In the event that the Borough shall grant to a grantee a nonexclusive revocable franchise to construct, operate, and maintain a cable communications system within the Borough, said franchise shall constitute both a right and an obligation to provide the services of a cable communications system as regulated by the provisions of this chapter and a franchise agreement.
The franchise shall be granted under the terms and conditions contained herein, consistent with the Municipal Borough Code and/or other applicable statutory requirements.
Any franchise granted by the Borough is hereby made subject to the general ordinances provisions now in effect and hereafter made effective. Nothing in the franchise shall be deemed to waive the requirements of the various codes and ordinances of the Borough regarding permits, fees to be paid, or manner of construction.
State of the art continuing obligation.
General requirement. Throughout the term of any franchise agreement, the franchisee shall construct, operate, maintain and upgrade the cable communications system in order to ensure that it continuously conforms to the state of the art in accordance with the requirements set forth herein below. In addition, the franchisee, either on its own initiative or at the reasonable request of the Borough, shall participate in or undertake experiments, test, and other activities to enhance and advance the state of the art of cable communications systems technology.
State-of-the-art report. A franchisee shall provide to the Borough, in a form satisfactory to the Borough, at the Borough's request, but no more often than once every year, a report setting forth the franchisee's review and assessment of the current state of the art of cable communications systems and its plans, if any, for upgrading the system to conform to the state of the art. The report shall address, at a minimum: technological advances making possible enhanced signal quality, publicly available equipment for the receipt of services or greater channel capacity and interactive systems; a list of each jurisdiction in which new technologies have been or are being used and a description of the experience those jurisdictions have had with such new technologies; and assessment of the costs associated with implementing such new technologies into the system; the franchisee's activities to enhance or advance such technology in connection with the system and any other cable communications system or systems operated by the franchisee or any affiliated person in the Borough or elsewhere and the franchisee's compliance with and any modifications with respect thereto; and assessment of the need to scramble Signals distributed over the system in order to prevent theft of service (such assessment to investigate alternatives to scrambling of signals and include a cost/benefit analysis of both scrambling and such alternatives that takes into account significant costs and benefits both to the franchisee and subscribers); a discussion of additional technological advances anticipated during the remainder of the term of the franchise, along with a projection of the costs and timetable for the franchisee offering such advances as part of or over the system; a discussion of what improvements the franchisee anticipates making in its customer service facilities, equipment, systems and operations during the remainder of the term of the franchise, along with a projection of the costs and timetable for the implementation of such improvements; a description of any technical experimentation which the franchisee or any affiliated person anticipates undertaking during the remainder of the term of the franchise; an assessment of the compatibility of the system with subscribers' televisions and video cassette recorders, the franchisee's compliance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the FCC pursuant to Section 624A of the Cable Act (47 U.S.C. § 544a) and any experimentation the franchisee is making to enhance such compatibility; and, generally, the steps the franchisee or any affiliated person is undertaking to continuously construct, operate, maintain and upgrade the system in accordance with the state of the art. The state-of-the-art report submitted by a franchisee may be only one resource that the Borough will consider in evaluating the franchisee's obligation pursuant to the terms and conditions of this chapter to continuously construct, operate, maintain and upgrade the system in accordance with the state of the art, and the Borough may commission third parties, as necessary, to ascertain the current state of the art in cable communications systems generally.
Procedures for maintaining state of the art. Upon receiving the report from a franchisee required pursuant to this section of this chapter, the Borough will evaluate such report and assemble any additional data necessary to ascertain whether the franchisee's system or any aspect thereof needs to be upgraded so that it meets the state-of-the-art requirement set forth herein.
Directive. Upon completing the evaluation contemplated by this section of this chapter, and after providing notice to a franchisee and an opportunity for the franchisee to comment, the Borough may issue a reasonable directive to the franchisee to upgrade the system so as to incorporate state-of-the-art features. Within 45 days after receipt of such directive, such franchisee shall submit plans, as specified by the Borough, describing how it intends to complete such Upgrade. Upon approval of such plans by the Borough, the franchisee shall commence and diligently pursue implementation of the required upgrade.
