[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council
of the Township of North Brunswick 5-16-2016 by Ord. No. 16-08. Amendments noted where applicable.]
There is hereby established in and for the Township of North Brunswick a Water Utility, to be known as the "Township of North Brunswick Water Utility," which, within this Chapter
352, may be referred to as the "Utility." Any reference to the Utility shall include, by definition, authorized employees or agents of the Township or Utility.
Water for the usual domestic and manufacturing purposes shall
be supplied by the Township of North Brunswick to the inhabitants
thereof under the supervision of said Utility, subject to the ultimate
control of the Mayor and Council.
There shall be designated by the Mayor of the Township of North
Brunswick members of the professional staff who shall have responsibility
for the management of Water Utility operations, which shall be primarily
based in the Department of Community Development.
The following regulations shall be considered a part of the
contract with every person who uses water, and the fact of using water
shall be considered as expressing assent on the part of the user to
be bound thereby.
All applications for the use of water must be made at the office
of the Utility in the form prescribed and must state fully and truly
the various uses to which the water is to be applied; should it subsequently
be required for other purposes, notice must be given before the desired
change is made.
A. Where a tap for a service connection to any water main is required,
application therefor shall be made either by the property owner or
contractor. Tapping of the Township water main shall only be completed
by pre-approved contractors. All excavation and trenchwork shall be
done by the plumber. No backfilling shall be done until after inspection
of work by the Water Utility or the Plumbing Subcode Official has
been made.
[Amended 8-5-2019 by Ord. No. 19-17]
B. The cost to perform all tapping of water mains shall be paid by the
property owner or authorized agent.
[Amended 8-5-2019 by Ord. No. 19-17]
C. All water taps shall be inspected and approved by the Water Utility
or its agents, and all service lines and connections shall be approved
by the Plumbing Subcode Official prior to turning on the water.
D. The inspection and approval of all tapping of water mains as required
and described herein shall incur an inspection fee of $50 payable
to the Water Utility or its agents.
[Amended 8-5-2019 by Ord. No. 19-17; 6-1-2020 by Ord. No. 20-14; 7-29-2024 by Ord. No. 24-10]
A. All persons owning property with water service shall own and be responsible
for the maintenance, repair and replacement of the water service lines
from the water main to the water meter and downstream of the water
meter. All maintenance, repair, and replacement of the water service
lines shall be done only by a Township preapproved contractor. A list
of approved contractors can be obtained by contacting the Water Department.
A water service line may be for domestic water service, fire service
or combined domestic water and fire service. The water service lines
include the water main tap, corporation and tapping valves, pipe,
curb valves and valve boxes, valve upstream of the meter, valve downstream
of the meter, test tee (if required), reduced-pressure zone backflow
preventer and its isolation valves (if required), meter pit (if approved),
check valve (if required), fire line detector check (fire service
, as required), and all other ancillary equipment. The Utility owns
and shall repair and replace the water meter, strainer (if required),
transmitter, touchpad, meter-to-touchpad wire, and tamper security
devices and other associated equipment. The owner is responsible for
keeping the Utility-owned equipment accessible, unobstructed, clean
and protected from damage. If the owner tampers with or otherwise
causes or allows to be caused damage to the Utility-owned equipment,
the Utility shall repair or replace the damaged equipment and charge
the owner for same.
B. The Utility Department may find it necessary to install a meter pit
and Utility-owned meter on the water service lines. All other fixtures,
except for the water meter equipment, shall remain the responsibility
of the property owner.
C. In cases of water leaks found on the service lines, the Township
will notify the property owner and inform them of the leak and that
they shall have 21 days from the date of the notification to make
the repair.
D. The Municipal
Water Department will measure the volume of water lost beginning with
the date of notice using standard procedures and equipment. Water
loss charges will be calculated based on the measured volume of lost
water at the current rate per gallon.
E. All repairs
will be made by a licensed plumber and a permit will be required by
the Building Department. In cases of major leaks that would cause
damage to roadways, the water system or the general public, the Township
will make the repair and assess and invoice the property owner accordingly
which shall be collectable in the same manner as taxes. Property owners
are liable for any damages resulting from leaks or breaks in their
service lines.
F. Failure
to repair a damaged service line within the stipulated time may result
in fines and penalties as determined by the Municipal Water Department.
G. If repairs
are not completed within the specified period, the Municipal Water
Department may undertake the repairs and bill the property owner for
the costs incurred.
[Amended 8-5-2019 by Ord. No. 19-17; 6-1-2020 by Ord. No. 20-14]
A. Valves at the curb shall be maintained by the property owner and
the Utility shall not be responsible for opening and closing curb
valves. The Utility or its authorized agents shall have the right
to shut off the water to make extensions, alterations or repairs.
