[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Red Bank by Ord. No. 1988-7 (Sec. 2-70 of the 1987 Revised General Ordinances). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Borough-owned facilities may be utilized by organizations, groups, committees, individuals; not sponsored, controlled or regulated by the Borough of Red Bank, who meet the following requirements:
Submission of the appropriate Borough application form to the Borough Clerk;
Meeting all requirements listed on said application form;
Approval by Borough Council.
[Amended 10-12-2023 by Ord. No. NP2023-16]
The Borough Clerk will be responsible for the processing of said applications and submission in complete form to the Borough Council to be acted upon at a regular Borough Council meeting.
[Amended 10-12-2023 by Ord. No. NP2023-16]
Further, the Borough Clerk will be responsible for maintaining a schedule of use of public buildings, and the Recreation Director will maintain a schedule for the use of outdoor Borough recreation facilities.
[Added 10-8-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-17]
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any individual seeking election to a public office of the federal, state, county or municipal government or school district, or other political office, or any individual who shall have been elected to or failed to be elected to any such office.
A person elected to any public office of the federal, state, county or municipal government, school district or other political office.
Any building owned or leased by the municipality for the conducting of any official municipal business.
Any person holding any elected municipal office or holding an appointed position in the municipal government or any agency, commission, board or office thereof, whether the position is full time or part time, compensated or uncompensated; and any employee of municipal government or of any municipal agency, commission, board or office thereof, whether the position is full time or part time.
All municipal property owned, leased or controlled by the municipal government including, but not limited to, vehicles, telephones, fax machines, computers, copy machines, stationery which includes municipal letterhead, postage and other office equipment.
The government of the municipality, including any office, department, board, commission or agency thereof.
The conducting of a political campaign for the election of a candidate to public office to include political canvassing, meetings to discuss the election of a candidate, writing of political literature, dissemination or mailing of literature for a candidate, preparation of political signs for a candidate, direct or indirect contact with other political candidates, elected officials or representatives of any political organization or any public or private entity or person or persons concerning in any way the election of a candidate, or the storage of any political literature, signs or other political items used for election of a candidate.
Any loan, transfer of money or other thing of value to any candidate, elected official or representative of any candidate, elected official or representative of any political organization or any other commitment or assumption of liability to make any such transfer. Political contributions shall be deemed to have been made upon the date when such commitment is made or liability assumed.
Any two or more persons acting jointly, or any corporation, partnership or other incorporated or unincorporated association which is organized to, or does, aid or promote the nomination, election or defeat or any candidate or candidates for any federal, state, county, municipal or school board office or political party office. Political organization includes, but is not limited to, organizations defined in N.J.S.A. 19:44A-3 as a "political committee," "joint candidates committee," "continuing political committee," "political party committee" or "legislative leadership committee."
To ask for, by oral or written communication, a political contribution as that term is defined herein.
Prohibition against soliciting or accepting political contributions or political campaigning in a municipal building or room in a municipal building. No municipal official, employee, appointee or political candidate may solicit, commit to pay, or receive payment of a commitment to pay any political contribution for any candidate, elected official or political organization while in any municipal building or room in a municipal building or undertake or conduct any political campaigning while in any municipal building or room in a municipal building.
Prohibition against use of municipal personal property for political fund-raising or political campaigning. No municipal official, employee, appointee or political candidate may solicit, commit to pay or receive payment of or a commitment to pay any political contribution for any candidate, elected official or political organization while utilizing municipal personal property or undertaking or conduct political campaigning while utilizing municipal personal property.
The Borough Council may impose fees to cover costs to the Borough associated with the proposed use, and the Mayor and Borough Council may impose additional requirements deemed to be necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the general public.
[Amended 10-12-2023 by Ord. No. NP2023-16]
The use of Borough-owned facilities by official groups of the Borough government and Borough-sponsored activities and quasi-officials will take precedence before nonsponsored organizations, groups, committees and/or individuals.
The facility usage fees for any Borough-owned property (including but not limited to The Count Basie Field Complex, Marine Park, Riverside Garden Park, The White Street Parking Lot, Maple Cove, and The Senior Center) for the purposes of holding a special event (approved by Council and the Special Events Committee) will be billed at a rate of $500 per day (sponsored by in-town organizations) and $750 per day sponsored by out-of-town organizations. Other fees may apply (DPW, Police, etc.). Facility usage fees must be paid in advance of all special events. These fees may be adjusted by resolution of the governing body upon publication of such resolution.
[Added 9-28-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-19]
Fees for all special events facility rentals shall go to the Parks and Recreation Trust to be used for recreation programming.
[Added 9-28-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-19]