Under authority of the General Laws, Acts of State Legislature of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the following rules and regulations, together with the water rates, shall be part of the contract with every person using water supplied by the Town of Greenfield, and every person taking or applying for water agrees to them and to be bound thereby.
The purpose of these regulations is to:
Provide adequate water pressure and volume to users.
Provide high-quality, unpolluted, and aesthetically pleasing water to users that meets or exceeds all Safe Drinking Water Act standards.
Provide a uniform schedule of charges and rates and a uniform policy for administration of rates and charges.
Promote water conservation.
Establish minimum standards of materials, workmanship, and specifications for materials and appurtenances, which would ultimately become part of the Town of Greenfield's distribution system.
Set up procedures which all new users must follow to enter into the distribution system.
The Mayor, or his/her duly appointed designee, shall make the final interpretation of these regulations whenever unforeseen situations arise which are not clearly covered, or when further interpretation of the intent of the regulations is required.