If repairs are required as a result of the Utility operating the valve,
the Utility will make the repair at no additional cost to the property
owner. Any repairs required to the curb valve during the Township-funded
Water Meter Replacement Project will be borne by the Township through
the completion of the project.
The Township and Utility shall not be liable for any damage
resulting from failure to observe these regulations.
In no case shall water be left running without a special permit
from the Utility.
When two or more parties take water through one service pipe,
provisions in regard to the cutting off of the supply pipe shall be
applicable to all parties, although one or more of them may be innocent
of any cause of offense.
Owners of premises will be held responsible for the rents of
their tenants.
No water taker shall supply water to parties not entitled to
its use, except upon permission from the Utility given in writing.
Consumers shall not be entitled to damage, nor will any part
of a payment be refunded, for any stoppage of supply occasioned by
an accident to any portion of the works, nor for stoppage for the
purpose of additions or repairs. The Utility or its authorized agents
shall have the right to shut off the water to make extensions, alterations
or repairs.
[Amended 6-1-2020 by Ord. No. 20-14]
A. All apparatus and places supplied with water must be accessible and open to inspection by the Utility at all times, and all pipes and fixtures shall be subject to rejection by said Utility if considered unsuitable for the purpose. The Utility shall have unobstructed access to all water meters and other Utility-owned equipment (See §
352-7 for definition) for the purposes of inspection, reading, testing, repair and replacement.
B. Any property owner that does not allow the Township access to the expressed reasons above in Subsection
A may be subject to penalty of $75 per month.
No one will be allowed to use water through fire hydrants for
any purpose other than fire, except upon written permission from the
Utility. Any person wishing to use water from a fire hydrant other
than for fire must follow the following procedures: They must be approved
by the Utility, withdraw the water through a reduced-pressure-zone
backflow preventer and meter provided by the Utility, pay for the
water consumed based on the Utility's highest current retail rate,
and use either the fire hydrant specifically designated for such use
at the Utility of Public Works or a fire hydrant specifically approved
for their use by written permission of the Utility. Persons using
the fire hydrant equipped with a backflow preventer-meter designated
for such use at the Utility of Public Works shall pay for the water
consumed and shall not be charged for use of the hydrant or backflow
preventer-meter. Persons using water through another fire hydrant
specifically approved for their use by the Utility shall pay for the
water consumed, pay a deposit of $2,000 for use of a Utility-provided
backflow preventer-meter, and pay a rental charge of $150 for use
of the backflow preventer-meter for up to three months. After three
months, the user must renew his deposit of $2,000 and pay an additional
rental charge of $150 for use of the backflow preventer-meter for
up to another three months. The deposit of $2,000 shall be returned,
minus the cost of repair for any damage to the backflow preventer-meter
incurred during its use, upon return of the backflow preventer-meter.
Each two-family house or multiunit building where there is more
than one owner shall be treated as individual units with each unit
requiring its own water service and meter. This provision shall not
apply to multifamily housing under single ownership, such as apartment
buildings, but shall apply to properties that are subdivided or converted
to condominiums that are or could be owned by more than one owner.
[Amended 8-5-2019 by Ord. No. 19-17; 6-1-2020 by Ord. No. 20-14; 9-27-2021 by Ord. No. 21-19; 7-29-2024 by Ord. No. 24-10]
A. All water meters shall be purchased by and provided by the Utility
or its authorized agents, and the standard for such meters and ancillary
equipment shall be approved by the Mayor and Council. All water meters
shall be compatible with the meter-reading system, software, and equipment
currently used or planned to be used by the Utility. All water meters
shall meet or exceed the minimum standards of accuracy established
by American Water Works Association, Manual M6, Water Meters, Selection,
Installation, Testing, and Maintenance. All water meters located in
pits outside the building must be in a location that is easily accessed
by Utility personnel for reading, inspection, calibration, repair,
or replacement in a location that does not accumulate stormwater or
debris or snow from snow clearing. All water meters located inside
of buildings must be in a location that can be easily accessed by
Utility personnel for reading the inside meter, for repairs, calibration,
inspection, or replacement. All water meters must be installed with
an operable valve on both sides of the meter within 24 inches from
the meter. The Township of North Brunswick shall own all water meters.
The property owner shall protect and care for the water meter, valves,
piping, meter pit, wiring, and touchpad, including protection from
freezing and water, including flooding, clearing of water or debris,
and prevention of damage or interference by any person or persons.
B. From time
to time the Township may find it necessary to replace said water meters.
