[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of East Syracuse as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 3-24-2003 by L.L. No. 1-2003 as § 201 of the 2003 Code]
Purpose. This article is enacted to insure the high moral conduct of Village officials and to maintain public confidence in the Village.
Basis and subordination. This article is enacted pursuant to § 806 of the General Municipal Law and is inferior and supplemental to Article 18 of that law and any other law regulating the ethical conduct of Village officials.
Notice of this article. The Village Clerk shall make copies of this article available to all Village officials and shall post a copy in the Village office. Failure to so post shall not affect compliance with or enforcement of this article.
Conflicts of interest. No Village official shall have any financial or other interest, engage in any business, or incur any obligation in substantial conflict with his discharge of duties in the public interest.
Conflicting employment. No Village official shall accept any other employment, present or future, which impairs his independence of judgment in exercising his duties.
Unwarranted privileges. No Village official shall use or attempt to use his official position to secure unwarranted privileges for himself or others.
Conflicting transactions. No Village official shall engage in any transaction as agent of the Village in which he has any financial interest that might reasonably conflict with the proper discharge of duties.
Personal investments. No Village official shall make personal investments in any enterprise which he has reason to believe may be directly involved in his decisions or will create a conflict between the public and his private interests.
Disclosure of personal investments. Any Village official who learns that a personal investment would appear to influence him in his official duties shall immediately file a written disclosure of this interest with the Village Clerk and shall refrain from discussion, deliberation or decisions on such matters.
Prohibited sales. No sale of goods or services to anyone who is licensed or whose rates are fixed by the Village shall be made by any full-time Village employee or firm or association of which such employee is a member, or corporation substantially owned or controlled by such employee.
In addition to any other penalty under law, any Village official who knowingly and intentionally violates this article may be fined, suspended or removed from office or employment in the manner provided by law.
All Village officials' duties under this article include:
Board of Ethics:
Inclusion on: § 24-5B.
Requesting opinions from: § 24-6B.
Building Inspector, cooperating with: § 67-16.
[Adopted 3-24-2003 by L.L. No. 1-2003 as § 212 of the 2003 Code]
Number and appointment. The Board of Ethics shall consist of five Village residents appointed by and serving at the pleasure of the Village Board.
Inclusion of Village officials. At least one and not more than two members of the Board of Ethics shall be Village officials.
Ex officio members. The Village Attorney shall be an ex officio nonvoting member of the Board of Ethics.
Legal counsel. All opinions of the Board of Ethics shall be on the advice of counsel employed by it or, if none, the Village Attorney.
At officials' request. The Board of Ethics shall issue advisory opinions on the Code of Ethics at the written request of Village officials.
Code of Ethics amendments. The Board of Ethics shall recommend amendments to the Code of Ethics at the Village Board's request.
Confidentiality. Advisory opinions of the Board of Ethics are confidential and the identity of officials involved shall not be disclosed except as required by law.
The Board of Ethics shall not commit to the expenditure of any monies except as appropriated by the Village Board.