[Repealed by Ord. No. 1625 § 3, 6-17-1991]
[Ord. No. 419 § 21, 3-6-1950; Ord. No. 572 § 1, 2-6-1956; Ord. No. 891 § 1, 5-13-1968; Ord. No. 909 § 1, 6-9-1969; Ord. No. 987 § 1, 7-10-1972; Ord. No. 1356 § 1, 3-30-1987; Ord. No. 2518 § 1, 3-17-2008; Ord. No. 2561 § 1, 3-16-2009; Ord. No. 2597 § 1, 2-16-2010; Ord. No. 2627 § 1, 1-17-2011; Ord. No. 2851 § 1, 4-18-2016; Ord. No. 2889 § 1, 3-20-2017; Ord. No. 2963, 5-7-2018; Ord. No. 2970, 6-18-2018; Ord. No. 3016, 4-15-2019; Ord. No. 3053, 4-20-2020; Ord. No. 3160, 3-29-2023[2]]
The rates to be charged for water furnished to users and customers of water from the City of Centralia Water System are hereby fixed as follows:
For all customers and users inside the City limits for a service period for each thirty (30) days or calendar month the charge shall be:
For the first two thousand (2,000) gallons: four dollars and eighty-eight cents ($4.88) per one thousand (1,000) gallons.
For the next ten thousand (10,000) gallons: four dollars and forty-nine cents ($4.49) per one thousand (1,000) gallons.
For all usage over twelve thousand (12,000) gallons: four dollars and twenty-seven cents ($4.27) per one thousand (1,000) gallons.
and in addition, each customer and user shall be charged a monthly demand charge, according to the size of the meter used, as follows:
5/8 inch to 3/4 inch meter: seventeen dollars and seventy-four cents ($17.74) per month.
1 inch meter: twenty-two dollars and twenty-eight cent ($22.28) per month.
1 1/2 inch meter: twenty-six dollars and fifty-two cents ($26.52) per month.
2 inch meter: thirty-five dollars and fifty-two cents ($35.52) per month.
3 inch meter: eighty dollars and seven cents ($80.07) per month.
4 inch meter: one hundred twenty-five dollars and thirty-six cents ($125.36) per month.
Each customer and user of water from the City shall have a monthly minimum charge for one thousand (1,000) gallons per month regardless of the amount used, so that the minimum monthly charge shall be twenty-two dollars and sixty-two cents ($22.62).
Outside City.
Each customer and user who receives water to be used on property located outside the City limits shall pay a premium rate of twenty percent (20%) in excess of the rate charged for use inside the City limits.
Each customer and user of water outside the City limits shall have a minimum monthly charge for one thousand (1,000) gallons per month regardless of the amount used, plus the premium of twenty percent (20%) in excess of the rate charged for use inside the City limits, so that the minimum monthly charge shall be twenty-seven dollars and fourteen cents ($27.14).
State Law Reference — Cities may construct waterworks, see RSMo. § 91.090. As to condemnation for public facilities, see RSMo. § 79.380.
Cross Reference — As to license tax, see § 16-22.
Editor's Note: Per ord. no. 3160 the rates set out herein are effective April 25, 2020.
[Ord. No. 419 § 23, 3-6-1950; Ord. No. 563 § 1, 11-3-1955; Ord. No. 1153 § 3, 9-10-1979; Ord. No. 1356 § 1, 3-30-1987; Ord. No. 2997, 1-21-2019]
The charge for water connection, water meter, meter box, piping and all labor necessary for each connection made in this City shall be one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). The tap of the water main shall be made by the employees of the Water and Sewer Departments only. The City Administrator, Director of Public Works and Utilities, or foreman of the Water and Sewer Department shall, whenever proper application is made therefor, cause the water main to be tapped, dig the necessary trench, furnish and put in the necessary piping, together with a water meter with three-fourths (3/4) inch minimum capacity, meter box, meter box top, valves and connections, to carry the water from the water main to the outer sidewalk line of the adjoining property, upon the payment of the charge hereinabove provided.
[Ord. No. 1697 § 1, 9-21-1992; Ord. No. 2417 § 1, 7-17-2006]
Effective September 30, 2022, every customer and user of water supplied by the City, whether inside or outside of the City limits, shall pay to the City an annual fee for each water service connection the customer and user has with the City, based on the size of the water meter used for that service. The annual fee for each customer having a water meter of one (1) inch or less in size shall be four dollars and fifty-two cents ($4.52) for each such water service connection; the annual fee for each customer having a water meter greater than one (1) inch in size but less than or equal to two (2) inches in size shall be sixteen dollars and forty-eight cents ($16.48) for each such connection; the annual fee for each customer having a water meter greater than two (2) inches in size but less than or equal to four (4) inches in size shall be eighty-one dollars and seventy-two cents ($81.72) for each such connection; and the annual fee for each customer having a water meter greater than four (4) inches in size shall be one hundred fifty-nine dollars and forty-eight cents ($159.48); provided that no single facility with multiple water service connections shall pay a total of more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) per year. This annual fee shall be enumerated separately from all other charges on each customer's bill and shall be collected by the City in monthly increments.
[Ord. No. 3112, 12-20-2021; Ord. No. 3147, 9-19-2022]
The fee established by this Section is a State fee imposed by Section 640.100 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri for the purpose of complying with Federal requirements for State enforcement of the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act. All fees collected by the City shall be transferred to the State Director of Revenue at least quarterly, provided that two percent (2%) of the fees collected shall be retained by the City for the purpose of reimbursing the City for its expenses for billing and collection of such State fees.
Collection of the State fees imposed under this Section shall be suspended or shall end at the times specified by State law.
State Law Reference — See RSMo. § 640.100.