Replacement shall be completed by Township staff and/or approved contractors
with initial cost being borne by the Township. The property owner
shall provide access for replacement. After three failed attempts
to schedule meter replacement, the property owner/renter will receive
a notice, and the Township will install a submersible pit-type meter,
and the additional expense shall be borne by the property owner and
included in the utility bill. In addition, any observations or repairs
of code violations which are not included in Township project may
be charged to the property owner.
C. Water meter fees.
(1) The property owner shall be charged for each meter supplied and for
the initial installation of a new connection or for the replacement
of an inadequately functioning existing meter whose inadequate functioning
is the result of the actions or neglect of the property owner. The
fee for purchasing meters up to two inches in size shall be based
on size below. In addition to the cost of the meter, the property
owner shall be assessed as a charge against the utility account any
installation cost incurred by the municipality to engage a third-party
contractor to provide installation services.
Schedule of New Water Meter Fees
Meter Size
Meter Installation Fees
Pit-Set Meter Fees
5/8 - 3/4
1 1/2
(2) For meters greater than two inches in size, the fee shall be determined
on a case-by-case basis in the following manner: the fee shall be
equal to the delivered purchase price of the meter as determined by
the Utility or its water supply operator (Veolia).
D. A second water meter for irrigation and outside uses may be purchased by a property owner upon approval of the Utility. A written application shall be submitted to the Utility, which shall specify the need for a second meter and the purpose for which it is to be utilized. The misuse of a second meter shall constitute a violation, and the property owner shall be subject to the fines and penalties specified in §
352-35 of this chapter.
E. Customers of the system shall be charged a monthly facility service
charge in accordance with the size of the meter as follows:
Meter Size
Monthly Cost for Residential Meters
Monthly Cost for Commercial Meters
F. If an account has more than one meter at the same service address that is used for an irrigation system, the monthly facility service charge shall be 50% of the cost from Subsection
E, based on the size of the irrigation line.
In case of any new service, the bills for work done or materials
furnished by the Utility must be paid before the water is turned on.
[12-18-2017 by Ord. No.
17-17; 6-1-2020 by Ord. No. 20-14; 9-27-2021 by Ord. No. 21-19; 7-29-2024 by Ord. No. 24-10]
A. All bills for water rents, fees, and other charges, except under
building permits, shall be owing to the Township of North Brunswick
upon the bill date. All rents, fees and charges that have not been
paid within 30 days from the bill date shall bear interest at a rate
of 8% per annum for principal amounts of $1,500 or less and at the
rate of 18% per annum for principal amounts in excess of $1,500 or
the maximum interest rate(s) allowed by state law. Interest shall
be charged from the 31st day after the bill date until payment is
made. Pending any further order issued by the state, interest shall
begin to accrue interest on outstanding amounts as of January 1, 2022.
(Resolutions 133-4.20, 287-12.20, 145-5.21). Payments shall be credited
to the amounts owed in the following sequence:
North Brunswick Board of Education utility accounts shall not
accrue interest.
B. All users with meters shall be billed on a monthly basis regardless
of the meter size, including meters dedicated to fire service or irrigation
(lawn sprinklers). Business and commercial irrigation and fire service
lines shall be required to have a meter.
C. The Township will assess a $30 charge whenever an existing customer,
the property owner or the property owner's agent requests a "special
meter reading" on a date other than the regularly scheduled meter
reading. Requests for a special meter reading will only be made for
accounts with an AMI Neptune meter. This charge may not be assessed
to a new customer's account.
D. The Township
will assess a $30 monthly charge for customers that have a manual
meter not connected to the Neptune AMI system which requires a technician
to obtain consumption.
[Amended 9-27-2021 by Ord. No. 21-19; 7-29-2024 by Ord. No. 24-10]
Claims for deductions from water bills for circumstances not
provided for herein shall be made in writing to the Water Department
who shall review such claims on a case-by-case basis with the Mayor.
Final determination of a deduction or credit authorized below shall
be subject to the review and approval of the Township Council.
A. Seniors. The Township offers an annual senior citizen utility credit
that entitles seniors to receive a credit in the amount of $150 per
annum in 2021 and $250 per annum in 2022 and future years. Beginning
calendar year 2021 the credit will be applied annually to customers
that receive the state $250 senior tax deduction. A written request
must be submitted to receive a credit if approved under the Senior
Tax Freeze Program. To be eligible to receive the senior utility credit,
the customer must meet the following criteria:
(1) Be at least 65 years old;
(2) Live at the address listed on the application for water/sewer service;
(3) Have the water and sewer bill in their name;
(4) Have made application and are eligible for either the Senior Tax
Freeze Program, or the senior tax deduction of $250;
B. Utility bill payment plan. If a customer believes there will be difficulty
in making a utility payment they may notify the Township to see if
they can be put on a noninterest payment plan. To participate, the
customer must meet and acknowledge the following terms:
(1) Payment plans can be made over a period of time up until one month
prior to the municipal tax sale date;
(2) Any outstanding balance past one month prior to the municipal tax
sale date will be subject to the annual Tax Sale;
(3) To remain on a payment plan, you must remain current with installment
payments and future utility bill charges and make all payments on
time. Failure to do so will result in a default of the payment agreement
and interest shall begin to accrue on the account;
(4) Live at the address listed on the application;
(5) Have the water and sewer bill in your name; and
C. Courtesy leak adjustment. Sometimes broken or damaged plumbing fixtures,
irrigation equipment or pipes can cause unintentional water loss.
