In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 1966 Code have been included in the 2019 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Repealed effective with adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, Art. I).
Chapter/Title From 1966 Code
Location in 2019 Code
Ch. 4, Advertising
Ch. 72
Ch. 5, Alarm Devices
Ch. 77
Ch. 6, Alcoholic Beverages
Ch. 81
Ch. 7, Animals
Ch. 86, Art. I
Ch. 9, Appearance Tickets
Ch. 5
Ch. 11, Assessments
Art. I, Termination of Assessing Unit Status
Ch. 9, Art. I
Ch. 15, Building Construction
Ch. 93, Art. I
Ch. 17, Building Department
Ch. 96
Ch. 19, Building Moving
Ch. 104
Ch. 21, Buildings and Properties, Numbering of
Ch. 100
Ch. 22, Buildings, Dangerous
Ch. 108
Ch. 25, Curfew
Ch. 124
Ch. 28, Elections
Ch. 27
Ch. 29, Disorderly Conduct
Ch. 32, Dogs
Ch. 86, Art. II
Ch. 35, Effective Date of Ordinances
Ch. 35A, Electrical Inspections
Ch. 138
Ch. 36, Eligibility for Office
Repealed by L.L. No. 5-1995
Ch. 37, Environmental Quality Review
Ch. 38, Ethics, Code of
Ch. 31
Ch. 39, Fee Schedule
Ch. 153
Ch. 40, Filming
Ch. 158
Ch. 41, Firearms and Fireworks
Ch. 162
Ch. 43, Fire Escapes
Ch. 165, Art. I
Ch. 43A, Fire Prevention
Art. I, Acceptance of Code
Art. II, Administration and Enforcement
Art. III, Acceptance of County Code
§ 43A-17, Acceptance of Rockland County Uniform Fire Prevention Code
Ch. 93, Art. II
Ch. 44, Fire Regulations
Ch. 46, Flood Damage Prevention
Ch. 172
Ch. 47, Garage Sales
Ch. 178
Ch. 48, Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse
Ch. 262, Art. I
Ch. 48A, Harbor Patrol Department
Repealed by L.L. No. 5-1999
Ch. 49, Housing Standards - reference page
Ch. 55, Local Law Adoption
Ch. 57, Littering
Ch. 194
Ch. 60, Multiple Residences: Reinspection
Ch. 201
Ch. 62, Noise
Ch. 208
Ch. 63, Notice Prior to Civil Action
Ch. 212
Ch. 65, Officers and Employees
Art. I, Defense and Indemnification
Ch. 24
Art. II, Residency Requirements for Certain Officials
Ch. 54, Art. I
Art. III, Residency Requirement for Village Justice
Ch. 54, Art. II
Art. IV, Ad Hoc Appointments to Certain Boards
Ch. 16, Art. I
Ch. 67, Parking
Art. I, Public Area Established
Ch. 220
Ch. 68, Peace and Good Order
Ch. 228
Ch. 71, Peddlers
Ch. 74, Police Department
Art. I, Residency Requirements
Art. II, Police Assistance
Ch. 47, Art. I
Art. III, Joint Police Department
Ch. 47, Art. II
Ch. 75, Ponds and Reservoirs
Ch. 237
Ch. 78, Public Entertainment
Ch. 142
Ch. 79, Public Parks
Art. I, General Use Regulations
Ch. 224, Art. I
Art. II, Charles D. Towt Recreation Area
Ch. 224, Art. II
Ch. 81, Public Safety
Ch. 165, Art. II
Ch. 82, Real Estate Registry
Ch. 244
Ch. 84, Salaries: Mayor and Trustees
Repealed by L.L. No. 2-1986
Ch. 88, Sewers and Drains
Ch. 91, Smoke and Gas
Ch. 93, Streets and Sidewalks
Ch. 281
Ch. 96, Tax on Utilities
Ch. 295, Art. I
Ch. 96A, Taxation
Art. I, Senior Citizens Exemption
Ch. 295, Art. II
Art. II, Veterans Exemption
Ch. 295, Art. III
Art. III, Exemption for Persons with Disabilities and Limited Income
Ch. 295, Art, IV
Art. IV, Exemption for Volunteer Firefighters and Ambulance Corps Members
Ch. 295, Art. V
Ch. 97, Traffic Violations Bureau
Ch. 61
Ch. 98, Trees
Ch. 302
Ch. 103, Vehicles and Traffic
Art. I, Traffic Signals
Ch. 310, Art. II
Art. II, Stop Intersections
Art. III, Speed
Ch. 310, Art. I
Art. IV, One-Way Streets
Ch. 310, Art. VIII
Art. V, Truck Routes
Ch. 310, Art. VI
Art. VI, Restricted Parking
Ch. 310, Art. V
Art. VII, Prohibited Parking
Ch. 310, Art. VII
Art. VIII, Overnight Parking
Ch. 310, Art. III
Art. IX, Snow Parking
Ch. 310, Art. IV
Art. X, Parking of Trucks
Ch. 310, Art. IX
Art. XI, Traffic Control Signals
Ch. 310, Art. X
Art. XII, Visual Obstructions
Ch. 310, Art. XI
Art. XIII, Additional Stop Intersections
See Ch. 310, Art. XIII
Art. XIV, Traffic Summons
Ch. 310, Art. XIII
Art. XV, Stop Signs
Ch. 310, Art. XII
Art. XVI, Towing of Vehicles
Ch. 310, Art. XIV
Art. XVII, Prohibited Parking at Salisbury Point Cooperative, Inc. and Bradford Mews
Art. XVIII, Bicycles and In-Line Skates
Ch. 310, Art. XVI
Ch. 105, Vehicles, Repair of
Ch. 316
Ch. 107, Watercourses
Ch. 323
Ch. 110, Zoning
Ch. 330
Appendix Part I, Police Rules and Regulations - reference page
Appendix Part II, Auction Permit