Unless the context or subject matter otherwise requires, as used in this Part 1, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The Board of License Commissioners.
The Chief of Police of the Town of Greenfield or any person or persons so designated by the Chief of Police.
The Chief of Police of the Town of Greenfield or any person or persons so designated by the Chief of Police.
A private passenger vehicle (including, but not limited to, limousines) registered as a livery, the designed seating capacity of which does not exceed 15 passengers including the driver, without a taxi meter, for hire for the transport of passengers for designated events (such as weddings, funerals, celebrations, airport transport, touring, or similar contractual purposes). This type of vehicle must be rented by means of a telephone request to the registered place of business of the owner or a contract arranged in advance of the time of the designated pickup. No licensed limousine/livery vehicle may pick up a person in response to a street hail or may stand in special areas authorized for taxis. This does not include vehicles engaged exclusively to provide services to funeral homes, hospitals or other medical assistance/special needs vehicles, nor any mass transit authority vehicles.
The sign or markers furnished by the Registry of Motor Vehicles on which is displayed the license number or marks assigned to a vehicle-for-hire.
Any person who operates a vehicle-for-hire.
The space in a vehicle-for-hire ordinarily occupied by one person.
A private passenger motor vehicle registered as a taxi, with or without a taximeter, used or designed to be used for the conveyance of passengers for hire from place to place but not over a fixed route or between fixed and regular termini. This type of vehicle may be requested by call to a dispatcher or "hailed" on public ways for securing a ride. It also may pick up passengers in areas designated for taxis.
An area within the public way designated as a taxi stand by posted signs, painted curbs, or marked spaces, and as approved by the Department of Public Works.
The Town of Greenfield.
Any vehicle used or to be used as a taxi or livery or limousine vehicle.
A license issued by the Board of License Commissioners authorizing the operation of a vehicle-for-hire business.
A license issued by the Chief of Police to a vehicle-for-hire business license holder authorizing the use of a particular vehicle.
A license issued by the Chief of Police to authorize the holder thereof to operate a vehicle-for-hire.
Any public way, any private way laid out for public use, any way dedicated to public use or any place to which the public has a right of access as invitees or licensees.
Editor's Note: Amended during codification.