If that happens, a customer may be eligible for a courtesy leak adjustment
to their account. If an adjustment is approved by the water department,
all wasted water above normal consumption, for the same monthly period
for the year before, will be billed at the lowest tier possible. In
addition to an administrative tier adjustment, customers may also
make an appeal to the governing body which has the authority to waive
a charge on a utility account.
(1) Leak adjustments will be issued in the form of a credit to the account,
not a refund.
(2) The credit will appear on the bill following approval.
(3) The continuous or abnormal flow on the account must have stopped.
(4) Customers must have a new AMI meter.
(5) Leak adjustments are not made due to an account being in arrears.
D. No adjustments will be granted in the following situations:
(1) High water use caused by seasonal activities such as watering of
sod, gardening, refilling or topping off swimming pools or whirlpools,
washing vehicles, etc.
(2) When the leak continues for three or more months, there will be no
adjustment for the third or subsequent months.
[Amended 8-5-2019 by Ord. No. 19-17; 6-1-2020 by Ord. No. 20-14; 9-27-2021 by Ord. No. 21-19; 7-29-2024 by Ord. No. 24-10]
A. Consumption rates from 2016 through 2019 consisted of a stepped billing
approach based on a customer's overall quarterly consumption. Customers
were charged one of three rates, established based on overall quarterly
consumption, per every 748 gallons (previous per 100 cubic square
feet) of water.
For meter readings after July 1, 2020, the charge for new meters
installed is calculated upon the rate established per gallon of metered
water consumption, based upon the schedule set forth below on a monthly
basis. In instances where water meters do not measure flow in gallons,
the following conversion is used to estimate water consumption: one
cubic foot = 7.48 gallons. Rate changes provided below go into effect
based upon the bill period date, not when the meter was last read
or consumption used.
Example: July 1, 2020, Supporting Formula for 0 to 3,000 gallons:
1 cubic foot is equal to 7.48 US fluid gallons
Quarterly rate is billed per 100 gallons
2024 Rate $3.344 ÷ 748 conversion = $0.004471 per gallon
Monthly Water Rates Based on Water Consumption Rate per 748
Rate Period
0 to 3,000 Gal
3,001 to 9,000 Gal
More than 9,001 Gal
July 1, 2020
January 1, 2022
July 1, 2022
July 1, 2023
July 1, 2024
Monthly Rates Based on Water Consumption Range Rate per 1 Gallon
Effective date
0 to 3,000 Gal
3,001 to 9,000 Gal
More than 9,001 Gal
July 1, 2020
January 1, 2022
July 1, 2022
July 1, 2023
July 1, 2024
B. The monthly
rate for fire service lines will be $10 per month.
C. Additional meters for irrigation or fire service at a property connected in accordance with this chapter shall be billed monthly based on actual water usage recorded by that meter. The rate shall be the same as specified in Subsection
A of this section.
D. Connection
fees. The following connection fees shall be collected at the time
the construction permit is issued:
(1) Residential
properties. The applicant shall pay a connection charge of $2,100
at the time of the application for each service connection to the
Utility water system.
(2) Commercial
and industrial properties. Connection fees on connections made by
owners of commercial and industrial properties shall be based on the
schedule of fees as set forth below for each building unit connected
based on the size of connection:
Service Pipe Diameter in Inches
1 1/2
E. Under
the Township green initiative, each account that is signed up to receive
monthly billing electronically and also is signed up within the meter
reporting system (currently Watersmart) shall receive a $3 month credit.
The $3 credit shall be capped per account. To be eligible, no hard
copy shall be mailed, including copies under a landlord/tenant agreement.
F. Should
a meter be damaged, show evidence of being tampered with or disconnected,
an evaluation fee of $1,000 for review of the account shall be assessed
to the property owner.
G. Once a
meter is reconnected, water loss charges will be calculated based
on the measured volume of lost water at the current rate per gallon
and shall be assessed to the property owner under the account billing.