"State-of-the-art" or "state of the art," as applicable, means that level of technical or service performance, capacity and capability (including, but not limited to, plant or other equipment, access channel and other production equipment or facilities, construction techniques, customer service, facilities, equipment systems and operations, and performance standards) which has been developed and demonstrated in the cable industry, or any other comparable industry that provides services to the public under similar conditions, to be workable and economically and technically feasible and viable from time to time throughout the term of the franchise.
"Economically and technically feasible and viable" means capable of being provided:
Through technology which has been demonstrated in actual applications (not simply through tests or experiments) to operate in a workable manner; and
In a manner which has a reasonable likelihood of generating additional revenues or other financial benefits for a system, when measured over the term of the franchise.
For the purpose of operating and maintaining a cable communications system in the Borough, a grantee may erect, install, construct, repair, reconstruct and retain in, on, over, under, upon, across and along the public streets and ways within the Borough such wires, cable, conductors, ducts, conduits, vaults, manholes, amplifiers, appliances, pedestals, attachments and other property and equipment as are necessary to the operation of the cable communications systems; provided, however, that grantee complies with all design, construction, safety, and performance provisions contained in this chapter, the franchise agreement, and other applicable laws, including but not limited to the Federal Technical Performance Standards, National Electrical Safety Code (current edition) and the power company and telephone company pole contract standards.
No poles shall be erected by a grantee without prior approval of the Borough with regard to location, height, type and any other pertinent aspect. However, no location of any pole of the grantee shall be a vested right and such poles shall be removed or modified by the grantee at its own expense whenever the Borough determines that the public convenience would be enhanced thereby. Grantee shall utilize existing poles and conduits, where possible. The Borough shall have the right, during the life of the franchise, to install and maintain free of charge upon the poles owned by the grantee, any wire and pole fixtures that do not unreasonably interfere with the operations of the grantee.
No cable communications system shall be allowed to occupy or use the streets of the Borough or be allowed to operate without a franchise.
The term of any franchise as granted pursuant to this chapter shall be specified in the franchise agreement in the discretion of the Borough.
Any franchise granted pursuant to this chapter shall be nonexclusive. The Borough specifically reserves the right to grant at any time such additional franchises for a cable communications system as it deems appropriate, and/or build, operate and own such cable communications system or systems as it deems appropriate.
Transfer of franchise. No franchise granted hereunder shall be transferred and no control or controlling interest in any system, franchise, or franchisee shall be transferred without the prior written consent of the Borough, and then only under such reasonable conditions as the Borough may establish, and only if in compliance with Section 617 of the Cable Act (47 U.S.C. § 537) and regulations promulgated by the FCC to implement Section 617.
The franchisee shall promptly notify the Borough by written petition of any proposed transfer. The petition shall fully describe the proposed action and shall be accompanied by a justification for the action and, if applicable, an argument as to why such action would not involve a change in control or controlling interest. The Borough shall notify the franchisee as soon as all of the information required by the FCC, the franchise agreement, this chapter and all applicable state and local law has been received by the Borough and that therefore the petition is complete, after which the Borough shall take action within 120 days following the date such notice is provided by the Borough, pursuant to Section 617(e) of the Cable Act.
For the purpose of determining whether it shall consent to a transfer, the Borough may inquire, with the assistance of the grantee, into the legal, financial, character, technical, customer service, and operations qualifications of the prospective controlling party, and the effect that the proposed transfer and sale price may have on rates being paid by subscribers. Failure to provide all information reasonably requested by the Borough as part of said inquiry shall be grounds for denial of the proposed transfer. If the Borough finds the results of this inquiry are satisfactory, its consent to such transfer shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Assumption of control. Any financial institution having a pledge of the franchise or its assets for the advancement of money for the construction and/or operation of the franchise shall have the right to notify the Borough that it or its designees satisfactory to the Borough will take control and operate the cable television system. Further, said financial institution shall also submit a plan for such operation that will insure continued service and compliance with all franchise obligations during the term the financial institution exercises control over the system. The financial institution shall not exercise control over the system for a period exceeding one year, unless extended by the Borough at its discretion, and during said period of time it shall have the right to petition for transfer of the franchise to another grantee. If the Borough finds that such transfer, after considering the legal, financial, character, technical, customer service, and operations qualifications of the applicant are satisfactory and that the proposed transfer and sale price will not result in a rate increase to subscribers, the Borough will transfer and assign the rights and obligations of such franchise as in the public interest. The consent of the Borough to such transfer shall not be unreasonably withheld.
