[Adopted as Secs. 8.08, 9.04 and 8.05 of the former Municipal Code]
For pedestrian travel. All sidewalks within the Village shall be used for pedestrian and nonmotorized travel.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III).
For horses and motorized vehicles. No sidewalk within the Village shall be used by horses or any motorized vehicle except for snow removal or crossing with a lawn mower.
[Amended 12-3-2018 by Ord. No. 11-01-2018; 7-19-2021 by Ord. No. 07-02-2021]
No person shall stand, sit, loaf or loiter or engage in any sport or exercise on any public street, alley, sidewalk, bridge or public ground within the Village in such manner as to prevent or obstruct the free passage of pedestrian or vehicular traffic thereon or to prevent or hinder free ingress or egress. No person shall encroach upon or in any way obstruct or encumber any street, alley, sidewalk, public grounds land dedicated to public use, or any part thereof, or permit such encroachment or encumbrance to be placed or remain on any public way adjoining the premises of which he is the owner or occupant, except as provided in Subsection B.
Exceptions. The prohibition of Subsection A shall not apply to the following:
Signs and clocks attached to buildings which project not more than six feet from the face of such building and which do not extend below any point 10 feet above the sidewalk, street or alley.
Awnings which do not extend below any point seven feet above the sidewalk, street or alley.
Public utility encroachments authorized by the Village.
Goods, wares, merchandise or fixtures being loaded or unloaded which do not extend more than three feet on a sidewalk, provided such goods, wares, etc., do not remain thereon for more than three hours.
Building materials when placed upon the street, alley or sidewalk upon conditions prescribed by the Police Chief or the Chief's designee. The Police Chief may require such materials to be protected by barricades or appropriate lights. In the event the Police Chief authorizes the placement of a dumpster or any other building-related items on Village property or on any Village street, the property owner shall be responsible for marking the area to warn motorists and other users of the street, alley or sidewalk of the temporary obstruction. The Police Chief may also determine the maximum time allowed for the temporary obstruction. Any items that are placed on Village property or on any Village street that remain there longer than the period of time authorized by the Police Chief shall be removed by the Village and the cost thereof shall be a special charge which, if unpaid, shall be placed on the tax bill of the property in accordance with the provisions of Wis. Stats., § 66.0703.