Prior to the operation of any vehicle as a vehicle-for-hire, a vehicle-for-hire business licensee must secure a vehicle-for-hire license for each vehicle. The Chief of Police may only issue a vehicle-for-hire license if the vehicle has passed an inspection administered by the Chief of Police or the Chief's designee, as provided in § 538-12 of these regulations.
A vehicle-for-hire license shall set forth the applicant's name and address, name and place of business of the vehicle-for-hire business licensee, a description of the vehicle, the vehicle's identification number or numbers, and the number of seats, exclusive of the operator. Such license shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of issuance unless sooner revoked or suspended.
Application for a vehicle-for-hire license shall be made to the Chief of Police by the holder of a vehicle-for-hire business license. Such application shall set forth under oath all information that the Chief of Police may require, including:
The make, model, vehicle identification number, and age of the vehicle.
A copy of the certificate of insurance coverage page for the vehicle, indicating vehicle insurance covering at a minimum of $100,000/$300,000 personal liability and $100,000 property damage.
[Amended 2-15-2012 by Order No. FY 12-085]
Vehicle registration.
The place at which the vehicle-for-hire will be stored when not in use within the Town of Greenfield.
All licensees shall maintain appropriate vehicle insurance as required by § 538-10 and by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and shall carry evidence of such insurance in the licensed vehicle at all times. A copy of this insurance certificate must be provided to the Chief of Police at time of application and each year at renewal time. The policy shall state that if it is revoked or amended, the insurance company will notify the Chief of Police no later than 30 days prior to the effective date of the revocation or amendment.
Before a vehicle-for-hire is licensed, and semi-annually thereafter in order to renew the vehicle-for-hire license at a time selected by the Chief of Police, such vehicle-for-hire shall be thoroughly inspected and examined by a designee of the Chief of Police for the purpose of determining that the vehicle-for-hire is in good condition, clean inside and outside, of good appearance, and well painted. The Town will provide a vehicle-for-hire license inspection card for each vehicle-for-hire. At the time of the semi-annual inspection, the operator of the vehicle-for-hire shall present to the Chief of Police's designee the vehicle-for-hire license inspection card. The Inspectional Services designee shall, after inspecting the vehicle, either date and sign the vehicle-for-hire license inspection card and return it to the operator or inform the operator of corrections that must be made before the license inspection card will be returned. Any vehicle having failed an inspection and requiring reinspection shall be subject to a reinspection fee of $20.
Nothing herein shall relieve a vehicle-for-hire business licensee of its sole responsibility to ensure the safety of the vehicle and compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, and the vehicle-for-hire business licensee is at all times responsible for the vehicle and shall be liable for all penalties and/or damage resulting from the operation of the vehicle by an employee, agent, or any other person operating the vehicle.
The Chief of Police shall refuse to issue a vehicle-for-hire license or, if already issued, revoke or suspend said license for any vehicle-for-hire found to be unfit, uninspected by the Massachusetts Department of Motor Vehicles, or unsuited for the purposes herein set forth. The Chief of Police shall, as soon as is practicable, provide the applicant or licensee with written notice of the denial, revocation, or suspension, and inform the applicant or license holder of the right to a hearing before the Board. A request for a hearing must be made in writing within 10 days of receipt of the notice. At the hearing, the licensee will have the opportunity to present testimony and other evidence and be represented by a person of his/her choice. Upon suspension or revocation, said license shall be immediately surrendered to the Board of License Commissioners. A request for a hearing shall not delay any suspension or revocation.
Any vehicle-for-hire shall have affixed thereto such number plates as are prescribed for use by the Registrar of Motor Vehicles, which shall be attached to the vehicle in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Registry of Motor Vehicle and the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
No owner of a licensed vehicle-for-hire shall color his/her vehicle-for-hire in colors or designs so closely resembling other licensed vehicles-for-hire as to mislead the public as to its identity.