[Amended 8-5-2019 by Ord. No. 19-17; 6-1-2020 by Ord. No. 20-14]
Any consumer using water in excess of 65,000 gallons per month
who shall discontinue such use by reason of arrangements for a water
supply from sources other than the Utility shall pay a service charge
of $5 per meter per month.
A water service is the connection of a property owner's water
system to the Township of North Brunswick's water system for the purpose
of supplying potable water to the property owner. A water service
includes the water service line and water meter, including all connections,
devices, fixtures and appurtenances, from the connection to the Township's
water main through the water meter to the operating valve and backflow
preventer on the downstream side of the water meter. There are two
types of water services: Domestic service provides water for domestic,
commercial or industrial use other than for fire suppression, and
fire service provides water for fire suppression. The installation
of water service lines and water meters shall use the construction
materials specified herein and shall be constructed as follows, unless
otherwise approved in writing by the Utility:
A. Submission of plans and records. The applicant for a new water service
or change in size of water service must provide the Utility with a
copy of the design drawing and design details of the installation.
Installation of the service line must be in accordance with the submitted
drawing. Any changes in the service line's design, such as due to
underground obstructions, must be approved by the Utility and a record
drawing of the final design submitted to the Utility. The location
of the tap and service line from the water main up to the curbline
or property edge must be accurately shown (within one foot) on the
design drawing or, if the installation is different from the design
drawing, on the final record drawing.
B. Taps and service line size. The domestic water service line and fire
service line to a property may be separate or combined (separate taps
and service lines from the water main or a single tap and combined
fire and domestic service line from the water main that splits into
separate fire service and domestic service lines prior to and near
the building line). Taps for two-inch and smaller lines should be
made 60° above horizontal. The minimum tap size is one inch. Fire
lines must be two inches (minimum size) or four inches and larger.
Fire service and domestic service lines of three inches are not permitted.
The service line from the water main must be equal to or larger than
the size of the tap and remain that size to the fire meter, if a combined
fire and domestic service line is used, or the fire meter or domestic
meter, as applicable, if separate service lines are used. The property
owner is responsible for having a qualified professional determine
the sizes of the fire and domestic service lines, or the combined
fire and domestic service line, in accordance with all applicable
regulations, codes and insurance or other requirements.
C. Curb valves; valve box covers. For service lines that provide only
domestic service or only fire service, install the curb valve 18 inches
behind the curb or edge of the property. For combined fire and domestic
service lines, install both the domestic service curb valve and fire
service curb valve within six feet of the building line and within
six feet of each other, following the connection tee to split the
domestic and fire services. The valve boxes of tapping valves, gate
valves and curb valves on service lines or portions thereof providing
only domestic service or combined fire and domestic service shall
have metal valve box covers with the word "Water" cast into them.
The valve boxes of tapping valves, gate valves and curb valves on
service lines providing only fire service shall have valve box covers
with the word "Fire" cast into them, including the curb valve on a
fire service line after it splits off of a combined fire and domestic
service line.
D. Service line connections and fittings. There may be no connections
to any water service line prior to any water meter used for billing
consumption with the one exception of the connection tee to split
fire and domestic services off of a combined fire and domestic service
line. There may be no bypasses of domestic water meters, detector
checks (other than the required bypass meter) or fire meters without
written approval of the Utility. Victaulic fittings are not allowed.
Copper service lines must be continuous from valve to valve (no connections
or fittings except the connection tee to split fire and domestic service
off of a two-inch combined fire and domestic service line) up to the
maximum length commercially available.
E. Domestic water service lines up to two inches.
(1) Starting from the water main tap:
Use only soft K copper pipe from the tap to the most upstream
indoor ball valve; thereafter, use Schedule L straight copper pipe
to either the backflow preventer's downstream ball valve, if a backflow
preventer is required, or the meter's downstream ball valve, whichever
is farther downstream;
Curb valve and valve box; and valve box with a valve box cover
located within five feet of the curb or road edge but not in sidewalk.
(If the property has a separate fire service line to the main, the
valve box cover must say "WATER" and be located within six feet of
the fire service line curb gate valve);
Following components to be installed inside a heated building
or, if approved by the Utility, a meter pit:
Ball valve upstream of water meter;
Strainer, if required by Utility (purchased from Utility);
Water meter (purchased from Utility). Leave at least six inches
of straight copper pipe on either side of the water meter as space
Backflow preventer (if required by the Construction Office).