The consent or approval of the Borough to any transfer of the grantee shall not constitute a waiver or release of the rights of the Borough in and to the streets, and any transfer shall, by its terms, be expressly subject to the terms and conditions of this chapter and the franchise agreement.
The Borough reserves the right to review the purchase price of any transfer or assignment of the cable television system. Any negotiated sale value which the Borough deems unreasonable will not be considered in the rate base for any subsequent request for rate increases, if permitted by applicable law and § 259-16 of this chapter.
Any approval by the Borough of transfer of ownership or control shall be contingent upon the prospective controlling party becoming a signatory to the franchise agreement.
Except as otherwise provided in Subsection D above, the Borough reserves the right of first purchase in any transfer of the system. Should the Borough exercise this option, it shall do so within 30 days of notification and thereafter shall make payment therefor under the same terms and conditions as the proposed Transferee, or as the parties might otherwise agree.
The transfer of any franchise or the transfer of control or controlling interest in any system, franchise or franchisee without the prior written consent of the Borough shall be deemed to be an abandonment of the system by the franchisee under § 259-33 of this chapter and shall entitle the Borough to all of the rights set forth under § 259-33C.
Because the Borough finds that: the streets of the county, state, and Borough to be used by the grantee in the operation of its system within the boundaries of the franchise area are valuable public properties acquired and maintained by the county, state, and Borough at great expense to its taxpayers; and the grant to the grantee to the said streets is a valuable property right without which the grantee would be required to invest substantial capital in right-of-way costs and acquisitions; and the administration of this chapter and the franchise imposes upon the Borough additional regulatory responsibility and expense; and the presence of the grantee and its facilities places additional burdens upon the Borough police and road departments and the volunteer fire company serving the area which is supported by the Borough; A grantee of any franchise hereunder shall pay to the Borough a franchise fee in an amount as designated in the franchise agreement up to the maximum amount permitted under applicable federal, state, or local law. The present maximum franchise fee allowable is 5% of gross annual revenues.
In the event that any franchise fee payment or recomputed amount is not made on or before the dates specified in the franchise agreement, grantee shall pay as additional compensation an interest charge, computed from such due date, at the annual rate equal to the commercial prime interest rate of the Borough primary depository bank during the period that such unpaid amount is owed.
The franchise fee shall be payable as specified in the franchise agreement and shall be furnished at the time of each payment with a statement certified by the grantee's Chief Financial Officer reflecting the total amounts of gross revenues for the period conveyed by the payment.
The Borough shall have the right to inspect the grantee's income records and the right to audit and to recompute any amounts determined to be payable under this chapter for a period of five years from the date of payment. Audits shall be at the expense of the Borough unless the audit discloses an underpayment in any one year of 5% or more, in which case the costs of the audit shall be borne by the grantee. Any additional amount due the Borough as a result of the audit shall be paid within 30 days following written notice to the grantee by the Borough, which notice shall include a copy of the audit report, unless written notice of disagreement is filed by the grantee with the Borough within such time.
Grounds for revocation or acceleration of expiration date. The Borough reserves the right to accelerate the expiration of the franchise term and/or revoke any franchise granted hereunder and rescind all rights and privileges associated with the franchise in the following circumstances, each of which shall represent a default and breach under this chapter and the franchise agreement:
If the grantee shall default in the performance of any of the material obligations under this chapter or under such documents, contracts and other terms and provisions entered into by and between the Borough and the grantee.
If the grantee shall fail to provide or maintain in full force and effect the liability and indemnification coverage or any performance bond or security fund as required.
