[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of Lee as Appendix D, Part II, Section III, of the 1971 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Plumbing — See Ch. 154.
Water — See Ch. 195.
Public Works Department — See Ch. 229.
Sewer Department — See Ch. 235.
Asbestos-cement pipe shall be standard.
Cement-lined cast-iron pipe may be used.
Class 150 pipe shall be minimum.
Pipe other than specified in Subsection A(1) and (2) shall not be used.
Pipe used for area distribution, high-demand sections or lines in general exceeding 2,000 feet in length shall be not less than eight inches.
Pipe used for hydrant supply and for lines not exceeding 1,100 feet in length shall be not less than six inches, except six-inch pipe may be allowed for lines exceeding 600 feet in length up to 1,100 feet, provided that both ends connect to larger independently supplied pipes. Dead-end pipelines six inches in size shall not exceed 600 feet.
Pipe smaller than six inches shall not be used.
Make: Lee standard.
Size. A valve shall be the same size as the pipe in which it is to be used.
Operation. All valves shall open to the left.
At approximately every 1,000 feet in an unbranched pipeline.
On each hydrant branch.
At both ends of an interconnecting line with water flow either way.
At each end of a bridge crossing.
At the end of dead-end lines when future extension is possible.
Shall consist of a tee, normally Ring Tite by Ring Tite by flange, a valve flanged by bell, a valve box and the necessary length of hydrant branch six-inch pipe between the valve and the hydrant.
Shall be cast iron Class 150 minimum, and joints shall be poured.
The branch of the tee supplying the hydrant, the valve and connecting pipe shall be six inches.
At intervals not exceeding 800 feet in an unbranched pipeline.
In general at street intersections.
Make. Hydrants as manufactured by R.D. Wood Company, or approved equal, shall be standard.
Specifications. Hydrants shall be provided with a six-inch base connection, a barrel length suitable for not less than a five-and-one-half-foot trench, two two-and-one-half-inch national standard hose outlets and one five-inch streamer connection (Lee, Massachusetts Fire Department Standard).
Installation. In general, hydrants shall be installed when waterline construction is in progress, whether the line is being constructed by the Department or by a developer, unless economic or practical reasons make it necessary to postpone the installation.
Use. Except by special permission granted by the Board of Public Works, hydrants shall be used only by the Lee Fire Department for the purpose of extinguishing fires.
Private hydrants. Privately owned hydrants located on private property may be connected to the water system, provided that permission has been granted by the Board of Public Works. Private hydrants shall conform to Water Department specifications for hydrants. The purpose of private hydrants shall be for use in extinguishing fires.
The service line for each single house shall connect directly to the street water main.
The service line to a single house shall use three-fourths-inch Type K copper tubing between the main and the service line curb cock.
Double houses or apartment buildings may be supplied by one service line from the main into the building, provided that provision is made for shutting off water to individual apartments without affecting water service to any other apartment.
The service line from the street main into business buildings or large apartment buildings shall use size and type as directed by the Board.
Water meters of approved design shall be installed in all new water service to commercial and industrial users. All residents shall make provision for future installation of water meters by providing and installing a standard spacer with a valve on the Town side and another valve on the house piping side.
The Board of Public Works shall be considered to own:
All water mains, regardless of size, that were in existence on March 31, 1946, with the exception of the mains to the Eagle, Columbia, Centennial and Niagara Mills.
All water mains constructed by the Water Department or by authority of the Water Department since March 31, 1946.
Water mains constructed by developers since March 31, 1946, of which there is a record of acceptance by the Board of Water Commissioners or of acceptance by the Town's voters at the Annual Town Meeting.
All hydrants connected directly to mains owned by the Water Department.
Water mains constructed by developers since March 31, 1946, of which there is no record of acceptance in the Water Department's records shall be considered as privately owned.
All service lines from the connection to the Water Department's water main shall be considered as owned by the owner of the property served by such lines.
The Board of Public Works shall have complete control of:
All valves in all water mains owned by the Department.
The valve which supplies water to a private water main.
The curb cock or the corporation cock that supplies water to a service line connected to a department-owned water main.
The valve in a department-owned hydrant branch. The hydrant valve itself shall be jointly controlled by the Water Department and the Lee Fire Department. The Water Department shall have control over private hydrants to the extent that use other than for extinguishing fires may be stopped or restricted if, in the opinion of the Board of Public Works, it is necessary to do so.
Only authorized persons shall, at any time, operate any valve in a department-owned water main or the curb or corporation cock in a service line connected to a department-owned water main or the valve in a department-owned branch or hydrant.
The Board of Public Works shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair and replacement of all department-owned water mains as defined in § 249-6A(1), (2) and (3), except as qualified in Article II, § 248-13F. The term "maintenance" shall include thawing of frozen water mains.
The Board of Public Works shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair and replacement of all department-owned hydrants. The term "maintenance" shall include flushing, painting and snow removal.
The property owner shall be responsible for the repair, replacement and thawing out of service lines in their entirety, unless the condition is caused by the Department.
The property owner shall be responsible for maintenance, repair and replacement of a private hydrant.