[Amended 2-15-2012 by Order No. FY 12-085]
Taxis. No taxi shall be made so closely to resemble the taxi of another as to mislead the public as to its identity. All taxis will conform to MGL c. 40, § 22:
Every taxi shall be identifiable with the word "Taxi," "Cab," or "Taxicab," the name of the vehicle-for-hire business, and the name "Town of Greenfield." Markings shall appear on both sides of the vehicle with letters not less than four inches high and 1/2 inch wide. All wording must be in contrasting colors to the vehicle and legible.
All taxis in the Town shall display an "identity light" on top of the taxi vehicle, which must be visible from the front and rear and be illuminated at night.
If the license holder operates more than one taxi, each taxi shall have an identification number, not less than four inches high and 1/2 inch wide, painted in two conspicuous places on the taxi in contrasting colors and also displayed within the interior of the vehicle.
The above provisions do not apply to livery vehicles.
Limousine or other livery vehicle. Limousines or other livery vehicles may place upon the rear quarter panel, on either or both sides of the vehicle, with letters no bigger than two inches high and one inch wide, the vehicle-for-hire's business name, address, and telephone number, provided it does not violate any provision, including but not limited to MGL c. 90, § 7, 9, or 13, or any applicable section of the Code of Massachusetts Regulations. No livery vehicle shall be equipped with any distinguishing lights or other externally mounted instrument.
Tour vehicle. Vehicles used exclusively for tours may place the vehicle-for-hire's business name, address, and telephone number upon the vehicle, provided it does not violate any provision, including but not limited to MGL c. 90, § 7, 9, or 13 or any applicable section of the Code of Massachusetts Regulations.
No vehicle-for-hire shall be operated without a valid vehicle-for-hire license displayed in clear view of the passengers.
Every vehicle-for-hire shall have displayed a notice of the current rates. This notice must be displayed in such a way that passengers may clearly view it. This section is not applicable to livery and tour vehicles.
The Chief of Police may suspend or revoke a vehicle-for-hire license or licenses at any time if, in the opinion of the Chief of Police, any section of the law or these regulations has been violated by the license holder or his/her employees or agents, or as the public health and safety so require. The Chief of Police shall, as soon as is practicable, provide the licensee with written notice of the revocation or suspension, and inform the license holder of the right to a hearing before the Board. A request for a hearing must be made in writing within 10 days of receipt of the notice. At the hearing, the licensee will have the opportunity to present testimony and other evidence and to be represented by a person of his/her choice. Upon suspension or revocation, said license shall be immediately surrendered to the Chief of Police. A request for a hearing shall not delay any suspension or revocation.
Editor's Note: Amended during codification.
No vehicle-for-hire license provided for in these regulations shall be sold, assigned, or transferred, and such sale, assignment, or transfer shall automatically terminate said license; nor shall a majority interest of any entity holding such a license be sold, assigned, or transferred. Such sale, assignment, or transfer shall automatically terminate said license.
Any vehicle-for-hire business licensee who shall cease to be the owner of said vehicle shall at once surrender the vehicle-for-hire license for said vehicle to the Chief of Police.
When a vehicle-for-hire business license holder changes his/her address or the place at which a vehicle-for-hire is kept, the licensee shall notify the Chief of Police and Board within three days of such change.
Vehicles-for-hire may display advertising, but only in the form of a triangular three-way roof mount, with or without continuous illumination, the dimensions of which must be a maximum of approximately 23 inches long by 12.75 inches high by 20 inches deep, and which are made of durable lightweight plastic that bolts to the roof with wiring installation similar to standard toplights.
The annual fee for a vehicle-for-hire license or renewal of same shall be $25, which amount shall include the semi-annual inspection as required in § 538-12 of these regulations and also administrative expenses. The fee for a duplicate or amended vehicle-for-hire license shall be $5. If a vehicle-for-hire is replaced during that twelve-month period, a fee of $25 will be charged for the licensing of that new vehicle.