State Law Reference — As to assessment of property in cities of the fourth class generally, see RSMo., § 94.190. As to correction of illegal assessments, see RSMo., §§ 94.220. Also see RSMo., §§ 137.075 and 137.090.
[Ord. No. 417 § 5, 3-6-1950; Ord. No. 1530 § 2, 2-19-1990]
The City shall not have an elected or appointed City Assessor. The City instead shall utilize the County assessment records. As provided in Section 94.190, Revised Statutes of Missouri, the County Clerk shall deliver to the Mayor, or before the first (1st) day of October of each year, a certified abstract from his assessment books of all property within the City subject to taxation by the State of Missouri and assessed value thereof as agreed upon by the County Board of Equalization. The Mayor shall immediately transmit the abstract to the Board of Aldermen, which shall establish by ordinance the rate of taxes for the year.
State Law Reference — As to duties generally of City Assessor, see RSMo., §§ 79.230 and 94.190.
[Repealed by Ord. No. 1530 § 3, 2-19-1990]