If the grantee shall violate any lawful orders or rulings of any regulatory body having jurisdiction over the grantee relative to this chapter or the franchise.
If the grantee practices any fraud upon the Borough or any Subscriber.
If it is determined that the grantee underpaid its franchise fee by 15% or more for any year.
If the grantee's construction schedule is delayed later than the schedule contained in the franchise agreement or beyond any extended date set by the Borough.
If there is an occurrence of any event which may reasonably lead to the foreclosure or other similar judicial or nonjudicial sale of all or any material part of the system, including, but not limited to, any of the following events:
Default under any loan or any financing arrangement material to the system or the obligations of the grantee under the franchise agreement;
Default under any contract material to the system or the obligations of the grantee under the franchise agreement; or
Termination of any lease or mortgage covering all or any material part of the system.
If in regards to any grantee:
A grantee shall suspend or discontinue its business, shall make an assignment for the benefit of creditors, shall fail to pay its debts generally as they become due, shall become insolvent (however such an insolvency may be evidenced), shall be adjudicated insolvent, shall petition or apply to any tribunal for, or consent to, the appointment of, or taking possession by, a receiver, custodian, liquidator or trustee or similar official pursuant to state or local laws, ordinances or regulations of or for it or any substantial part of its property, or assets, including all or any part of this system; or
A writ or warrant of attachment, execution, distraint, levy, possession or any similar process shall be issued by any tribunal against all or any material part of a grantee's property or assets; or
Any creditor of a grantee petitions or applies to any tribunal for the appointment of, or taking possession by, a trustee, receiver, custodian, liquidator, or similar official for the grantee or of any substantial parts of the assets of the grantee under the law of any jurisdiction, whether now or hereafter in effect, and an order, judgment or decree is entered appointing any such trustee, receiver, custodian, liquidator, or similar official, or approving the petition in any such proceedings; or
Any order, judgment or decree is entered in any proceedings against a grantee decreeing the voluntary or involuntary dissolution of the grantee.
If there is a failure to restore service after 96 consecutive hours of total system outage in 40% or more of the system, except when approval of such interruption is obtained from the Borough or is excused pursuant to Subsection B.
If the grantee transfers the franchise or transfers control or a controlling interest in any system, franchise or in the grantee itself without the prior written consent of the Borough pursuant to the provisions set forth in § 259-11.
Effect of circumstances beyond control of grantee. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter or the franchise agreement, a grantee shall not be liable for delay in performance of, or failure to perform in whole or in part its obligations pursuant to the franchise agreement or this chapter, due to strike, war or act of war, (whether an actual declaration of war is made or not), insurrection, riot, act of public enemy, accident, fire, flood or other act of God, sabotage or other events, where a grantee has exercised all due care in the prevention thereof and to the extent that such causes or other events are beyond the control of the grantee and such causes or other events are without the fault or negligence of the grantee. In the event that any such delay in performance or failure to perform affects only part of a company's capacity to perform, the company shall perform to the maximum extent that it is able to do so and shall take all steps within its power to correct such cause or causes. In correcting such cause or causes, a grantee shall take all reasonable steps to do so in as expeditious a manner as possible. A grantee shall notify the Borough in writing of the occurrence of an event covered by this subsection within five business days of the date upon which the grantee learns of its occurrence. Shortage or unavailability of equipment from suppliers shall not be deemed to be beyond the control of the grantee in regards to any construction delays.
Pending litigation or any appeal to any regulatory body or court having jurisdiction over the grantee shall not excuse the grantee from the performance of its obligations under this chapter or the franchise agreement. Failure of the grantee to perform such obligations because of pending litigation or petition may result in forfeiture or revocation pursuant to the provisions of this section. The Borough shall comply with any related court orders.
Procedure prior to revocation.
The Borough shall make written demand that the grantee do so comply with any such requirement, limitation, term, condition, rule or regulation or correct any action deemed cause for revocation. After written demand is made, the Borough may place its request for revocation of the franchise upon a regular Council meeting agenda. The Borough shall cause to be served upon such grantee at least seven days prior to the date of such Council meeting, a written notice of this intent to request such revocation, and the time and place of the meeting, notice of which shall be published by the Borough once, at least seven days before such meeting, in a newspaper of general circulation within the Borough.
