[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of Trustees of the Village of Slinger as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted as Sec. 10.06 of the former Municipal Code]
A variety of landscapes adds diversity and richness to the quality of life in the Village of Slinger. There are also expectations regarding the maintenance and appearance of landscapes which, if not met, may decrease the value of nearby properties, degrade the natural environment, or threaten public health and safety. It is therefore in the public interest, and the intended purpose of this section, to provide standards for the development and maintenance of the community's landscapes, whether corporate, private, or public.
The Village recognizes that the majority of landscapes consist of managed turf grass. However, the Village encourages the preservation and planting of wildflowers and other native plants in managed landscapes to reduce maintenance, conserve water, soil, and other elements of the natural community.
The Village acknowledges the need to enjoy and benefit from the variety, beauty, and practical values of natural landscapes, and allows natural landscaping as an alternative to conventional landscaping.
It is also the intent of this section to prevent landscaped areas from being unmanaged or overgrown in ways that adversely affect human health or safety, or create a nuisance due to their visual appearance. It is the express intent of this section that it shall be unlawful to allow the growth of noxious weeds, certain prohibited plants, invasive plants, and the rank growth of vegetation.
[Amended 5-21-2018 by Ord. No. 04-02-2018]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The complete killing of weed plants above the surface of the ground by the use of chemicals, cutting, tillage, cropping system, pasturing livestock, or any or all of these in effective combination, at such time and in such manner as will effectually prevent such weed plants from maturing to the bloom or flower stage.
[Amended 12-3-2018 by Ord. No. 11-01-2018]
Classified as an invasive speces as defined in Wis. Stats. 23.22.
[Added 5-21-2018 by Ord. No. 04-02-2018]
Grass commonly used in regularly cut lawns or play areas, such as, but not limited to, bluegrass, fescue and rye grass blends. In lawn or turf areas, grass shall not exceed eight inches in height.
A land area planted and managed to preserve or restore native Wisconsin grasses and forbs, native trees, shrubs, wildflowers and aquatic plants, or a combination thereof. In such areas, grasses and forbs may exceed eight inches in height.
As defined in § 66.0407, Wis. Stats. Shall also be defined as any growth of weeds or grass that constitutes a public nuisance as defined in § 336-3F of this Code, except in areas designated as "natural landscaped areas" in accord with the definition in this section and § 206-4 below.
The owner or occupant of any lands in the Village shall install and maintain landscaping, plantings and other decorative surface treatments, including turf grass, so as to present an attractive appearance in all court and yard areas in accordance with generally accepted landscaping practices in southeastern Wisconsin.
Lawns shall be maintained to a height not to exceed eight inches.
Exceptions to these requirements include natural landscaped areas as described in § 206-4 below, and areas which are heavily wooded without lawn or turf grass within the heavily wooded areas.
Plantings shall be maintained so as not to present hazards or a nuisance to adjoining properties or to persons or vehicles traveling on public ways and shall be maintained so as to enhance the appearance and value of the property on which located and thereby the appearance and value of the neighborhood and the Village.
Natural landscaped areas as defined above in § 206-2, where grasses and forbs may exceed eight inches in height, may be permitted in accord with the following procedures and requirements:
Applicability. Natural landscaped areas may be permitted in all residential, commercial, industrial and institutional zoning districts in accord with the procedures described in this section. However, the following zoning districts are exempt from the procedures described in this section because of circumstances unique to such districts: parks and recreation districts, conservancy districts, floodplain districts, wetland districts, and planned unit development districts (PUDs).
Prior to installation, the owner or occupant of the premises shall apply to the Village Engineer, who shall provide applicant with an application form and a copy of this section. A scaled plan of the subject lot or parcel shall be submitted, showing the area to be planted and a description and location of the seeds, forbs, trees, shrubs or other plantings to be installed. The plan should also include a statement of intent and purpose of the natural landscaped area, such as "prairie restoration," "old field succession to woodland," "natural meadow," "erosion control," bird and wildlife sanctuary," etc., which implies a management direction. The management and maintenance techniques to be employed should be described in the statement of intent. The plan shall be accompanied by a fee as set from time to time by the Village Board, and the application form shall be signed by the property owner. The Village shall review the plan and act to approve it, deny it, or approve it with conditions within 30 days of its submittal. The plan review shall be done by a committee consisting of the Village Engineer, Planner, Fire Chief, a Planning Commission member, and a member with appropriate knowledge of natural landscape materials. A permit for installation of natural landscaped areas may be issued by the Village Engineer only after review and recommendation by the committee.