F. Fire service line of up to two inches.
(1) Starting from the water main tap:
Corporation valve. Use only soft K copper pipe from the tap
through to the most upstream indoor ball valve; thereafter, use Schedule
L straight copper pipe to the backflow preventer's downstream ball
Curb valve and valve box, with a valve box cover that says "FIRE"
that is located within five feet of the curb or road edge but not
in sidewalk;
Following components to be installed inside a heated building
or, if approved by the Utility, a meter pit:
Ball valve upstream of meter;
A two-inch fire meter approved by the utility with a ball valve
on the upstream side of the bypass meter and a check valve followed
by a ball valve on the downstream side of the bypass meter;
G. Combined fire and domestic water service line of up to two inches.
(1) Starting from the water main tap:
Corporation valve. Use only soft K copper pipe from the tap
through to the connection tee that splits the domestic water off of
the combined fire and domestic service line; thereafter, use Schedule
L straight copper pipe to the fire service line backflow preventer's
downstream ball valve and the domestic service line meter's downstream
ball valve;
Connection tee to split the combined service line into separate
fire and domestic service lines.
(2) Fire service line downstream of the connection tee;
Curb valve and valve box with a valve box cover that says "FIRE"
that is located within five feet of the curb or road edge but not
in sidewalk and is within six feet of the water service curb gate
Following components to be installed inside a heated building
or, if approved by the Utility, a meter pit:
Ball valve upstream of meter;
A two-inch fire meter approved by the utility with a ball valve
on the upstream side of the bypass meter and a check valve followed
by a ball valve on the downstream side of the bypass meter;
(3) Water service line downstream of the connection tee:
Curb gate valve and valve box with a valve box cover that says
"WATER" that is located within five feet of the curb or road edge
but not in sidewalk and is within six feet of the fire service curb
gate valve;
Following components to be installed inside a heated building
or, if approved by the Utility, a meter pit:
Ball valve upstream of meter;
Strainer, if required, by the Utility (purchased from Utility);
Water meter (purchased from the Utility). Leave at least six
inches of straight copper pipe on either side of the meter;
Backflow preventer, if required by the Construction Office.
H. Domestic water lines of four inches and greater.
(1) Starting from the water main tap:
Tapping valve and valve box;
Gate valve and valve box immediately after the tapping valve
if the water main is 16 inches or larger;
Curb gate valve and valve box located within five feet of the
curb or road edge but not in sidewalk. (If the property has a separate
fire service line to the main, the valve box cover must say "WATER"
and be located within six feet of the fire service line curb gate
Following components to be installed inside a heated building
or, if approved by the Utility, a meter pit:
Gate valve upstream of the water meter;
Strainer, if required by Utility (purchased from Utility);
Water meter (purchased from Utility);
Test tee with a two-inch brass gate valve with a plug;
Backflow preventer, if required by the Construction Office.
(2) Use only ductile iron pipe with specified push-on or flanged connections.
I. Fire lines of four inches and greater.
(1) Starting from the water main tap:
Tapping valve and valve box;
Gate valve and valve box immediately after the tapping valve
if the water main is 16 inches or larger;
Curb gate valve and valve box located within five feet of the
curb or road edge but not in sidewalk. (If the property has a separate
domestic water service line to the main, the valve box cover must
say "FIRE" and be located within six feet of the domestic water service
line curb gate valve);
Following components to be installed inside a heated building
or, if approved by the Utility, a meter pit:
OS&Y gate valve upstream of fire meter;
Neptune High Performance Fire Meter;
Downstream OS&Y gate valve;
(2) Use only ductile iron pipe with specified push-on or flanged connections.
J. Combined fire service and domestic water service lines of four inches
and greater.
(1) Starting from the water main tap:
Tapping valve and valve box;
Gate valve and valve box immediately after the tapping valve
if the water main to be tapped is 16 inches or larger;
Connection tee to split the combined service line into separate
fire service and domestic water service lines.
(2) Fire service line downstream from the connection tee:
Curb gate valve and valve box with a valve box cover that says
"FIRE" that is located within five feet of the curb or road edge but
not in sidewalk and is within six feet of the domestic water service
curb gate valve;
Following components to be installed inside a heated building
or, if approved by the Utility, a meter pit:
OS&Y gate valve upstream of fire meter;
Neptune High Performance Fire Meter;
Downstream OS&Y gate valve;
(3) Domestic service line of four inches or greater downstream from the
connection tee (if the water service is two inches or less, follow
the requirements for those sized lines):
Curb gate valve and valve box with a valve box cover that says
"WATER" that is located within five feet of the curb or road edge
but not in sidewalk and is within six feet of the fire service curb
gate valve;
Following components to be installed inside a heated building
or, if approved by the Utility, a meter pit:
Gate valve upstream of the water meter;
Strainer, if required by Utility (purchased from Utility);
Water meter (purchased from Utility);
Test tee with a two-inch brass gate valve with a plug;
Backflow preventer, if required by the Construction Office.
