[Added 11-4-2014 by L.L. No. 4-2014]
The Chief of Police hereby is authorized to provide for the immobilization of any vehicle against which any number of parking summonses have been issued for a violation of this chapter for which fines and penalties totaling equal to or in excess of $500 remain unpaid, and/or vehicles that have been deemed parking scofflaws by the State of New York.
[Amended 3-6-2018 by L.L. No. 2-2018]
Such vehicles may be immobilized where located, secured by the use of an immobilization device or, in the discretion of the Chief of Police, be impounded and towed pursuant to Article XIII of this chapter.
Such immobilization or impound will be at the sole expense of the owner of the vehicle.
When an immobilization device is used, the Police Department or its agents shall attach a notice to the vehicle containing the following information:
The location and identifying characteristics of the vehicle.
The date and time of placement of the immobilization device and signature of the installer.
Notice that the vehicle will be towed if it remains in the same location for 72 hours from the immobilization.
Notice that any person tampering with the device or the vehicle will be subject to criminal prosecution and liable for any loss to the Village.
The steps which must be taken by the owner of the vehicle to obtain the release of the vehicle from the Village Justice Court.
Such other information, statements, notices and warnings as the Chief of Police may, from time to time, determine to be appropriate.
No person shall attempt to or shall tamper with, deface, remove or destroy an immobilization device or move an immobilized vehicle as herein provided.
Any immobilized vehicle, as herein provided, shall be released to its owner upon payment of the expenses of immobilization and all outstanding parking fines and penalties against the immobilized vehicle. A vehicle release must be obtained from the Village Justice Court during normal business hours. Once the release is obtained from the Village Justice Court, it may be presented to the Police Department, during normal business hours, in order to have the Police Department remove the immobilization device or release the vehicle from impound.
[Amended 12-7-2021 by L.L. No. 10-2021]
In rare instances where the owner of the vehicle may be unavailable, an original notarized letter from the registered owner or title holder may be submitted authorizing a particular person to receive custody of the vehicle. Photocopies of letters or faxed or electronic letters will not be accepted. A clearly legible copy of the registered owner's driver's license or other government-issued form of photo identification must be submitted with the notarized letter. The authorized person must have no unpaid summonses in his or her own name or in relation to a vehicle owned by him or her and must possess a valid driver's license.
The owner of the vehicle is responsible for all towing charges and storage fees associated with towing and impound of the vehicle. Fees associated with towing and storage will be paid directly to the two company.
New parking summonses may be issued to an illegally parked vehicle which is immobilized, and penalties will continue to accrue until payment is made.
Expired registrations must be renewed and any suspended registration must be reinstated prior to the release of an immobilized or impounded vehicle.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction, be punishable by a fine not to exceed $250 or by imprisonment for a term not to exceed 15 days, or both.
The fee to release a vehicle immobilization device shall be $150.
The fee to replace a damaged vehicle immobilization device shall be $600.
All the above penalties and fees shall be in addition to the payment of all outstanding parking fines and penalties.