[Amended 12-3-2018 by Ord. No. 11-01-2018]
Natural landscaped areas may be located only in rear and side yards and shall not be located in any street yards.
Natural landscaped areas shall be set back a minimum of five feet from adjacent lot lines and from public or private street rights-of-way to provide a perimeter buffer area around natural landscape areas. The perimeter buffer area shall contain lawn or turf grass which is maintained and mowed or may be heavily wooded areas. The perimeter buffer areas are intended to minimize any adverse impact on adjacent property owners or occupants, or to street rights-of-way.
Natural landscaped areas shall not be located within public utility easements, drainage easements, drainage swales or public street rights-of-way.
Natural landscaped areas shall not contain noxious weeds or plants as described in § 206-2.
Natural landscaped areas which do not comply with either an approved plan or with the requirements of this section shall be determined to be a public nuisance, and the Village may order the nuisance abated in accord with § 336-7 of this Code.
Natural landscaped areas which existed prior to July 6, 2003 may be continued where they comply with the requirements of this section. Such areas which do not comply because of their location or other characteristics shall be considered to be nonconforming uses and may be continued but shall not be enlarged, extended or expanded to increase their degree of nonconformance.
[Amended 12-3-2018 by Ord. No. 11-01-2018]
If the subject property is sold or transferred to a new owner(s), a new natural landscaped area plan shall be submitted for review and approval as described in Subsection B.
Property owners are required by law to destroy all noxious weeds, invasive plants, and other rank growth of vegetation as defined herein on lands in the Village which they own, occupy or control; including lands in street rights-of-way between the property line and the roadway pavement.
[Amended 5-21-2018 by Ord. No. 04-02-2018]
Penalty. Any person who violates any provisions of this article shall be subject to a penalty as provided in § 1-2 of this Code.
[Amended 12-3-2018 by Ord. No. 11-01-2018]
Notification. The Village Clerk shall annually, on or before May 15, publish a Class 2 notice, under Ch. 985, Wis. Stats., that every person is required by law to destroy all noxious weeds and other rank growth or vegetation, as defined herein, on lands in the Village which he owns, occupies or controls, including lands in the street right-of-way between the property line and the road pavement.
[Adopted as Sec. 16.13 of the former Municipal Code]
A permit is required for residential users of the Village's sanitary sewerage system as a means of providing a credit for water utilized when establishing a new lawn in accord with Village regulations. A permit will be issued based upon the following criteria:
Only new residential customers connected to both Slinger water and wastewater utilities and contributing only normal, domestic strength waste are eligible for this permit.
The permit is valid only for the initial establishment period of lawns within the Village of Slinger's corporate boundaries. The initial establishment period is limited to three consecutive months only. The Village Board may grant an extension of the initial establishment period if deemed necessary due to extenuating circumstances.
[Amended 9-5-2017 by Ord. No. 09-01-2017]
Approved permit holders will be issued a credit for the volume of sewage discharged to the sewerage system for each of the affected billing periods. The volume quantity charged for sewage discharged during each billing period will be determined as follows. The utility will establish the average volume of water used monthly by the permit applicant based on past usage. The average volume determined by the utility will establish the fixed volume charge for sewage discharged during each billing period in which the permit is valid. If there is no past usage, the utility's average customer usage will be used.
[Amended 9-5-2017 by Ord. No. 09-01-2017]
The volume charge for water used during the permit period will remain the actual volume of water passing through the customer's meter. No credit or adjustment will be made for the volume of water used during the permit period.
A permit fee will be charged for the new lawn establishment permit. The permit fee will be set by the Village Board of the Village of Slinger by a duly enacted resolution and may be changed from time to time.