(4) Use only ductile iron pipe with specified push-on or flanged connections.
K. Internal domestic service piping. Internal piping is also subject
to plumbing code requirements.
L. Fire line service piping. Fire service lines are also subject to
fire code requirements.
M. Irrigation meters and service lines. Water meters used solely for
irrigation (watering of outdoor lawns and plants) must be purchased
from the Utility and must be installed through a connection tee on
the domestic water service line (not a fire service line or combined
water and fire service line) upstream from the domestic water meter's
upstream valve and downstream of any connection tee that splits the
domestic water service line from a combined fire and domestic water
service line. The irrigation water meter service line must have both
an upstream and downstream ball valves (two inches and below) or gate
valves (four inches and above) located at least six inches away from
the irrigation water meter. If the service line from the water main
is a combined fire and domestic water service line, there must also
be a ball valve (two-inch and below) or gate valve (four-inch and
above) on the domestic service line downstream of the connection tee
splitting the domestic service line off of the combined fire and domestic
service line and upstream of the connection tee splitting the irrigation
water service line off of the domestic water service line. Irrigation
water meters may not be installed on the same service line that flows
through the domestic water meter (upstream or downstream of the domestic
water meter).
N. Meters; strainers; touch pads; meter-to-touch-pad wires. All water
meters, strainers and fire meters shall be purchased from the Utility.
Strainers are required for all compound meters, all turbine meters
of six inches or greater and any other meter the Utility feels a strainer
is needed for. Touch pads must be located on the outside of the building
in an unobstructed location that is easily accessible to the Utility.
The meter-to-touch-pad wire must be exposed and accessible or run
in electrical conduit to facilitate its replacement. Meters for water-irrigation
systems must be connected to the domestic water service line prior
to the domestic water meter, which connection must be visible for
inspection at all times.
O. Testing. Every newly installed water service line shall be subjected
by the plumber to a water test under the main pressure for a period
of at least 10 minutes. All pipes and appurtenances shall remain uncovered
for the duration of the test, and shall show no sign of leakage, and
are subject to inspection by the Township of North Brunswick. Upon
completion of installation and pressure testing, the service pipe
shall be flushed for a period of 30 minutes.
P. Installation of water service line. The water service line shall
be laid at a depth of at least four feet below grade. The water service
line must be run in a straight line from the water main to its entry
into the building and, if physically possible, perpendicular to the
water main. Except where the subsurface conditions make it impracticable,
the water service line may be otherwise laid, upon the approval of
the Utility of a revised plan showing the proposed location of the
water service line. Copper water service lines shall be laid with
no connections between any valves and the building foundation or meter-pit
entry except for the connection tee to split the fire and domestic
services of a combined fire and domestic service line. Copper connections
may only be by approved flare or compression fittings. All service
pipe from one inch up to two inches shall be bedded and backfilled
to 12 inches over the pipe with sand before placing the remainder
of trench backfill. All service pipe four inches and larger shall
be bedded on three-quarter-inch clean crushed stone and select fill
placed to 12 inches over the pipe before placing the remainder of
trench backfill.
Q. Replacement of a service line. When an existing water service line
(fire, domestic or combined) is replaced, the abandoned water service
line must be cut and capped at the water main by turning off the corporation
valve or tapping valve, disconnecting the abandoned water service
line, capping the outflow of the corporation valve or tapping valve,
and removing all valve boxes on the abandoned water service line.
R. The Utility or Department of Community Development may provide diagrams
(Figures 1, 2 and 3) of the water and fire service line specifications provided
herein. Should any discrepancy between those diagrams and this section
occur, this section shall have precedence.
S. All construction materials specified below must be used, but Utility-approved
equivalents may be substituted:
(1) Tapping sleeves for four-inch and larger taps: Mueller H-615 (four-inch
to twenty-four-inch D.I., non-pitcast C.I.), H-619 (four-inch to twelve-inch
A.C.), H-616 (ten-inch to twenty-four-inch pitcast C.I.).
(2) Resilient wedge gate tapping valve: Mueller T2360-16, Flange x M.J.
with accessories; S.S. bolts and nuts with gland with bonding set
screws and low zinc bronze valve stem, open counter clockwise.
(3) Resilient wedge gate valve: Mueller A-2360-20, M.J x M.J. with accessories;
S.S. bolts and nuts with gland with bonding set screws and low zinc
bronze valve stem, open counter clockwise.
(4) Resilient wedge gate valve OS&Y: Mueller A-2360-20, MJ x M.J.
with accessories; S.S. bolts and nuts with gland with bonding set
screws and low zinc bronze valve stem, open counter clockwise.
