[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of East Syracuse 3-24-2003 by L.L. No. 1-2003 as § 215 of the 2003 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The five members of the Zoning Board of Appeals shall be Village residents appointed by majority vote of the Village Board to three-years terms, or the remainder thereof.
The Village Board appoints a Chairperson to chair meetings, administer oaths and compel witnesses' attendance and a Vice Chairperson to act in his absence.
The Zoning Board of Appeals may appoint a Secretary to take minutes of all meetings and keep records.
Three members shall constitute a quorum.
The Zoning Board of Appeals shall adopt rules for its actions and procedures when and as it deems appropriate.
The Zoning Board of Appeals shall hear and decide appeals from any denied building or occupancy permit or review any order or decision issued by a Village official under Chapter 340, Zoning. All actions require a resolution, adopted by at least three affirmative votes.
The Zoning Board of Appeals has authority to vary the application of any provision of Chapter 340, Zoning, so that the spirit of Chapter 340, Zoning, is observed, the public safety and welfare secured, and substantial justice done.
In making its decisions, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall consider the health, safety and general welfare of the Village. No variance shall be granted absent the following findings regarding the site or structure(s) for which the variance is sought:
Deprivation of reasonable use. The strict application of Chapter 340, Zoning, would deprive the applicant of reasonable use of the site or structure(s).
Unique circumstances. There are special circumstances which:
Are peculiar to the site or structure(s);
Do not apply generally to the area or neighborhood; and
Are not the result of an act of the applicant, or a predecessor, taken after the adoption of the provision of Chapter 340, Zoning, or a predecessor law, which the appeal seeks to vary.
Need and general prosperity. There is a need for the use that will enhance the Village's convenience and prosperity.
Consistent and not adverse. The variance is consistent with the intentions of Chapter 340, Zoning, and will not adversely affect neighboring persons or property or alter the essential character of the locality.
Minimum deviation. The variance granted is the minimum deviation from the provisions of Chapter 340, Zoning, that will accomplish the purposes of Subsections A through D.
Variances may include any conditions the Zoning Board of Appeals believes will improve compliance with the letter or spirit of Chapter 340, Zoning.
The Zoning Board's duties also include:
Extending deadline for termination of sex shops: § 280-4B.
Flood control variances:
Court appeals: § 184-20C.
Authority to hear: § 184-20A.
Basis for considering: § 184-20B.
Basis for acting upon: § 184-20D.
Placing conditions on: § 184-20E.
Special permits:
Basis for multiple dwellings: § 340-12C(7).
Hearing applications on: § 340-12C(1).
Setting application information: § 340-12B.
Special permits are required for:
Auto shops/gas sales in south side C-2 Zones: § 852.32.
Cemeteries in:
C-1 Zones: § 851.30.
C-2 Zones: § 852.30.
C-3 Zones: § 853.30.
R-1 Zones: § 841.30.
R-2 Zones: § 842.30.
Explosives manufacturing in:
I-1 Zones: § 855.30.
I-2 Zones: § 856.30.
Landfills in land conservation zones: § 843.30.
Multiple dwellings in:
C-1 Zones: § 851.31.
R-2 Zones: § 842.32.
Nursing homes in C-1 Zones: § 851.32.
Objectionable emissions in:
I-1 Zones: § 855.31.
I-2 Zones: § 856.31.
Satellite dish:
Additional conditions for: § 340-33C(3).
No more than 10 feet across: § 340-33C(1).
No more than 12 feet high: § 340-33C(1).
Over eight feet above roofs: § 340-33B(4).
Requiring greater setbacks for: § 340-33C(2).
Signs, freestanding: § 340-28A(1)(f).
Taverns in:
C-1 Zones: § 851.33.
C-2 Zones: § 852.31.
C-3 Zones: § 842.31.
Temporary commercial buildings in:
R-1 Zones: § 841.31.
R-2 Zones: § 842.31.
Editor's Note: See § 340-12A(1). The references in Subsections A through G, J and K are outdated.