In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where parts and sections of the 2003 Code have been included in the 2021 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. II.
Title/Part From 2003 Code
Location in 2021 Code
Title 0: General Provisions
Part 00, Scope
Ch. 1, Art. II
Part 01, Structure
Part 02, Language
Ch. 1, Art. II
Part 03, Amending This Law
§ 030, Continuity
§ 031, Amendments to Title 8 (Zoning)
Ch. 52, Art. I
Part 04, Notices
Ch. 63
Title 1: Public Administration
Part 10, Public Records
Ch. 84, Art. I
Part 11, Public Proceedings (Reserved)
Part 12, Purchasing (Reserved)
Part 13, Taxes
§ 130.0, Seniors partial property tax exemption
Ch. 310, Art. II
§ 130.1, Veterans partial property tax exemption
Ch. 310, Art. III
Part 14, Annual Budget (Reserved)
Title 2: Public Officials
Part 20, All Public Officials
§ 201, Code of Ethics
Ch. 24, Art. I
Part 21, Bodies
§ 210, Village Board
Ch. 113
§ 211, Assessment Review Board (Reserved)
§  212, Board of Ethics
Ch. 24, Art. II
§ 213, Parks and Recreation Commission (Reserved)
§ 214, Planning Board
Ch. 72
§ 215, Zoning Board of Appeals
Ch. 125
§ 216, Traffic Violations Bureau
Ch. 102
Part 22, Elected Officials
§ 220, Mayor
Ch. 67, Art. I
§ 221, Deputy Mayor (Reserved)
§ 222, Trustees (Reserved)
§ 223, Village Justice
Ch. 67, Art. II
§ 224, Terms of office
Ch. 97, Art. I
Part 23, Administrative Officials
§ 230, Village Clerk
Ch. 67, Art. III
§ 231, Deputy Village Clerk (Reserved)
§ 232, Village Treasurer
Ch. 67, Art. IV
§ 233, Village Court Clerks (Reserved)
§ 234, Public Works Superintendent
Ch. 67, Art. VII
§ 235, Department of Public Works Foremen (Reserved)
§ 236, Parks and Recreation Director (Reserved)
§ 237, Parks and Recreation Supervisors (Reserved)
§ 238, Assessor (Reserved)
§ 239, Bingo Inspectors (Reserved)
Part 24, Public Safety Officers
§ 240, Police Chief
§ 241, Acting Justice (Reserved)
§ 242, Building Inspector
Ch. 67, Art. VIII
§ 243, Code Enforcement Officer
Ch. 67, Art. IX
§ 244, Crossing Guards
§ 245, Fire Inspectors
Ch. 67, Art. X
§ 247, Fire Chief (blank)
Part 25, Volunteer Firefighters (Reserved)
Part 26, Retained Professionals
§ 260, Village Attorney
Ch. 67, Art. V
§ 261, Planning and Zoning Attorney (Reserved)
§ 262, Village Engineer
Ch. 67, Art. VI
§ 263, Insurance Agent (Reserved)
Part 27, Public Employees (Reserved)
Title 3: Public Property
Part 30, Public Buildings (Reserved)
Part 31, Public Equipment (Reserved)
Part 32, Public Parking
Ch. 240
Part 33, Public Parks (Reserved)
Part 34, Public Pedestrian Thoroughfares
§ 340, General rules for sidewalks
Ch. 304, Art. I
§ 341, Sidewalk maintenance
Ch. 304, Art. II
Part 35, Public Vehicular Thoroughfares
§ 350.0, Materials and excavations on streets
Ch. 304, Art. IV
§§ 350.1 to 358 (traffic regulations)
Ch. 326
Part 36, Street Margins
Ch. 304, Art. III
Title 4: Public Services
Part 40, Dependent Care (Reserved)
Part 41, Health Services (Reserved)
Part 42, Homesteading (Reserved)
Part 43, Housing (Reserved)
Part 44, Recreation (Reserved)
Part 45, Rental Assistance (Reserved)
Part 46, Senior Programs (Reserved)
Part 47, Solid Waste Removal
Ch. 289, Art. I
Title 5: Public Utilities
Part 50, Cable Service (Reserved)
Part 51, Electric Service (Reserved)
Part 52, Internet Service (Reserved)
Part 53, Phone Service (Reserved)
Part 54, Sewers
Ch. 277
Part 55, Water (Reserved)
Part 56, Storm sewers
Ch. 300, Art. II
Title 6: Conduct and Criminal Code
Part 60, Curfew
Ch. 163
Part 61, Disorderly Conduct
Ch. 248, Art. I
Part 62, Village Fire Alarm System
Ch. 133, Art. I
Part 63, Public Lewdness
Ch. 248, Art. II
Part 64, Public Nuisance
Ch. 233, Art. I
Part 65, Weapons Possession
Ch. 181
Part 66, Noise Abatement
Ch. 229
Part 67, Nuisance Abatement
Ch. 233, Art. II
Part 68, Loitering for the Purpose of Facilitating Gang Activity
Ch. 248, Art. III
Title 7: Regulation of Private Property
Part 70, Building and Fire Codes
Ch. 152
Part 71, Licenses
§ 710, Amusements
Ch. 137
§ 711, Games of chance
Ch. 189
§ 712, Junk dealers
Ch. 210
§ 713, Peddlers, solicitors and street vendors
Ch. 252
§ 714, Waste haulers
Ch. 289, Art. II
§ 715, Garage sales
Ch. 192
§ 715, Pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers
Ch. 244
Part 72, Restricted Commerce
§ 720, Sexually related businesses
Ch. 280
Part 73, Storage
§ 730, Storage tanks
Ch. 296, Art. III
§ 731, Outdoor storage of material
Ch. 296, Art. I
§ 732, Outdoor storage of motor vehicles
Ch. 296, Art. II
Part 74, Domestic Animals and Plants
§ 740, Pets permitted
Ch. 141, Art. III
§ 741, Dogs
Ch. 141, Art. I
§ 742, Cats
Ch. 141, Art. II
§ 743, Livestock
Ch. 141, Art. IV
§ 744, Weeds
Ch. 148
Part 75, Rental Registration and Inspection Program
Ch. 265, Art. I
Part 76, Disruptive Conduct Law
Ch. 265, Art. II
Part 77, Stormwater Management and Erosion and Sediment Control
Ch. 300, Art. I
Part 78, Fill and Drainage
Ch. 177
Title 8: Zoning
Ch. 340
Appendix 1, Dictionary
Appendix 2, Fees
Appendix 3, Penalties