The property owner or developer or owners in common of a private water main shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair and replacement of a privately owned water main. The term "maintenance" shall include thawing of frozen private water mains.
The property owner shall be responsible to furnish and install a pressure-reducing or pressure-regulating device to control the pressure within the piping and sanitary system of his or her property. It is expected that the private property owner shall determine from the Water Department the approximate pressure in the street main at the property location, and the property owner shall then furnish and install a pressure-reducing or pressure-regulating device if he or she is of the opinion that such a device is needed to protect the property piping system and the property itself.
The Board of Public Works shall discontinue water service to customers that are delinquent in the payment of their water bills. A bill shall be considered delinquent for water shutoff purposes 30 days after the next regular bill is rendered. Any consumer in arrears on a previous billing at the time of an April 1 or an October 1 billing shall have water service discontinued, after due notice on or after April 30 and on or after October 30. Restoration of water service shall only occur upon full payment of all arrears.
A property owner desiring to use available water service shall apply in person at the water office, sign an application form in the presence of the Registrar and pay fee of $35 for each application.
Only the owner of a property or his or her legal representative may sign an application form for water service.
Each application form shall apply for one three-fourths-inch tap. The Registrar shall not accept an application for a larger size tap without the approval by the Board of Public Works.
The Registrar shall refer each signed application form to the Board of Public Works for approval. No tap shall be made until the Board of Public Works has approved the application.
Tapping for water service shall preferably be done when the outdoor temperature is above freezing, but, in case of necessity, tapping shall be made at any time of the year.
The property owner's signature on the application form shall be considered as an expressed consent of the property owner to be bound by the rules and regulations of the Water Department in the event that the applicant uses water service.
Tapping of a water main shall be done only by the Water Department or an authorized representative.
Owner responsibilities.
The property owner shall furnish, at his or her expense, all labor and material for a service line, except that the Water Department shall furnish and install one three-fourths-inch corporation cock in the water main and furnish, but not install, one three-fourths-inch curb cock and one curb box.
The property owner shall locate the curb cock and the curb box at the property line and shall use Type K copper tubing between the water main and the curb cock. The use of copper tubing between the curb cock and the house valve is also recommended by the Board.
The Water Department Superintendent shall notify the Board of Public Works Superintendent as soon as water has been turned on in a new service line.
The Water Department Superintendent shall provide the Board of Public Works Superintendent with the location measurements for curb box location.
Billing for facilities.
As soon as water has been turned on in a new service line, an account number shall be assigned, in the property owner's name, and a bill sent for water service. The amount of the bill shall be based on the facilities to be provided with water service, if available, or the bill may be a nominal figure determined by the Board of Public Works for temporary use. Bills sent out between billing periods shall have the amount prorated for the time water service is supplied.
All commercial and industrial users shall request permission from the Board before expansion of facilities which would require more water usage.
Employees of the Water Department shall have free access to property served, at all reasonable times, to ascertain the amount of water passing through a service, the manner of its use and the possibility of waste and to shut off water for nonpayment of water charges or violation of Water Department rules and regulations.
The property owner shall be responsible for the payment of water bills.
Property owners charged a flat rate for water service shall be billed in advance for such service on April 1 and October 1.
Each property owner shall be charged for the use of the facilities shown on his or her record card without regard for the frequency or infrequency of use of any facility.
The charge for a facility shall be in accordance with the Town of Lee, Massachusetts Table of Rates, unless the Board of Public Works has authorized a percentage increase or decrease, except that:
The School Department (including St. Mary's School) shall be charged 5/6 of the amount determined from the Table of Rates, but any percentage increase or decrease shall be included.
The temporary rate for a consumer shall not be subject to a percentage increase or decrease in rates.
The right-of-way or other valuable considerations or agreements have been made in the past and may be made in the future between the Board of Public Works and a property owner to furnish water without a monetary charge. The names of such property owners are listed in the Water Department's file under "U" (users not charged for water service with a monetary charge).
A percentage increase or decrease shall apply to all facilities.
Charges for water service to a new account shall start when water is turned on in the new service. When complete facilities are not in use (as when a house is being built), the Board of Public Works shall determine a temporary charge. When bills, other than those for temporary charges, are sent out in between billing periods, the charges shall be prorated.
A 10% discount shall be allowed all consumers charged a flat rate who pay their bills not later than 15 days after the billing dates of April 1 and October 1, except that consumers in arrears on previous billings shall not be allowed any discount on the new bill unless all arrears and the new bill are paid within a fifteen-day period of the new bill.
Consumers using metered service shall be billed for the water used, and no discount for prompt payment shall be allowed. The billing for metered service may or may not be at the same times as billing for flat rate users. In the case of meter failure, water charges shall be based upon previous registration for a like period.
The Board of Public Works may allow an abatement when water service is not used, as when an apartment is vacated or a house is closed during the winter months.
The property must be vacant for a period of three months before an abatement shall be considered by the Board of Public Works.