The Council shall hear any persons interested therein, and shall determine in its discretion, whether or not any failure, refusal or neglect by the grantee was with just cause.
If such failure, refusal or neglect by the grantee was with just cause, as determined by the Council, the Council shall direct the grantee to comply within such time and manner and upon such terms and conditions as are reasonable.
If the Council shall determine such failure, refusal or neglect by the grantee was without just cause, then the Council may, by resolution, declare that the franchise of the grantee shall be revoked and the performance bond forfeited.
Disposition of facilities. In the event a franchise expires, is revoked or otherwise terminated, the Borough may in its sole discretion, do any of the following:
Order the removal of the system facilities from the Borough within a reasonable period of time as determined by the Borough.
Require the grantee to maintain and operate its system for a period of up to 18 months or such further time as may be mutually agreed upon. During any time the grantee continues to operate the system it shall do so pursuant to the terms of this chapter and its franchise agreement and shall be entitled to the revenues from the system.
Order that the system be transferred to another cable operator.
Restoration of property. In removing its plant, structures and equipment, the grantee shall refill, at its own expense, any excavation that shall be made by it and shall leave all public ways and places in as good a condition or better as that prevailing prior to the grantee's removal of its equipment and appliances without affecting the electrical or telephone cable wires or attachments. The Borough shall inspect and approve the condition of the public ways and public places and cables, wires, attachments and poles after removal. The liability, indemnity, insurance and performance bond as provided herein shall continue in full force and effect during the period of removal and until full compliance by the grantee with the terms and conditions of this subsection, this chapter and the franchise agreement.
Restoration by Borough; reimbursement of costs. In the event of a failure by the grantee to complete any work required by Subsection E or F of this section, or any other work required by Borough law or ordinance within the time as may be established and to the satisfaction of the Borough, the Borough may cause such work to be done and the grantee shall reimburse the Borough the cost thereof within 30 days after receipt of an itemized list of such costs or the Borough may recover such costs through the performance bond or letter of credit provided by grantee. The Borough shall be permitted to seek legal and equitable relief to enforce the provisions of this section.
Termination by insolvency. The franchise granted hereunder shall, at the option of the Borough, cease and terminate 120 days after the appointment of a receiver or receivers or trustee to take over and conduct the business of the grantee whether in a receivership, reorganization, bankruptcy or similar action or proceeding unless such receivership or trusteeship shall have been vacated prior to the expiration of said 120 days, or unless:
Such receivers or trustees shall have, within 120 days after their election or appointment, full complied with all the terms and provisions of this chapter and the franchise agreement, and the receivers or trustees within said 120 days shall have remedied all defaults under this chapter or the franchise agreement; and
Such receivers or trustees shall, within said 120 days, execute an agreement duly approved by the Court having jurisdiction in the premises, whereby such receivers or trustees assume and agree to be bound by each and every term, provision and limitation of the franchise agreement and this chapter.
Termination by judicial action. In the case of a foreclosure or other judicial sale of the plant, property and equipment of the grantee or any part thereof, including or excluding the franchise, the Borough may serve notice of termination upon the grantee and the successful bidder at such sale, in which event the franchise and all rights and privileges of the grantee granted hereunder shall cease and terminate 30 days after service of such notice, unless:
The Borough shall have approved the transfer of the franchise, in the manner this chapter provides, and
Such successful bidder shall have covenanted and agreed with the Borough to assume and be bound by all the terms and conditions of the franchise agreement.
All notices from grantee to the Borough pursuant to this chapter and the franchise agreement shall be to the Borough Manager or his designee. Grantee shall maintain with the Borough, throughout the term of the franchise, an address for service of notices by mail. Grantee shall also maintain with the Borough, a local office and telephone number for the conduct of matters related to the franchise during normal business hours. The grantee shall be required to advise the Borough of such address and telephone numbers and any changes thereof.