(5) Hydrant: Mueller Super Centurian 250, A-423, three-way, five-and-one-fourth-inch
main valve, open left, two two-and-one-half-inch hose nozzles and
one four-and-one-fourth-inch pumper nozzle, National Standards Threads,
six-inch inlet with gland with bonding set screws.
(6) Ductile iron (D.I.) pipe, U.S. Pipe, Class 52 or equivalent Pressure
Class Cement Lined Ductile Iron Pipe, Tyton Joint® with FIELD
LOK 350 gaskets. The minimum size D.I. pipe for water mains is eight
(7) Ductile iron fittings: U.S. Pipe, Trim Tyton® fittings with FIELD
LOK 350 gaskets.
(8) Two-inch detector check: Hersey Weighted Lever Detector Check Valve
Model DC with trim kit. Purchase the bypass meter from the Utility.
(9) Service saddles: For one-inch and two-inch taps: Mueller BR2RB series,
Bronze, Double Strap for C.I., D.I., and A.C. pipe with AWWA taper
thread (Mueller "CC"); for larger taps: as specified by the Utility.
Corporation valve: Mueller B-2508 300tm.
Curb gate valve (one-inch and two-inch): Mueller B-25209. Mueller,
110 Conductive, Compression Connections; for larger sizes as specified
by the Utility.
Copper service pipe (one-inch and two-inch): any national brand
of soft-rolled K copper.
Service fittings (one-inch and two-inch): Mueller, 110 Conductive,
Compression Connections. Victaulic fittings may not be used.
Ball valve (one-inch and two-inch): American Valve, T200C Brass
Full Port with compression ends.
Valve box: Bingham & Taylor, Cast Iron (C.I.) three-piece,
five-and-one-fourth-inch shaft with C.I. ring and cover, adjustment
20 inches to 84 inches, screw type, No. 8 round base with the word
specified herein on the round cover.
Service curb box (curb gate valve box): Bingham & Taylor,
Plastic, two-inch to two-and-one-half-inch shaft, screw type, including
base plate, adjustment 38 inches to 60 inches, with the word specified
herein on the round cover.
Four-inch and larger fire meter: Neptune High Performance Fire
Service Turbine Meter.
[Amended 9-27-2021 by Ord. No. 21-19]
If a meter fails to transmit data, the consumption will be charged
at the rate of the average daily consumption based on account history.
If, following an estimated bill, the customer is billed at a higher
tier rate in the subsequent billing period based on an actual read,
the customer may request their account be adjusted for consumption
that would have been eligible at a lower tier rate, had it been billed
during the estimated period. The adjustment will appear as a credit
on the account following review and approval.
All water which passes through a meter will be charged for,
whether used or wasted.
Plumbers and pipe fitters shall make full written return for
each service, upon blanks furnished by the Utility, of the ordinary
and special uses to which water is to be applied, whether for new
works, alterations or additions, with a full description of all apparatus
and arrangements for using the water. The return shall be made within
48 hours after the completion of the work. The water will in no case
be turned on until such return is made.
No plumber or pipe fitter shall be allowed to turn on the water.
The strength of all plumbing and piping will be subject to the
approval of the proper officers of the Utility.
No water connection over 100 feet away from any water main shall
be made unless permission therefor is obtained from the Mayor and
No outside hydrants or faucets will be permitted except for
sprinkling and fire protection unless permission therefor is obtained
from the Utility.
At the time that a permit is granted for tapping a water main,
a sewer permit must be obtained for the same premises, if not already
connected therewith, if such premises are located on a street wherein
both water and sewer pipes are laid, and an inspection must be made
and approval secured of such water connection by the Utility and of
such sewer connection by the Plumbing Subcode Official before the
work is covered.
Whenever an apparatus is installed to back water, there must
be a check valve on the inlet pipe thereof to prevent the water from
flowing back through the meter caused by a decreased pressure in the
street main.
In case of emergency when, by reason of drought or otherwise,
the available supply of water becomes dangerously low, the Mayor may,
by proclamation, adopt such temporary restrictions upon the use of
water as are necessary to conserve the available supply.
It shall be the duty and responsibility of the Director of the
Department of Community Development, or his designees and agents of
the Utility, specifically including but not limited to the Plumbing
Subcode Official and the Township Engineer, to concurrently enforce
the provisions of this chapter as herein provided.
Any person violating or failing to comply with any of the provisions
of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be punishable by a
fine of not more than $2,000 or by imprisonment for a term not to
exceed 90 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion
of the Judge. The continuation of such violation on each successive
day shall constitute a separate offense, and the person or persons
allowing or permitting the continuation of the violation may be punished
as provided above for each separate offense.