albany reserves the right to hold itself, and hereby does declare itself free from all liability on account of damage to any person, firm or corporation due to any accident, or the elements, or other causes over which it has no control.
[Ord. No. 650 Ch. 9 §12, 11-15-1960]
The City of Albany reserves the right to decide all questions or disputes which may arise between the City and any consumer, and to interpret the meaning of all Sections of this Chapter and such other ordinances as may be passed from time to time concerning the use of sewers, water, electric, and gas. The provisions of this Section shall become a part of every contract for sewers, water, lights, power and gas between the City and all consumers thereof.
[Ord. No. 650 Ch. 9 §22, 11-15-1960]
Every person who shall without lawful authority from the City of Albany, Missouri, open any hydrant, service pipe, stop-cock or valve belonging to or connected with the water system in Albany, or who shall tamper with, injure, damage or destroy any building, machinery, wire, pole, light, water mains, pipes, valves of any City owned utility, or who shall tap wires, make connections with lines without authority, or in any manner interfere with the City owned utility systems or who shall violate any of the provisions of this Article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.