The applicant shall sign an abatement form in the presence of the Registrar. In cases where it is neither possible nor practical for the applicant to sign the abatement form, the Registrar may fill out the form, attaching any letter or note of explanation sent in by the applicant. On all forms the Registrar shall fill in the account number, the amount to be abated, the period for the abatement and the reason for the request.
No abatement shall be allowed until the Board of Public Works has approved and signed the application.
The Registrar shall maintain a file of all approved abatement forms for not less than two years.
The Water Department may shut off water service to a property for which an abatement is granted.
Scope. These instructions shall apply for the construction of water lines by developers. These general instructions will be supplemented by specific instructions applying to the individual development.
Definitions. As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The Board of Public Works.
The persons or person proposing to construct a water main.
The pipe directly serving a water user.
The pipe to which a service line is connected.
The builder shall meet with the Board to discuss the plan. The builder shall have a drawing showing street lines and lot lines in his or her development.
The builder shall not begin construction of any waterline before written approval (including any specific instructions) has been received from the Board.
During construction, the Board shall have the right to inspect the work at any time or to have a representative present during any part of the work.
The builder shall arrange with the Water Department Superintendent to have Water Department personnel present when connecting to existing water mains, pressure testing lines and any other critical phase of construction.
The builder shall notify the Board upon completion of the work and request the Board to accept the water mains. Upon approval by the Board, the builder shall be sent a written notice of acceptance. This notice shall automatically transfer ownership from the builder to the Water Department, at no cost to the Water Department, of all water mains and hydrant branches in their entirety.
For a period of one year from the date on the letter of acceptance the builder shall be responsible for all liabilities, costs and repair work resulting from poor workmanship and/or the use of improper or defective material.
The builder shall file with the Board of Public Works a record plan of the installation.
All material used in the construction of water mains and service lines shall be manufactured in the United States of America.
Pipe for water mains.
All water main pipe shall be asbestos-cement Class 150 or Class 200 unless otherwise directed by the Board.
The size of pipe shall be determined by the Board.
Valves for water mains.
Make: Lee Standard.
Size. A valve shall be the same size as the pipe in which it is to be used.
Operation. All valves shall open to the left.
At approximately every 1,000 feet in an unbranched pipeline.
On each hydrant branch.
At both ends of an interconnecting line with water flow either way.
At each end of a bridge crossing.
At the end of dead-end lines when future extension is possible.
Hydrant branches. The number and location of hydrant branches shall be determined by the Board and shall conform in general to Article I, § 248-3 of this chapter.
Connection of the new main to the existing main shall be by tapping sleeve and valve or mechanical joint.
Joints between asbestos-cement pipe and cast-iron pipe shall be mechanical joints.
Pipe for service lines.
Pipe for service lines to single-family dwellings between the main and the curb box at the property line shall be three-fourths-inch Type K copper tubing.
The remaining service line pipe may be the builder's preference, but the Board recommends the use of copper tubing from the curb box to the house valves.
Double houses or apartment buildings may be supplied by one service line from the main into the building, provided that provision is made for shutting off water to individual apartments without affecting water service to any other apartment.
The service line from the street main into business buildings or large apartment buildings shall use size and type as directed by the Board.
Miscellaneous service line material.
One corporation cock, one curb cock and one Buffalo-type curb box are to be furnished for each service line.
The builder shall conform to the rules of the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Lee.
Furnishing material and labor.
The builder shall furnish all pipe, valves and miscellaneous material, except hydrant branch material and hydrants.
The Water Department shall furnish the builder with all material for a hydrant installation, including the hydrant.
The builder shall furnish all equipment and labor to construct water mains, service lines and hydrant branches.
Water mains.
Water mains shall be located only in areas which are, or will become, Town accepted streets, subject to the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Lee.
All pipe shall be carefully cleaned and inspected for breaks or cracks, and no broken or cracked pipe shall be used.
The open end of a pipeline under construction shall be effectively closed at all times.
Pipe shall be buried not less than five feet six inches nor more than seven feet as measured from the top of the pipe.
Pipe laid in ledge or large rocks shall be laid on end in a six-inch layer of sand.
Pipes passing under culverts shall have at least a six-inch clearance.
Where trees, fittings or abrupt changes in direction occur, poured cement thrust blocks shall be placed.
Where a valve terminates a pipeline, not less than two full lengths of pipe shall be laid beyond the valve and the end of the pipe closed with a loose-fitting cap.
Service lines.
Pipe shall be laid as direct as possible from the main to the service area.
Pipe shall be buried from the main to the curb cock not less than five feet six inches.
A corporation cock shall be installed at the main. A curb cock shall be installed at the property line. The top of the curb box shall be flush with the ground surface.
After the water main is laid, earth shall be carefully packed with hand tamper under the pipe and at least 12 inches over the pipe.
As the trench is backfilled, the earth shall be tamped down.
No large stones shall be put in the trench.
After the pipe is completely covered, it shall be tested for leaks in lengths not exceeding 1,000 feet.
The test shall be a water pressure test not less than 100 pounds per square inch and not exceeding 150 pounds per square inch at any point on the portion of the line being tested.
Pressure shall be held for a minimum of four hours with no appreciable loss of pressure indicated.