[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of East Syracuse 3-24-2003 by L.L. No. 1-2003 as § 210 of the 2003 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Setting fees by resolution. The Village Board sets fees, reimbursement requirements, bonds and advance deposits for all permits and amusement center licenses by resolution.
Effective date of changes. Fees are effective for all applications made on or after the date the resolution setting the fee was adopted.
Notice of changes. Within 10 days of adoption, copies of a fee resolution must be posted conspicuously near the entrance to the Village Clerk's office, published in a newspaper of general circulation and provided to the Codes Enforcement/Economic Development Officer.
All actions of the Building Inspector are reviewable by the Village Board.
The Village Board's duties also include:
Setting hearing times and places: § 52-3.
Source of amendments: § 52-1.
Two-thirds vote of Board if landowners protest: § 52-7.
Board of Ethics: Chapter 24, Ethics, Article II, Board of Ethics.
Building Inspector: § 67-12.
Codes Enforcement/Economic Development Officer: Chapter 67, Officers and Employees, Article IX, Code Enforcement Officer.
Planning Board members: Chapter 72, Planning Board.
Zoning Board of Appeals Chair/Vice Chair: § 125-2.
Zoning Board of Appeals members: § 125-1.
Cats, designating enforcement agents: § 141-10.
Defective public property, prior notice of: § 63-3B(2).
Designating enforcement agents: § 741.33.
Setting fines for violations: § 741.14.
Editor's Note: See now Ch. 141, Animals, Art. I, Dogs.
Environmental assessment:
Setting form: § 807.30.[2]
Editor's Note: So in original.
Acting on if no other body designated: § 807.30.[3]
Editor's Note: So in original.
Fire Inspectors:
Appeals on smoke detectors: § 67-35.
Receiving quarterly reports from: § 67-32.
Recommendations for technical inspectors: § 67-31.
Firearms, permitting on Village property: § 181-2B.
Garbage stickers:
Setting the design for: § 289-1, definition of "sticker."
Setting the times and places at which sold § 279-3B(2).
Licenses, amusements:
Acting on: § 137-4A.
Determining application information: § 137-2F.
Setting the fee and term for exhibitions: § 137-3C.
Setting the fees for amusement centers: § 137-3A.
Setting fees for parades: § 137-3D.
Setting the fee and term for carnivals: § 137-3B.
Licenses, junk dealer:
Issuing: § 210-2C.
Receiving applications for: § 210-2A.
Licenses, peddlers, issuing: § 713.3.[4]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 252, Peddlers, Solicitors and Street Vendors.
Licenses, waste haulers:
Burning/burying waste: § 289-10D.
Determining form of proof of insurance: § 289-8F(4).
Setting application forms: § 289-8A.
Setting fees and deposits: § 289-8B.
Setting fees for special events: § 289-12.
Setting insurance coverage: § 289-8F.
Loading zones within fire lanes, establishing: § 240-4D(3).
Permits, building:
Approving building application forms: § 811.10.[5]
Editor's Note: So in original.
Review for multiple dwellings: § 811.233.[6]
Editor's Note: So in original.
Permits, communications:
Action on: § 340-9C(2).
Authorizing transfer of permit: § 340-9D(2).
Decennial review of permits: § 340-9C(10).
Extending time to remove unused towers: § 340-9D(7).
Finding existing facilities inadequate: § 340-9C(4).
Public hearing on: § 340-9C(3).
Receiving co-location letter of intent: § 340-9D(6).
Receiving Planning Board advisory: § 340-9C(1).
Reducing required setbacks: § 340-9C(7)(c).
Restricting use of noncompliant antennas: § 340-9D(3).
Varying height limits: § 340-9C(6)(b) and (c).
Permits, occupancy, allowing nonconforming: § 814.2.[7]
Editor's Note: So in original.
Permits, site plan:
Basis for issuing, general: § 340-11C(1).
Basis for issuing in C-1 Zones: § 340-11C(2).
Determining application information: § 340-11B.
Imposing conditions on: § 340-11D.
Removing Building Inspector: § 67-13.
Acting as or appointing hearing board: § 277-1, definition of "hearing board."
Authorizing extensions: § 277-4E(1).
Whether Village or developer pays for: § 277-5H(1).
Receiving petition from property owners: § 277-5H(3).
Hearings on defective: § 304-7C(5).
Cost of repairs may be added to tax levy: § 304-7C(6).
Resolution for cost-sharing repair program: § 304-11.
Setting contractors permit fees: § 304-8C.
Setting maximum fines for contractors: § 304-10C.
Solid waste:
Authorization to burn or bury: § 289-3E(4).
Determining disposal of: § 289-3A.
Notice of unpaid special handling fees: § 289-3B(6).
Setting collection and disposal fees: § 289-3B(7).
Traffic Violations Bureau, monthly reports from: § 102-8.
Unsafe structures:
Determining to demolish: § 252-4A.
Directing issuance of final notices: § 252-4G.
Extending compliance time: § 252-4D.
Receiving reports of: § 252-4B.
Requests for hearings before the Board: § 252-4C(3).
Setting time and place for hearings on: § 252-4E.
[Added 9-9-2019 by L.L. No. 2-2019]
Three Trustees shall constitute a quorum to do business. Any Trustee who absents himself or herself from any regularly scheduled meeting or work session of the Board of Trustees or committee work session without an excuse approved by a majority of the Trustees shall forfeit 1/12 of his or her annual salary. The affirmative vote of at least three Trustees shall be necessary to enact any local law, ordinance or resolution except to adjourn. No member shall be excused from voting except on matters involving the consideration of his or her own official conduct or where his or her personal financial interests are involved or as otherwise provided by law.